
Turmoil in Highland?

This novel is the story of a man who lives and breathes High Land in the very fiber of his being. This man is Anglaisien. He carries a thousand and one memories of things and people, both seen and heard, as well as life stories and experiences. In spite of his fear, he goes alone at night to the cave. His audacity bears fruit. He receives a call from the other world. In the cave, instead of Sarasin, he finds himself face to face with a silhouette; it is his mother, High Land. He learns two astonishing and extraordinary truths: firstly, that he has been given a mission — to publish “His Mother's Cause” ; and secondly that she will be the Mother of All Nations.

Now, he and the ravishing Miss Oloffson cross paths. If in the beginning there was Adam and Eve, on the eve of the emergence of the Land of Nations, there is Anglaisien and Miss Olofsson. Given their passion for High Land, will they become King and Queen? High Land is in solid alliance with Suezza, Miss Olofsson's native country and all of her sister-nations. The emergence of High Land, Land of All Nations, this new center of the universe — will this soon take place?

In this work of marvelous, magical and prophetic allure, many worlds, many levels of symbolism, mystery, and knowledge seem to exist together, interconnect, or intersect. The places, numbers, and characters seem allegorical and resemble carriers of coded messages.

To all those who are interested in the emergence of Haiti, in its earthly and subterranean mysteries, in its waters, caves, Indian and colonial ruins, the novelist Roland Rodené, born in Les Anglais, Haiti, friend of God, author of “Cynbel and Zothia,” holder of a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master's Degree in Administrative Studies (Multinational Commerce) from Boston University, offers much to question, examine, compare, and reflect upon in a quest to delve more deeply into the myths and mysteries of Haiti.

For, when it concerns Haiti, fiction is never very far from reality, and vice versa.

Tina and Rudy

“But Rudy, you cannot give up these things: pasture, riding, planting peas
and prick herbs.”
“Never, Miss. Lucienne! If I don’t do them, I betrayed my farming
country, I betrayed my origins, I betrayed my parents, and I betrayed you
too, the people of the city.”
If chance exists destiny too.
Free people are rich.
Young people are capable! Do not limit them!
Never betray your friends!
A good friend can be of any nationality!
Some men are transnational.
Answer the call of your heart!
e world is for us.
Give and take!
If we need intelligence and courage for life, of course, to die well, we need
faith in God through his Son Jesus Christ.
is is the content of Tina & Rudy.
About the author:

Roland Rodene was born in Les Anglais, Haiti. Friend of God, author of Cynbel & Zothia and Turmoil in High Land? He holds a Bachelor in Economics and a Masters in International Commerce from Boston University.

Understanding the Hadeeth (Sayings) of Prophet Muhammad in the context of the Qur’an

The Qur’an and the Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are the two main sources of knowledge in Islam. The Qur’an is a divine revelation inspired to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), that guides us to the truth, and has principles that improves our character and behavior. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) applied Qur’anic teachings in his character and behavior, and therefore became an example to follow.

The Prophet (PBUH) lived more than 1400 years ago, in an environment different from our society today. He addressed issues, and answered questions, and gave advice that is relevant today. His sayings need to be understood in historical context and in the context of the Qur’an.

This book examines some sayings of the Prophet and explains the concepts and morals in his Hadeeth (sayings) in the context of the Qur’an, and how we can apply these principles and teachings in our life. Both the Qur’an and the Sunnah (tradition) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) guide to what is right, and improve our character and behavior, and make us better human beings, aware of our accountability to God.

About the author:

Dr. Foad is a Rheumatologist in private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio, since 1975. He
has studied religion and have a BA and MA in theology.

Dr. Foad wrote several books on Islam, the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad, including: God’s prophets; Accountability; The Seerah (life story) of Prophet Muhammad; Noble character: 3 volumes; The Qur’an: its message and concepts; Understanding Islam: views of a moderate Muslim; What Christians should know about the Qur’an & Muhammad; Understanding the New Testament in the context of the Qur’an; Understanding the Hebrew Bible in the context of the Qur’an; Explanation of Qur’anic verses: 3 volumes.

The current book is an attempt to learn and understand the Prophet’s sayings in the context of the Qur’an, and to present the Sunnah (sayings of the Prophet) in a clear and logical way, in order to improve our character and behavior.

He has been involved in interfaith dialogue for 35 years, and taught at the Islamic center, Universities, churches and synagogues about Islam and the Qur’an. He is a founding member of the Islamic center in Cincinnati.

She is a Pearl of Great Price: Finding Her Worth

Helen Anderson Baffuto’s first book weaves a timeless message of a young woman struggling to find the value of her life. She relates to that place in each of our hearts that questions, “Am I worth loving?”. On her quest she sees a unique pearl in a jewelry store window that would lead her to the answer that she has been searching for so long.

There was someone who knew and understood how valuable she was and just how much she was loved.

Share in the truth that was revealed to her and see that the answer has been there all the time.

About the author:

Helen Anderson Baffuto is an author who has an inspirational gift for storytelling. She resides in New York with her husband. This is her first published book. She is currently working on her next book.

The Surface Beneath

From the last breaths of FBI Special Agent Kathy Stevens, former naval intelligence officer Jack Steele accepts a mysterious key. As he seeks answers, the key leads him to a forty-year-old secret that could bring down the Chair of the US Intelligence Committee and the official candidate to the presidency of the United States of America. Alone, overmatched and without resources, Jack must use all his special training and expertise to remain alive and to protect the woman he loves, from the hands of an international assassin and two FBI double agents ordained to kill him.

Author Bio

Dennis Quiles earned a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s degree in business administration. A US military veteran and an accomplished professional of the protection business; he is the director of corporate security for one of the world’s largest multinational corporations. Quiles and his wife have three children and currently live in Illinois. The Surface Beneath is his first book.

Intended Consequences Separatist Democracy Exposed

America’s Literary Archives are replete with historical narratives that depict and expresses the promulgation of American exceptionalism. They mostly underscore Angle-European heroism and fortitude that made possible the exploration conquests of Roanoke and Jamestown, Virginia to the technological superiority America experiences today and all major events during that four hundred years span. Some reference specific topics — Presidents, wars, race ethnicity, government, etc. — and their influence in galvanizing “The People” to produce the current worlds’ super-power. As the most notable books on American history are written by educated and influential authors that sincerely attempt to paint literary portraits of American history that are not occidentally benign, a darker, not so favorable narrative exists that has had an even greater effect on this nation than one would dare to articulate because of ideology; racism. This book however, is intended to capture an honest view of a journey through Americas’ darkest past from the disparate African American / Black perspective as they navigated a Labyrinth of Sterile immanence from servitude toward freedom and eventual acceptance of a symbiotic citizenship with symbolic equal rights by a recalcitrant ‘public’. That journey was not only plagued by a predisposed racist culture of white supremacy, it was callously sanctioned by an Anglo-Supreme Court law that still persists today in
many respects. The consequences of racism in America are intended, with respect to the ‘other’, despite plausible condescending arguments to the contrary.

This work started as a thesis and morphed into a short novel. The following edition will be a novel in earnest, and give a clear view of the origin, psychology, and perpetuation of racism in American.

About the Author

CHARLES L. ANDERSON was born in Tampa, Florida in 1954. Born into poverty, he was raised by two God fearing, loving, hardworking, disciplining parents. Although, racism was understood, it wasn’t realized until entering an integrated junior high school in the late sixties. Charles enlisted into the United States Coast Guard after high school in 1973, and was trained as a Small Boat Captain for search and rescue at O.C.S. Academy, Yorktown, Virginia.

After military he relocated to Miami, Florida and attended Miami Dade Community College. Charles quickly becomes a member of the college’s Computer Science Association for Business Data Processing in 1979. While there at college he developed passion for history and African studies.

Psychological conflict and drugs crippled him and prison became the escape where his passions intensified. Charles became an autodidact in existentialism by studying such authors as Camus, Sartre, Beauvoir, Fromm and history by Bertram Russel, Sertima: to name a few. The concept of “The Other” became his primary focus and prompted examination of the hidden sins of Americanism.

Two Large Families

This is a story about two farm families. The children are taught in both families to share in loving relationships. They all enjoy many happy times in family activities. They learn good behavior and caring for each other. The children learn how to be thrifty and respectful to others.

They all enjoy learning and getting ahead in school. They learn from an early age about sharing and good behavior. Early on, they learn that things go well for the family when each child does his or her share.

They learn by parental instructions that bullying is very undesirable for anyone wishing to be a success.

Where Love Has Been

Genelle Warren’s initial reaction to the first sign of conflict is to run away. So, for ten years, she has not been home. She has mastered the art of running away to avoid her past, her family, and the boyfriend she easily left behind. But now she is left with no choice. Extreme circumstances call her back to her hometown. Aside from her sister’s upcoming wedding to an old flame, she has to deal with her aunt Bab’s persistent attempts at matchmaking. Things seem to turn from bad to worse, until Genelle discovers God’s plans for her life. Through her family’s support and the help of a new love interest, she embarks on a journey of love, faith, and hope that will make her realize the power of God’s love. In Him, she has a chance to be changed and restored.

Author Bio

Shenise L. Sampson has earned her bachelor’s degree in English literature and radio-TV-film from the University of Texas at Austin. A prolific writer, she has coauthored and performed a theatrical work called Breaking Boundaries: Hear Our Voices. It was showcased in the Cohen New Works Festival. Currently, Sampson lives in Houston, Texas.

The Green Vial

The Green Vial, the crackling new techno-thriller from Nicholas Orsini, is about a dedicated and highly professional government scientist who gets drawn into a terrorist plot. It all starts with a deadly earthquake in the Iranian desert. Dr. Roger Rogers, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey, and his attractive graduate assistant, Teresa Marchetti, team up to lead an on-site investigation to gather scientific data from the region for their research studies. In Iran, the two meet their Iranian counterparts and Bjorn Arnarson, a Norwegian science attaché. All goes well until they are forced to make an emergency landing in a restricted biological-weapons development area and are taken into custody. While in confinement, a disillusioned member of an underground faction tells Rogers about the plot and attempt to extort millions of dollars from the U.S. government under threat of dumping anthrax bacterium into the water supplies of several major cities. With literally millions of lives at stake, Dr. Rogers finds himself confronting unimaginable challenges. What follows a dramatic escape via the Afghani border, a detour to Norway (where additional threads in the case are unraveled), and, ultimately, the involvement of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the U.S. President himself reveals Orsini as a master of suspense a worthy and welcome heir to the tradition that includes Patricia Highsmith, Graham Greene, and John le Carre.

Author Bio

A graduate of Colgate University, NICHOLAS ORSINI grew up in South Glens Falls, New York. He served in the Air Force for twenty-four years, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. His work on the Vela Uniform program, detecting underground nuclear explosions and differentiating them from earthquakes, took him to countries in Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East, the South Pacific, and Antarctica. He was a Chief of the Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory and managed a program to build and install seismic stations in Africa and South America. As a licensed private pilot, he managed to log over 800 hours of flying time; he has also traveled more than 70,000 miles on six different motorcycles.

The Human Photosynthesis

The concept of Photosynthesis (building-up something using the Energ of light) is presently applied only to the plants kingdom. However the unraveling of the intrinsic property of melanin to split and re-form the water molecule breaks the paradigm. During a study about the three main causes of blindness initiated in 1990 in Aguascalientes, Mexico; Dr. Solis Herrera found the previously unknown capacity of melanin molecule to absorb photonic energy, dissipating it in a unique manner: splitting the water molecule. The very first step of life in plants and humans is practically the same: the dissociation of the water molecule.

About the author:

Dr. Solís Herrera was born in Mexico City in August 19, 1953. He studied medicine at Escuela Superior de Medicina, of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional; Dr. Solís-Herrera also is Ophthalmologist by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Neuro-Ophthalmologist by Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Dr. Manuel Velazco Suarez; has a Master Degree in Medical Sciences from Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes and has a PhD in Pharmacology from Universidad de Guadalajara. Dr. Solís Herrera is Director and Founder of Human Photosynthesis Study Center, since 2009. His discovery of the intrinsic property of melanin to split and re-form the water molecule gradually is gaining the world attention.