
¿Mamá, Porqué Papá Dice Que Yo Soy El Héroe?

About the Book
Con sus humildes crayones, Silvia crea un libro de cuentos ilustrado que sigue las preguntas de un niño sobre su mundo cambiante en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19. Lo que hace que esta historia sea diferente y tierna es que cuando el niño pregunta a sus padres sobre los idas y venidas de la pandemia en la gran ciudad donde vive; descubre que su papá, un repartidor de supermercado inmigrante, es un superhéroe de la pandemia… Pero su papá tiene una idea diferente sobre quién es el verdadero superhéroe de estos tiempos.

About the Author
Originaria de Buenos Aires, Argentina, el trabajo de Silvia como educadora, psicoterapeuta de padres y de niños y trabajadora social clínica se ha centrado en un profundo amor y respeto por el mundo interno del niño. En el año 2010, Silvia descubrió, a través de la experiencia transformadora del Postgrado en Salud Mental del Infante, del Niño Pequeño y sus Padres en la Universidad de Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, dirigida por el Dr. Ed Tronick, que la creación de “cuentos”, o historias ilustradas breves para niños, podría dar una voz poderosa a las madres inmigrantes latinoamericanas con las que ha trabajado durante los últimos veinticinco años. Silvia publicó su primer cuento, “¡Mamá Cuéntame Cómo Viniste!” en el 2013. Este cuento ilustrado crea un diálogo que ayuda a estas madres a recordar, apreciar y compartir sus historias de inmigrante con sus niños. Silvia expandió esta historia en su segundo cuento, “¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!”. Los cuentos ilustrados de Silvia han sido bien recibidos en foros internacionales, mas recientemente en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara en el 2018, donde fue oradora invitada, el Frankfurter Buchmesse en el 2018, y la Conferencia Internacional Académica de Migración en el 2019 en Bari, Italia. Silvia ha escrito e ilustrado muchos cuentos, inspirada por el valor, el amor y la esperanza de las familias inmigrantes con las que trabaja. Algunos de ellos serán
publicados, otros serán utilizados sólo en la intimidad de su trabajo psicoterapéutico y otros quedarán en su corazón. Cada vez que Silvia crea un cuento, espera honrar a su abuelo “Bigotes”, el narrador
mágico de su infancia.
Silvia recibió el Premio Jane C. Bourns, 2014, de la Asociación de Salud Mental Infantil de Connecticut, Estados Unidos, por Excelencia y Servicio Ejemplar para Niños Pequeños y sus Familias en el Campo de
la Salud Mental del Infante y de la Primera Infancia.

Mommy, Why Am I Superhero Too?

About the Book
“With her humble crayons, Silvia creates an illustrated storybook that follows a child’s wondering about his changing world in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. What makes this story different, and enduring is that as the child explores the big city where he lives through his window; he discovers that his dad, an immigrant supermarket delivery man, is a superhero of the pandemic but his dad has a different idea about who the real superhero of these times is!”

About the Author
“Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Silvia’s work as an educator, child parent psychotherapist, and clinical social worker has been centered on a deep love and respect for the internal world of the child. In 2010, Silvia discovered, through the deeply transformative experience at the Infant Parent Mental Health Fellowship at the University of Massachusetts, led by Dr. Ed Tronick that creating cuentos, or short illustrated stories for children, could give a powerful voice to the Latino-American immigrant mothers with whom she has worked for the last twenty-five years.

She published her first cuento, “”Mommy, tell me, how you got here?” (bilingual edition) in 2013. This book creates a dialogue that helps these mothers remember, share and embrace their untold stories with their children. Silvia expanded this story in her second cuento, “Mommy, tell me, why did you come here?” (bilingual edition). Silvia’s books have been well received internationally, most recently at the 2018 Guadalajara International Book Fair, where she was guest speaker, the 2018 Frankfurter Buchmesse, and the 2019 International Academic Migration Conference in Bari, Italy.

Silvia has written and illustrated many “cuentos,” inspired by the courage, love and hope of the immigrant families she works with. Some of them will be published; some of them will be used only in the intimacy of her psychotherapeutic work and some of them will remain in her heart. Every time Silvia creates a “cuento,” she hopes to honor her Abuelo “Bigotes,” the magical storyteller of her childhood.

Silvia was the Connecticut Infant Mental Health Association 2014 Jane C. Bourns Award recipient for Excellence and Exemplary Service to Young Children and their Families in the Field of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.”

Demon in the Pulpit

Demon in the pulpit is a book of essays journaling my survival of childhood abuse at the hands of my father.

The book chronicles the loss of my innocence, a happy childhood, and my RN career all caused by the combination
of my fathers mental illness, abuse, addictions, and years of seminary. My father tried to run from his demons
by moving us all across this country and bouncing back and forth from different religions to drinking, drugs, and women.

Each chapter is a snapshot of an account followed by coping skills learned through a wonderful therapist,
changing my life!

About the Author

I am forty-eight, I have a BSN, and a MHA/Ed.

I worked for many years in nursing but transitioned to teaching college. I want to first dedicate this book to my five siblings and mother who survived with me, and to my children, Ashton, Cody, and Megan. May you better understand my struggles and my love for you through this book. Thank you for your unconditional love through it all! And last, to all my fellow survivors, this book is really for you! May you take even a small part away that will help you in your healing journey!

Healthy and Medical Juicing Recipe Book: Including recipes for fruit juicing, vegetable juice and more!

About the Book
This book is intended to inform people that there are still all-natural remedies to multiple causes of discomfort,
as well as potential symptoms to more serious illnesses and disease. A steady diet with healthy exercise has been
proven to improve overall health, happiness and expectancy of a full life. The hope is that by trying a healthy
alternative to an everyday occurrence or situation in life can make difference, is well worth it. Thank you to all
those who work diligently to make sure that fresh fruits and vegetables are processed and delivered so that they
are available for people. Eating better can drastically reduce your chances of very serious complications and troubles
later, and one’s mental health and attitude can play a significant role in their overall health and well-being.
To long life and happiness!!

About the Author
This book is intended to inform people that there are still all-natural remedies to multiple causes of discomfort,
as well as potential symptoms to more serious illnesses and disease. A steady diet with healthy exercise has been
proven to improve overall health, happiness and expectancy of a full life. The hope is that by trying a healthy
alternative to an everyday occurrence or situation in life can make difference, is well worth it. Thank you to all
those who work diligently to make sure that fresh fruits and vegetables are processed and delivered so that they
are available for people. Eating better can drastically reduce your chances of very serious complications and troubles
later, and one’s mental health and attitude can play a significant role in their overall health and well-being.
To long life and happiness!!

Nordic Runes: Their esoteric meaning. And context.

The Nordic runes are taken off an ancient model for the structure of an Indo-European's mind. It is called Yggdrasil. That model was known to the ancient Greek philosophers, it underlies Gnosticism and Alchemy and it is consistent with Yoga and Hinduism. The common factor is that all of these peoples were Indo-Europeans. Explaining this model and the esoteric meaning of the runes is the principle purpose of this book. It also puts the runes' development into their historical context. The contemporary importance of this model is that it underlies Carl Jung's work in psychology, and also tells how to reach the highest level of person development.

About the Author
My ancestors were of English and Danish origins Consequently, they were Pagans for many generations, So, if ancestral memory exist, I may have them. Nevertheless, they were in North America since colonial times and I was raised an Episcopalian in a family that was of that denomination for many generations. So, I have strong conscious connections to the Anglo-American, English, and enlightenment traditions. My professional training was in biology, statistics and modeling and my job experience has been in consulting mostly on biology-related public policy issues. I have written one book on history and many reports on public policy issues.

THE BALLAD OF WEESATCH: The Barefoot Bounty Hunter

In a period which served as a precursor to the Wild West, the rebellious Weesatch Sixsmith rode into the Republic of Texas with his bounty hunting partner, and fellow ex-Dragon, Wendell Sykes. As they attempt to settle into the newly established territory, they discover that this is a land to which many other misfits and outlaws are drawn. With the help of a colorful host of characters, including a discrete Voodoo priestess, a sly card shark, and a half Irish Comanche chief with a penchant for show and tell, the bounty hunters hazard into second guessing a maniacal killer marauding his way towards the border. In a chaotic chain of events, the situation becomes tense and dire. Will they bring this ruthless roustabout to justice? And if so, will it be before he wreaks unfathomable havoc for those in his path?

About the Author
Randall C. Von Hartman has written several books of poetry and prose, short fiction, and novels. As a free-thinking, misanthropic outcast, he is proud of having paid his own way through the five different colleges/universities he has attended (although he is a staunch supporter of education being provided by the state), and he absolutely hates the pretentiousness and poposity that typically results from so much schooling. Unable to stay put for too long, he is a traveler and currently resides somewhere on the globe…this much we know.

Beyond White Superiority Syndrome Conditioning In America

This book is a primer to inspire and inform those persons working to change America’s political and social culture from its white supremacy conditioning posture by advancing America’s ideals of a culture that truly attempts to build a land of equal opportunity and equal justice for all Americans.

These essays provide information to help both Black and White people to understand how they have been affected by America’s White Superiority Syndrome (WSS) conditioning; a conditioning or acculturation that teaches them that a white supremacy culture is good and proper. These essays provide lessons learned by the author that will prompt average people to become more self-aware and better able to identify and resist the various WSS conditioning processes that surround them, and recount some of America’s racial hypocrisies and the courage that helped many Americans to challenge them.

About the Author
Dr. Bell is a seasoned educator and teacher. He is also a veteran observer of the motivational and behavioral effects of America’s White Superiority Syndrome (WSS) conditioning on both white and black people. He has studied and written about racial issues for over 20 years, and has facilitated interracial discussion forums for over ten years. Dr. Bell shares in this book information and techniques that he believes will be helpful for those who wish to begin sincere efforts to help eliminate racism in America.


An epic war between Good and Evil. . . with no neutral ground. REVERSE EDUCATION’S LIES fill every classroom, every court room, every newsroom. As its hatred infects politicians and corrupts kingdoms, the dreadful Miss Redmund even tries to spy on parents, to take away their Bibles and destroy the innocent—in body and soul. The people of once-idyllic land of Yeshurun now face off in a war of ideas, risking their lives to defend their faith. Nola’s headlights revealed a group of unruly students blocking her driveway, shouting, “Abortion! Our choice!” Suddenly a bearded face appeared at her window.Thinking to shove him away, she pushed open the car door, just a crack. But the ruffian wasn’t budging.

About the Author:
C.A. DAVIDSON grew up during the Cold War era, so she writes about the deadly assault on the Judeo-Christian culture that she has seen for herself. Her deep love of faith, family, and freedom has inspired the creation of the Birthright Covenant trilogy. Her mission is to help parents recapture, restore and transmit the biblical values that are heart and soul of Western Civilization, and that are key to the very survival of liberty for rising and future generations. Contact Author at birthrightcovenant.com

The Creation

This book was written to enhance the readers concerning the making of the whole universe and all that exist according to scripture and who made it and placed everything in its’ proper place. It dismisses all theories and myths that have been taught throughout the world. There is only one God who have created everything including the atmosphere. No other gods created this world as we were taught in our schools. It dismisses all myths and theories that exist by Scientist, and Astrologist. Everything was discussed thoroughly from the Holy Bible, King James Version. Everything that was created was explained and the way it was created.

About the Author:
My name is Rev. Carlton Whaley and I am an ordained Baptist preacher from a town called Ladson which is in South Carolina in the United States of America. I was born and raised in a town called Mount Holly in the same state. I have a Bachelor of Theology from International Seminary located in Plymouth Florida. I Have a Bachelor in Christian Counseling and Master of Divinity from Carolina Theological Bible Institute located in Bowman SC, where some of my understanding came from in writing this book and working in the Ministry. I am married with one daughter.

The Attorney

Jay Barnett returns to the mountain home of his youth, seeking reconciliation with his father, Jay Sr. The old attorney is reluctant to see his newly sober, divorced and bankrupted namesake, but the two meet, and the talk that goes into the night turns into an emotional reconciliation. With a storm front moving in and snow and ice threatening, Jay stays over. The story takes an uncanny and dark twist when Jay wakes up to the startling revelation that his father has disappeared and is nowhere to be found. Panicked at the thought that his eighty-eight-year-old father has somehow vanished during blizzard conditions, Jay calls 911, and turns to Robin, the father’s legal assistant. The two set out on an emotional, sometimes terrifying journey that pits them against law enforcement authorities, a state senator, a mega trucking conglomerate…and ultimately Jay’s old nemesis… Jeffrey Davis, a deadly foe, who mysteriously turns out to be the mastermind behind the entire conspiracy. A landmark legal decision against the trucking industry, which could mean serious implications for the state’s struggling economy, coupled with a web of deceit involving kidnapping, homicide, and racketeering on a grand scale circles back to the state’s oldest practicing attorney who is at the very heart of the mystery, and the two unlikely heroes that set out against incredible odds to find a missing father…and ultimately much more.