
Asleep in Heaven’s Nursery: Second Edition

Have you experienced the loss of a child? Tommy Mann felt the grief of losing four children to miscarriages.
Asleep in Heaven's Nursery includes his personal story and offers comfort, addressing questions like:
*When is a baby considered life? *Is my baby really in heaven?
*What will she look like in heaven? *Is there an age of accountability?
*Is God punishing me?
*Can I be forgiven for my abortion?
Each issue is thoroughly addressed and given scriptural and logical support. As one who has found hope picturing his children Asleep in Heaven’s Nursery, Mann brings a powerful message of consolation.

About the author:

Tommy Mann is the Pastor of Putman Baptist Church in Buffalo, South Carolina, where he resides with his wife Alicia, and their two children Reagan and TJ. Tommy is a graduate of Arlington Baptist University and the author of eight books, including Asleep in Heaven’s Nursery for Kids. Please visit http://www.tommymannministries.com


Marianna Peters, the daughter of German-speaking parents, takes us back to quieter times when a family’s life and industry was centered in the family farm. As you read Growing Up in Prune City, you will walk through that delightful time at the turn of the century when the “stuff” of life for many families consisted of hard work, making clothes, cooking, baking, and canning, along with social breaks for church and school. In 1917, the Peters and other farmers planted many acres of prune trees around Dallas, Oregon. The town became known as “Prune City.” Prunes were shipped from Dallas throughout the United States, to other countries, and to troops deployed in Europe.

You will enjoy getting to know Marianna, the youngest of four siblings, as she goes to the small country church where she learned, and then embraced, her family’s religious values and practices. You will sit beside her in a country school as she learns. You’ll smile with her at cherry and prune-picking antics and activities. You will watch her play with other young friends as they wait for the daily mail delivery. You’ll hear her gasp, a few years later, when her name is called as valedictorian for Dallas High School’s graduating class of 1934. Then after a few years in college, your heart will be warmed as you see her falling in love and becoming Mrs. Elvin Quiring.

About the author:

JULIA D. QUIRING-EMBLEN is Marianna Peter’s daughter and Jason M. Quiring is her first grandson. Both spent countless hours listening to the stories Marianna told about her life on the farm. For years, Grammie, as Marianna is called, entertained neighbor kids, her own children and grand children, and the children in her classrooms as she told these delightful stories. With her permission, we have captured a few of these stories of her life in Prune City, Julia Quiring-Emblen lives in Dallas, Oregon

The Edge of the Field

The Edge Of The Field is based on my personal experiences of “gleaning and gathering after the Reapers and Gleaners at the edge of the Field”.

The Harvest is great and enormous. Not only is there a need for “Ruths” to glean and gather after the Reapers and Gleaners in the Fields, there are times that we are called on immediately and urgently for a specific purpose that needs attention right then.

About the author:

Austine Royer Smith is a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, homemaker and member of the First Baptist Church of Garden City, Georgia and serves her Lord by fulfilling speaking engagements in churches, civic organizations and broadcast programs. She has a three-year Diploma from Rhema Bible Training Correspondence Center of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The author is Founder of Ruth 2:7/Founding House Ministries established upon a vision given to her by God during her mission trips to Haiti. The purpose of these ministries is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide a shelter as well as secular and religious instruction for many of the homeless Haitian children found abandoned in the streets and jungles of that impoverished, voodoo-infested nation. Statistics have shown that only about half of such children will survive.

All proceeds from this book will go to the
Ruth 2:7/Founding House Ministry
P.O. Box 18114, Garden City, GA 31418.

Austine is also a Trustee of the Zechariah House Ministries that is involved with the Salvation, Health and Prosperity of street addicted women and women who are in jail. This ministry offers Salvation, Deliverance and Bible Training to get these women back into society victoriously.

For further information on these Ministries, for speaking engagements or for ordering additional copies of this book and of Mrs. Smith’s other titles. Haiti is Waiting, If that isn’t Love, The Edge of the Field, Present Bouquets, Boci’s New Shoes, Grandma Waves with her Heart. Please write to the author at the above address.

Boci’s New Shoes

About the author:

Austine Royer Smith is a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, homemaker and member of the First Baptist Church of Garden City, Georgia and serves her Lord by fulfilling speaking engagements in churches, civic organizations and broadcast programs. She has a three-year Diploma from Rhema Bible Training Correspondence Center of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The author is Founder of Ruth 2:7/Founding House Ministries established upon a vision given to her by God during her mission trips to Haiti. The purpose of these ministries is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to provide a shelter as well as secular and religious instruction for many of the homeless Haitian children found abandoned in the streets and jungles of that impoverished, voodoo-infested nation. Statistics have shown that only about half of such children will survive.

All proceeds from this book will go to the
Ruth 2:7/Founding House Ministry
P.O. Box 18114, Garden City, GA 31418.

For further information on these Ministries, for speaking engagements or for ordering additional copies of this book and of Mrs. Smith’s other titles. Haiti is Waiting, If that isn’t Love, The Edge of the Field, Present Bouquets, Boci’s New Shoes, Grandma Waves with her Heart. Please write to the author at the above address.

Behind the Scenes of Jenna Shale

“The adult Jenna Shale looks back on her life, explaining how life is no more than a series of television programs, as she recounts her childhood, the rise of her dance career, and the scandals that resulted from being a teenager in love with two brothers, both much older than herself, who are connected to the glamorous—and the not so glamorous—dance world. The story is written with a unique framing that allows the events of Jenna Shale’s life to be viewed through a lens that allows for a comparison to her life with various types of television shows. Complete with directors, producers, commercials, newsflashes, and soundtracks, Jenna recounts her life experiences to the reader in ways that are both humorous and provocative. Growing up is not easy and happens all too fast for young Jenna, who leaves little out when recounting the experiences that would lead her to be a fan favorite of the viewers around her. She is, after all, the owner of JSN (the Jenna Shale Network), where nothing is sacred and very little is as it really seems.”

About the author:

Chelsie Keller was born in and has spent the majority of her life in a small town in Northwestern Ohio. During her teenage years, she focused her energies on her academic studies as well as the performing arts. However, she left both arenas when her daughter was born. Afterwards, Chelsie focused mainly on her family and worked at various jobs until her passion for learning called for her return to academia. Chelsie eventually earned her associates degree from Northwest State Community College and, later, graduated magna cum laude with her bachelor of arts in English from Bowling Green State University, where she also studied education, psychology, and American popular culture. She is interested in studying complex interpersonal relationships and the way in which people interact with and interrupt their cultural surroundings and popular media.

Tina et Rudy

— Mais Rudy, tu ne peux pas abandonner ces choses-là : le pâturage, monter à cheval,
planter du pois et piquer des herbes.
— Jamais, mademoiselle Lucienne ! Si je ne le fais pas, je trahis mon pays agricole, je trahis
mes origines, je trahis mes parents et je vous trahis aussi, les gens de la ville.
Si le hasard existe, la destinée aussi.
Les gens affranchis sont réellement riches.
Les jeunes gens sont capables ! Ne les limitez pas !
Ne trahissez jamais vos amis !
Un bon ami peut être de n’importe quelle nationalité !
Certains hommes sont réellement transnationaux.
Répondez à l’appel de votre coeur !
Le monde est à nous.
Donnez et prenez aussi !
Si nous avons besoin de l’intelligence et du courage pour la vie, bien sûr, pour bien mourir,
nous avons besoin de la foi en Dieu à travers son Fils Jésus-Christ.
C’est bien le contenu de Tina & Rudy.

About the author:

Roland Rodené est né à Les Anglais, Haïti. Ami de Dieu, auteur de Cynbel et Zothia, Tumulte en Terre Haute ?, il est détenteur d’une licence en économie et d’une maîtrise en commerce international de l’université de Boston.

Escape to Faith and Freedom

A battle for the very souls of the people he loves. . .

“Papa, why are they burning Bibles?”
“Because they are afraid of truth.”
“Why are they afraid of truth, Papa?”
“Because truth frees us from their tyranny.”

BENJAMIN BENAMOZ FLEES FOR HIS LIFE from the Empire’s tyranny. He finds freedom and faith in Christ, but even in America, vicious enemies seek to wipe out his people and their cherished way of life. As Western Civilization hangs in balance, Ben must restore the ancient birthright to its sacred place. Can he fulfill his epic quest before it’s too late?

About the author:

C.A. DAVIDSON grew up during the Cold War era, so she writes about the deadly assault on the Judeo-Christian culture that she has seen for herself. Her deep love of faith, family, and freedom has inspired the creation of the Birthright Covenant trilogy. Her mission is to help parents recapture, restore and transmit the biblical values that are heart and soul of Western Civilization, and that are key to the very survival of liberty for rising and future generations.

Hagatha and the Miracle

A city witch decides to visit a country school. Using her shape-shifting skills she manages to join a third-grade classroom without being detected. There she experiences the effect of a school bully in the class.

Hagatha is upset until she witnesses the miracle generated by a good deed.

About the author:

As a teacher, Ruth Amutice has had the opportunity to study classroom dynamics for many years. She is convinced that all of a teacher’s preparation and skill is wasted unless every child feels accepted and fully noticed.

The Liberal Lexicon: A Socialistic, Spiritualistic Encyclodictionary

The Liberal Lexicon: A Socialistic, Spiritualistic Encyclodictionary is an academic work, popularly written, in a class by itself. It is a hybrid encyclopedia and dictionary from a Socialist, Spiritualist perspective. It is lavishly laded with interesting incidentals, fascinating facts, amusing anecdotes, and profound editorials. This work is designed to fortify one’s vocabulary, while edifying one’s social conscience. This Progressive lexicon can be used as an alternative reference book, or a leisurely read through. It makes a marvelous traveling companion. I am certain that this book will open your eyes, move your mind, and sway your heart.

About the author:

Dr. Gary Joseph Pasieka (b. 1951) is an Educator, Philosopher, Metaphysician. He was born in Highland Park and raised in Hamtramck, two small industrial communities in the heart of Detroit. Dr. Pasieka earned his academic degrees at Detroit’s Wayne State University. He had served as a Teacher, School Administrator, and University Professor in Michigan, Texas, Indiana, Montana, and Venezuela. He presently resides in Trinity, Florida and Montego Bay, Jamaica. Dr. Pasieka has long been and advocate and defender of the poor, exploited, and oppressed. He is a devote Spiritualist and dedicated Socialist, a formidable combination.

Tumulte en Terre Haute?

Ce roman, au fond, c’est le souffle d’un homme qui respire et transpire Terre Hautedans le moindre recoin de son être. Cet homme, c’est Anglaisien. Il porte en lui-mêmemille et un souvenirs deschoses et des gens qu’il a vus et entendus, et des histoires etexpériences qu’il a vécues. En dépit de sa peur, il est allé seul au cours de la nuit dans lagrotte. Son audace porte ses fruits. Il reçoit un appel de l’autre monde. Dans la grotte, aulieu de Sarasin, il se trouve face à une silhouette : c’est sa mère, Terre Haute. Il apprend deux vérités étonnantes et extraordinaires : d’abord, il est missionné, chargé de publier « la Cause de sa mère » ; celle-ci sera la Mère des Nations.Maintenant, ses chemins et ceux de la ravissante Miss Oloffson se croisent. Si aucommencement, il y avait Adam et Ève, à la veille de l’émergence de la Terre desNations, il y a lui, Anglaisien, et Miss Oloffson. Vu leur passion pour elle, seront-ils roi et reine en Terre Haute ? Celle-ci a une alliance solide et sûre avec Suezza, le pays d’origine de Miss Oloffson et toutes ses autres soeurs. L’émergence de Terre Haute, Terre des Nations, ce nouveau centre de l’univers, aura-t-elle bientôt lieu ? Dans cette oeuvre à l’allure merveilleuse, féerique et prophétique, plusieurs mondes, plusieurs niveaux de symbolisme, de mystères et de connaissances semblent cohabiter, se connecter ou s’entrecroiser. Les lieux, les nombres, les personnages semblent allégoriques et porteurs aussi de messages codés. À tous ceux qui s’intéressent au devenir d’Haïti, aux mystères de son sol, de son sous-sol, à ses eaux, ses grottes, ses ruines indiennes et coloniales, le romancier Roland Rodené, né à Les Anglais, Haïti, Ami de Dieu, auteur de Cynbel et Zothia, détenteur d’une licence en économie et d’une maîtrise en commerce international de l’université de Boston, offer de quoi fouiller, questionner, examiner, réfléchir, comparer pour aller plus loin dans la connaissance des mythes et mystères d’Haïti. Car quand il s’agit d’Haïti, la fiction n’est jamais loin du réel, et vice versa. Luc Remy, Professeur, Auteur de Réflexions Stratégiques sur Haïti.