
David Gadison’s Super Hero Book

This is story about kid growing up as normal kid, but when he grew up, then a lot went wrong in twenty years of his life. Something happen, he had a dream, dreamed of all these miracles. Then when he woke up he start to believe all things possible, the supernatural came down on him as a star from sky fell on him as turn to drops of water then it fell on his head. Then he transform to Super Hero then he went fix everything that went wrong in twenty years of his life. And he went heal aunt of cancer, deliver his brother. And one lady lost her baby during birth and Mighty Man went save baby.

Also it were big tragedy going in the world and only got ten hours to stop nuclear bomb from destroying world. And Mighty Man went save the world Then he also he had these adversary try to go against him after bomb threat. Then it rain big stars from sky then the Mighty conqueror came to help Mighty Man then finally the earth were back to normal then Mighty conqueror went back home as whirlwind then Mighty Man got to go back home then the kids start crying then Mighty Man comfort their heart and then Mighty Man left as blaze of light, back to sky, then the kids start saying while Mighty Man.

Author Bio

David Gadison is an author of many books to come this year and many more. He from Gunnison, Mississippi; from lovely mother Lula Mae Gadison and awesome dad Willie James Beans, and eight brothers and one sister Mary Gadsion, brother Johny Gadison, Willie Gadison, Michael Gadison, James Gadison, Kevin Gadison, Derrick Gadison, and Terrel Gadison. Also blessing goes out to rest of family. He grew down south during tough time, when chopping cotton and planting wheat field were going on then he had to advance to the top.

During tough time he went north and made a beautiful daughter Jakayla Dion. And also start working real estate place selling time-share. He did that eight and half years, one of the top sales representatives and earn two trophies. And after time his dad moved up north to Illinois, then David start taking care of his dad because of diabetes and blindness. And during that time David were inspired by the Heavenly Father to write books about his glory. During time David famous mentor kept pushing him to the top. Now he inspired a lot of people all around the world in all generation and more to come.

Thanks in Jesus name
‘’I’m Bless’’

Turning Point


About the time of the end, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation, in the midst of much clamor and opposition.

Sir Isaac Newton (the 18th century)

One of the best kept secrets of our era is, the covenant revelation of hamitic people and God’s original intent for them. As one of the open secrets, Turning Point explores the beginning being black, while destroying the myth of Christ as white. Locked away in that secret spiritual chamber, are some of the most valuable keys to the liberation of black people. One of the keys on that ring, unveils even the deceptive trap orchestrated for and against white people and the world. It further reveals why there is such an insistence on the refusal to change or consider any other possibilities.

Turning Point demonstrates another key on that chain, is unlocking the process of contaminating the word of God and how stealthily and strategically it is done. Perhaps the most important key on that chain, is the hamitic’s appointment of the prophetic identifying Christ. All of this moves the black struggle from just social liberation, to its fundamental basis of spiritual emancipation and illumination of the gospel. Establishing the indisputable nexus, that the two are inextricably tied together. Turning Point shows why the struggle will never end, as it discloses the real target. The existence of black people is continuously under the threat of diluting, having to identify with every aggrieved class and cause, attenuating their strength and effectiveness, relegating them to a confused intermix of subjugated servitude. Turning Point shows this is the time God has granted for a major turn of events, where the prophetic can take its rightful place.

About the author:

Bishop Harold Dawson, Sr. has served as pastor and founder of New Hope International Ministries since 1970. His ministry includes 25 years in TV and radio, he served on the board of One Church One Child for 20 years, networking with churches across the country to facilitate the adoption of African American infants. He’s the founding president of Lifeline Family Services, and he has served on many other community and church boards. Bishop Dawson served on the Board of Trustees of International Third World Leaders Association with Dr. Myles Munroe together with leaders from 73 nations. He and his wife, Valerie reside in Alpharetta, Georgia. He has four adult children and nine grandchildren.

The Messiah’s Signature

Seeds of “The Messiah’s Signature” were planted in the mid-late nineties The cover’s photograph was captured one Fall mid-afternoon in Seattle. Jeanette attended Shoreline college where the English professor realized her writing potential.

Shortly after relocating to Texas she was invited to a Christian Writers’ group. In the early 2000’s she began a journal of words and phrases from her Pastors’ sermons.

In 2015 her collection of poems and prose, was finally compiled. Supporting images consist of photographs taken during her extensive travels; watercolors, which includes one painted by her Mother, and for readers’ edification, the accompanying bible verses are complete.

To God be the Glory

August 2017

About the author:

Jeanette’s ancestry, can be traced to the Spanish Inquisition era. The De Litra family of Portugal fled their homeland to escape its tyranny. Those, who could afford passage, sought refuge in the Americas; others sailed to the shores of Wales.
(There the family name was changed to Little). She was transplanted from her homeland Wales via Australia to America in the mid-eighties. No doubt, during her global sojourns, unbeknown to her, other descendents and her pathways have intersected.

Her aptitude for writing poetry was encouraged, during the nineties, by her English instructor Nancy of Shoreline Community college in Seattle, and a dear friend and professor Rose, of Seattle Pacific university. Upon relocation to Texas in 2000, she joined San Antonio’s Christian Writers Group. This intimate organization has proved fertile ground for her creative abilities.

In late 2015 Jeanette completed “The Messiah’s Signature” and published it in eBook format.Time has proved readers prefer the tactile, visual, enjoyment, and comfort of absorbing the book’s content via the printed word on paper.

The Second Coming: Revelations Comes Alive

Jesus comes the first time as a lamb. The second time, He will rule and reign. In the final battle of good versus evil, Satan’s powers are defeated. The SuperChurch, the church set up by the devil, will come to an end. Believers in Christ—the true church—will be raptured, and God in Christ Jesus will have an unfolding system with the people of the world, as well as the people of heaven. But then the Lamb of God takes the scroll. He alone is worthy to open it because He shed his precious blood for us. He offers salvation to all those who accept Him. Those who do not are subject to the Tribulation. The opening of the seventh-seal scroll is a turning point. God’s patience has ceased. For while His love is eternal, His patience is limited. The Second Coming: Revelations Comes Alive depicts the end time in language easily relatable to readers today. Sonia McGary has written these words so that all who read them will have the opportunity to be open to the Lord and His message.

About the Author:

The book was written in (1997) by Sonia McGary, a former Travel Consultant Leader and former AT&T representative from Texas. She has been happily married to her Christian lord Dennis Carl for twenty-four years. She is the mother of three, one son Matthew, one adopted daughter Ilany from Israel, one stepdaughter Carlethia and one nephew Joshua. At age 57, Mrs. McGary received her (LLB) degree in (2016) to further her teaching methods. She is currently a housewife, who enjoys counseling teens and young adults preparing them for leadership predestined by Him in Jesus. The author of this short story picture bible is intriguingly inspired to continue to grow in His Leadership and sharing the Gospel to the world. Her favorite scripture is “The just shall live by faith.” (Hab. 2:1-4) She wrote this enthralling book in (1997) published in (2008) by Vantage Press Inc. New York, NY. Republished by Litfire Publishing Co. LLC (2017).

The Jaws of Agnes

The Jaws of Agnes is a historical novel, documentary, and satire about hurricane Agnes. It describes the hurricane that flooded Elmira, New York, and adjacent towns in mid-June, 1972.

Edgar L. Biamonte is an accomplished musician, educator and writer. As a pianist, he has been professionally performing in restaurants and various occasions since he was 18 years old. He joined the 686th Air Force Band as a beginning pianist in 1950. After being honorably discharged, he and his band toured Europe with Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming and Ava Gardner during the Christmas season of 1952. He received his B.A. in English from Queens College, Flushing, New York in 1961 and his M.S. in Education from Elmira College Graduate School, Elmira, New York in 1968. He taught English, including poetry and creative writing at Southside High School in Elmira from 1962 until he retired in 1985. Over 100 of his 325 poems were published in literary magazines and many won or placed in various contests. Among his works are Window of Eternity, a life/death book published by Ashley Books in 1984 and Window to Eternity, a sequel published by Balboa Press in May 2012. He also wrote four novels and a collection of short stories. He eventually became an accomplished jazz pianist and composer and soloed on several Carnival Cruise ships and “Mariner of the Seas,” Royal Caribbean Line. He still plays piano professionally and appears on the Internet under edgarbiamonte.com. Currently, he is a resident of Hemlock Farms since he moved from Miami in 2002. He has three sons, one daughter, two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.


This is all about the Earth, our host planet, our Mother as we often call her. In times of rapid and disruptive change many look to science and religion for answers and direction. Why not ask the Earth itself? We often assume that the Earth is simply a physical planet spinning through space. Wisdom has it that she is a living entity, a consciousness, on a journey all of her own, in harmony with her Solar System relatives in a galaxy of further relatives. I have utilized a method of entering an altered state of consciousness, called astroshamanism, to reach beyond the illusion of this third dimension to ask for her wisdom and guidance. These messages are the result. They will challenge your beliefs, stretch your mind, and touch your heart.

Author Bio

Naval Academy graduate, former Episcopal priest, artist, writer, and currently Chiropractor, Michael has always been interested in healing and expanding consciousness. He lives in Lawrence Kansas.

Welcome to the Family of God: New Convert Workbook

Welcome to The Family of God: New Converts Workbook encompasses the fundamentals of righteous Christian living. Just as the process of changing your citizenship status can seem overwhelming in the natural, it might seem so in the spiritual. With the help of the Holy Spirit you can enjoy kingdom living with ease. This practical and divinely inspired workbook provides new converts with the tools, rules, and practice to make heaven a reality in their lives. This brilliant workbook includes step by step instructions for life in the kingdom and subject reviews to build confidence.

To contact the author or for more Christian resources contact us by sending a mail to RevSola@mykpc.org or check our website: www.SolaBabalola.com

Author Bio

Rev. Sola Babalola is Founder of KPC International and the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Pathway Church located in Chicago, Illinois. He is the President of the Kingdom Pathway Networks, an outreach ministry with a divine mandate of “Raising men & women of stature, who will have a vision for life; develop a mission to accomplish the vision; and be driven with passion to follow through.” Sola holds an MBA. He is married to Rev. Adesola and they are blessed with four beautiful daughters.

Escape Artist An Anthology

Escape Artist was first published in November of 1995, and this anniversary edition contains virtually all the same poems.

Let me quote from my description from the original version: “Escape Artist tells of my retreat into my little world, the protective cocoon from which I observe life.” The poems are, in a simple phrase, “life, according to me”. Most of the experiences are personal, but some are borrowed from others. The observations, however, are all mine. Welcome to the “hideout of the visionary”.

One key difference worth noting here: I have added an extra poem – ‘in loco parentis’ – that did not appear in the earlier version because it did not exist at the time.


About the author

Byron Sogie-Thomas was born and raised in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and is a naturalized American. A thirdgeneration public servant, he graduated cum laude from Howard University and earned a Masters degree at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He resides in Maryland with his wife Yewande. His most recent anthology of poems, entitled Razor Bumps and Stretch Marks, also published by LitFire, is available from the publisher, Amazon, and a variety of online booksellers. You may follow Byron on Twitter — @yrubored.

Their Own Anam Cara: A Journey of Destiny

Everything is a differentiation of itself; what has a front has a back, what has a back has a front, and the bigger the front, the bigger the back. is certainly holds true in THEIR OWN ANAM CARA…A JOURNEY OF DESTINY, the first of the Anam Cara Trilogy.

Sir Ailin Drummond and Sarah “Angel” Evangeline Hale, a direct descendent of Boadecia, Queen of the Iceni, in the 1600’s in Scotland and Ireland, are caught up in the turbulence of the times. They’re faced with plantationists, dark and light magyk, pirates, druids and druidesses, clan battles, the whisky trade, and magical creatures. Through it all, they begin to learn what love, hate, loss, vengeance, hope, and faith can do to break or transform their lives.

Author Bio

Laura Veazey Morrison-Roets has a diverse background in traditional naturopathy, allopathic health, therapeutic and outdoor recreation, has earned an EdD in Applied Educational Studies and a PhD in Traditional Naturopathy, an MA in Athletic Administration, and is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Drug Counselor Supervisor, Certified/Licensed therapeutic Recreation Specialist, and a Case Manger III. She is Scottish, Irish, and Cherokee, and a member of Omicron Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, member of the Scottish Society of Northwest Arkansas, as well as a re-enactor for Scots of the Old West, portraying Belle Starr and Calamity Jane. She is a musician and writer and loves camping, kayaking, geocaching, raising Angus and Jake, and spending time with her children, and as much time as she can at her cabin in the Mark Twain National Forest.

WE DANCED!: A Devotional Filled with Excerpts From the Dance of a Real Fairy-Tale Romance Including Practical Dance Tips

Marriage is like dancing. To learn to dance, you follow the steps on a paper chart, placing each foot in the footsteps on the floor as indicated-but it takes lots of practice to dance fluidly with great finesse.

Often when we marry, we believe we are in love and marriage can’t get any better. However, there will be times where we swing and our partner sways. There are going to be times when both partners are fighting for the lead. At other times we just melt together and everything is totally synchronized. Is it possible to keep that synchronization forever?

In We Danced, author Lin Sons presents a story-like couples devotional using her 40-year marriage intertwined with a theme of dance. Lin offers life lessons applicable to any couple, whatever their own personal story. Each life lesson is followed by a dance tip designed to bring couples finesse in their dance of marriage.

The message in We Danced is clear: the marriage dance takes lots of practice. By invitation, the Lord provides the strength, joy and finesse.

About the Author

Lin Sons completed her BA in Biblical Studies at Atlantic Coast Bible College and Seminary. As a relationship coach to women and couples, Lin encourages them to apply biblical principles to everyday living. She was married to Buck for forty years; she has two children.