
Understanding Teens

It is not God’s plan for us to depend on our own efforts and just do our best as parents; He wants us to understand and obey His will.

It seems that there are many options available when it comes to information on parenting teens, in fact, God’s Word is the only reliable source; looking elsewhere will leave you ignorant and confused about how to raise your teen. Following the example of your parents is a common choice that leads to repeating their same mistakes. God provides us with all the information needed to succeed at this awesome task, and this Discipleship Workbook is a tool based on His Word to guide you through the Scriptures where you will find the answers you need. Traditional, blended or single parent families’ will all benefit equally from this information.

This Discipleship Workbook provides the following practical tools:

  • To build a strong spiritual foundation for parenting.
  • To work together (if married) as a team.
  • Important principles that help you maintain a healthy loving relationship with your teen.
  • How to instill mature character in your teen through loving discipline.
  • How to disciple your teen.
  • To understand the emotional and physical changes your teen is going through. This knowledge will help remove the fear and confusion that both teens and parents experience during adolescence.
  • Helping parents get a unified vision in where they are leading their teen toward maturity and how they are going to get there.

Every parent wants to do the right thing, but parenting according to God’s will does not come naturally. Failure comes naturally, so we must choose to rely upon His Word and His grace to accomplish this important undertaking. But we also need guidance from materials such as this workbook, and from other mature believers who can disciple us in these truths. Being a parent is one of the most important tasks God has given us to do for Him here on earth, and we need to prioritize this training within our churches and disciple God’s people in these truths.

The UNDERSTANING TEENS DISCIPLESHIP WORKBOOK can be used for personal study, as a counseling tool, or as a study guide for a men’s or women’s group, Sunday school class, or home group. It will draw you into God’s perspective as you commit to completing the various aspects of study: reading of Scripture; answering questions, studying definitions of biblical words, cross referencing biblical principles, and practicing self-examination leading to action plans. This workbook is very practical and has many illustrations to help you grasp the biblical principles that are being presented. If you commit to learning the material and apply it faithfully, God will not only transform you as a parent, but your entire family will be blessed.

THE AUTHOR, Pastor Craig F. Caster, is the Founder and Director of FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES. With many years of experience as a youth pastor, marriage and family counselor, teacher, speaker and author, he has gained a reputation as a trusted resource for equipping and ministering to families. He has developed Bible-based marriage and parenting tools and touched the lives of countless people through his seminars hosted by churches around the US and internationally. Pastor Craig has been a keynote speaker at conferences, retreats, family camps, and a weekly radio program. Married since 1980, he is enjoying three grown children and grandchildren.

Please visit the FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES website at www.FDM.world or www.DiscipleshipWorkbooks.com where you will find more information as well as resources concerning the family that are free for downloading; videos, audio, workbooks, leader’s guides and articles are available.

FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES exists “for the equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,” (Ephesians 4:12), and to carry out The Great Commission by making disciples for Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).

People of God – One and All Saints and Sinners

Her poetry is inspired by the Holy Spirit, many times with an instructional focus. She received and discovered this gift to write poetry in her latter years of teaching. In her newly revised book People of God – One and All: Saints and Sinners, different aspects of being a saint and a sinner are explored. Questions are asked, thoughts are provoked, and concepts are delved into in comprehending the reality of being both a saint and a sinner. In People of God-One and All: Come and Be…, Part 1 she explores the concepts of grace, relationships, and sacred struggles. In Part 2 she explores this through the wonder of God, the production of fruits evolving through faith, and how to be bold in faith. Both books explore and ponder upon the ideas of faith, relationships with God and each other, and what is expected in carrying out one’s faith. In all the books, scripture passages for further study and references are provided with most of the poems to further question and reflect on one’s faith and how to mature oneself in the faith realm and share it with others.
In retirement, she quilts with many being sewn for philanthropy projects locally and around the world. Additionally, she reads, does genealogy, and actively participates in church activities.

About the author:

EDITH CLOSE-VAZIRI was an elementary school teacher for 41 years in her native state of California and achieved National Board Certification in the area of Middle Childhood. Although she grew up in the rural community of Sutter in Northern Calif., she taught her whole teaching career in Los Angeles with
forty years at one small elementary where she taught first through fifth grade over the decades. In her final years as a public-school teacher, she also mentored new teachers and helped the school district in the credential process for beginning teachers.

Graduating from California Lutheran University, she received a B.A. in history; she completed her elementary credential and received her M.A. in elementary education at California State University-Los Angeles.

How Things Were Not: Imaginative Tales Told in Rhyme

The prologue explains all. From Julius Ceasar, Cleopatra, Marc Antony, Marie Antoinette (even Alice of Wonderland fame), with Picasso, Peggy Guggenheim, Agatha Christie, Hemingway and Patricia Highsmith thrown into stew, we think the reader will find something new. As for fellow devotees of the movie, Casablanca, the author begs indulgence.

Born in West Virginia in 1935, Denis Boggs, a retired teacher, now lives in Reno, Ohio. Previous books of poetry are: A Crooked Picture; Deception Island; and Getting There (Departures and Arrivals). He promises this one to be the last. In his own words, “There will be no more; no doubt prompting someone to say, Thank God!”

Silversuit III: Heritage

One hundred years have passed since the dreaded bacteria attacked humanity, causing women to become sterile and shortening men’s lives. Marauding bands kidnapped children, now the most precious commodity on Earth. Only those living in the coldest lands have survived. A strange silver liquid covered the skins of a few chosen ones, giving them extraordinary powers. These Silversuiters became the sworn protectors of the world leaders. Hero teachers saved thousands of children and evolved into the most respected leaders on the planet. As generations passed, they became more powerful and finally absolute dictators. L’ora R’oak and her companion, rogue Silversuiter Fourth, become the heads of the resistance to overpower the Supreme Teacher and the Tenured Council.

About the author:

Beverley Blount lives in El Paso, Texas and Mexico City where she has completed 30 years of training teachers in her Montessori schools. She is now consulting in schools in Mexico and the United States.

Under her pen name, B. Palma, she has written seven bilingual books in the Palo Alto series for young adults. Palma’s books weave her husband’s tales of growing up on his family’s haciendas with her own adventurous teens in the Mexican countryside. Their lifetime love of horses is reflected in these Palo Alto adventure books.

Silversuit III is her first Science Fiction adventure book and Silversuit I and II will soon follow, tying the 100 years back to the last Palo Alto book; Love’s End — And Then. Blount’s most recent book; The Blount Guide to Phonic Reading, is the result of her life’s work in sharing with children and adults her passion for reading.

Oh, I Just Got It From the Top: Hearing from Heaven

Did you ever wonder what was actually going on in the mind of little one who is growing inside? What you hear will be revealing and informative from the perspective of the one on the inside. You will find out that everything that happens on the outside effects the one growing on the inside. There really is a lot of life going on in this little one‛s temporary living space. You will have the opportunity to be a part of this unfolding journey. And you will come to understand just how exciting life is at the beginning from an insiders‛ point of view. Come with me and listen in on the conversation of a little one in the womb from the beginning.

Author Bio

Helen Anderson Baffuto is an author who has an inspirational gift for storytelling. Her first book is titled, SHE IS A PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. This is her second published book. She is currently working on her next book. She resides in New York with her husband.

One Year in Africa

Hans van den Houten. One Year In Africa: 1964-65

A man’s experiences of his life in Africa (Congo, Burundi and Rwanda) during 1964-65.

“I felt wrapped in a dense heat, laden with moisture and many indefinable odors. Decaying vegetation from strange and exotic trees and plants mixed their fragrances; these were the smells of Africa.” (p. 1).

Hans van den Houten vividly talks about his experiences of one year in Africa from the moment he arrives in Congo Léopoldville, for his first assignment as an international employee of Shell, to the moment he departs: “Now with the closure of the door, the envelope sealed, and experiences –some bad, but mostly good– were contained and locked into my memories of one year in Africa.” (p.182).

Social life, parties, dancing and music events, politics, business issues and challenges, sports and everyday life, love affairs, weekends on the Congo River, difficulties and risky situations, such as crocodiles and burglars, Burundi drummers and dancers: those are some of the topics that come across the entire book to illustrate the author’s adventurous and rather interesting life in Africa.

His writing style with the simplicity and immediacy of his voice makes it a fascinating book!

About the author

Hans van den Houten started his career with Royal Dutch Shell and spent several years in Africa, the Republic of Congo Leopoldville, the Kingdom of Burundi, and the Republic of South Africa, in several managerial positions. He has been a senior executive with The Chase Manhattan Bank, Moody’s Investors Service, Dun & Bradstreet International, Fitch Investors Service, and the Republic National Bank of New York and he served as Director/Finance of The Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Hans was President and a longstanding Board Member of The Netherland-America Foundation in New York. He was a co-founder The Chase Alumni Association, the Dutch Financial Club of New York, and The Artist Choice Museum. He also became a Board Member of the ReachAnother Foundation based in Bend, Oregon, USA.

Truth To Our Scandal

Truth to Our Scandal is about a woman named Rees, that goes through life wanting this happily ever after but the choices she made took her life through some things she didn’t expect to happen. She has a son from a previous relationship that she expected to last but didn’t. She falls for this church boy named Lay whom she has another baby but only to find out that he wasn’t heaven sent. So in the midst of the confusion this guy name Macc was coming around they started kicking it but she chose to stay with Lay, the guy she had a baby by and she married him. Three years went by and there was no happily ever after with them.

An old flame which is Macc comes back into her life as she goes through her separation with her husband. Macc and Rees this go round just couldn’t leave each other alone. But this time around Macc is not single. He is actually in a relationship with his on and off again fiancé. The risk and choices Macc and Rees make you will not believe! There are secrets, lies, sex, scandal and truth based upon real life situations. Read how the story unfold as I take you through the Truth to Our Scandal.

About the author:

My name is Teresa Johnson I am from Roselle NJ. I am a wife and a mother. I am a very passionate and strong woman that involves God in everything that I do. I live by faith, love and loyalty. I’m young at heart and a mind of wisdom. I always used to write when I was a kid, it was one of my favorite things to do. But, I took a break. Life was taking me in all different directions but when things started to come together in 2015-16 my husband brought to my attention that I should write again and that’s what I started to do. Now this is my first book and I am so pleased and ecstatic to share a part of my life with everyone. I hope you all will enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Christian Investing

This book gives insight into the how you and your orginization can reap great rewards by helping others. We all enjoy giving for a good reason and there is a certain sense of pride felt when one can see the results. But the greatest rewards or from profits for you the individual and or your group. Find a way to make a profit while showing love for others, especially in their time of need.

Peer Among Men, Mistress of None

Emily is a brilliant young scientist who has spent her life in the world’s finest universities and laboratories. After she effectively breaks up with her equally academic boyfriend, she turns to an alternate source for romance: the secular world of modern dating, an alien world that she must decipher. In the process, she meets Derek, a golf pro, who is bold about professing his interest in her, an interest she misconstrues merely as his desire to add her to his long list of conquests. And what reasonable woman would think otherwise, given his reputation? Will he fall in love with Emily and fall out of love with the world of perpetual carnal conquests?

Healthcare for All Americans: Healthcare Crisis USA – A Comprehensive Solution

“This extremely well-written and easy-to-read treatise on the state of healthcare in the US and the author’s proposed solutions is sure to garner much-deserved attention.”


“Paguyo offers a solution for America’s woes in a system of universal healthcare. A close study of the pros and cons of systems in Canada, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan reveals positive options that America can put together to form a greatly improved system for ensuring that sick people get treated properly. Tactics for implementing this new system are also discussed, in this thoughtful, well reasoned proposal for a solid solution to America’s healthcare problems.”



  • Proposes ideal healthcare that is universal, portable, user-friendly, simple to administer, worry-free and reliable; affordable and sustainable; based on FREE MARKET principles applicable and adaptable for others countries;
  • Is a comparative study of the seven well known national healthcare schemes Canada, England, France, Germany, Japan, Sweden and Switzerland;
  • Is an examination of the thirteen major U.S. healthcare problems;
  • Is an analysis how U.S. healthcare impacts the American people, U.S. economy, and America’s global competitiveness;
  • Is an advocacy to dismantle and completely reconstruct from start the U.S.A. healthcare system in its present form;
  • Is a historical review of the U.S. healthcare system from post-World War II to the present.


NELSON A. PAGUYO, M.D., is a doctor of forty-two years of experience prior to his retirement in 2005, of which, he spent seven years in residency and fellowship training; two years with NIH research; twenty years in solo medical practice, and thirteen years as a member of a staff-model HMO.