
Leadership – By The Book

Here is a book that has something to say to all of us. The abundant quotations in this book go off like fireworks. Any number of them could change your life whether you serve in ministry, business, education or parenting.

One pastor of a large church said that he carried a copy of the author’s original booklet, “Mistakes Leaders Make,” in both his briefcases so that no matter where he was he could reference the material.

The popular format of that booklet is retained in this greatly expanded edition. The two major parts, “What Leadership Is …” and “What Leadership Does Not …” are made up of stand-alone “do’s” and “don’ts.” Read as much or as little as you have time for. Then, pick up where you left off. The author’s 23 watercolor and pen and ink sketches of leaders from various professions add life, vibrancy and personality to this work.

Missionary Mark Sigstad wrote to say that a Nigerian pastor who had left his church got back into the ministry as a church planter largely because of the original booklet. We can only pray that this volume is of similar benefit.

General George Patton who was one of Dwight Eisenhower’s instructors at Fort Leavenworth in 1926 predicted that he would one day work for Eisenhower! This book tells you why that prediction came to pass.

The Governor who had time for blind children later won the American Presidency by more Electoral College votes than any other man in history. This book tells the story.

Warren W. Wiersbe, prolific author, broadcaster and pastor said, “This is an excellent book … I am reading it, learning from it and enjoying it. It is a refreshing change from much of what’s out there on leadership today.”

Author Bio:

David M. Atkinson was born north of Toronto, Canada, in 1947 and has been appearing on public platforms since he was 15. He has taught and preached in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil and Haiti. In his early years of ministry, he planted three churches whose assets today total several million dollars. He became the Pastor of the Dyer Baptist Church in Dyer, Indiana, in 1990. The church opened Plum Creek Christian Academy in 2006 and is reaching children and youths of all races in the south Chicago hub and Northwest Indiana.

Pastor Wayne Shirton of Medicine Hat, Alberta, studied theology under him in 1970 and says, “This author is the most creative thinker I have ever met.” He is a poet and artist and has written numerous songs on current events. His songs on the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City and the shooting of the bell ringer in Bethlehem, Israel, received strong and enthusiastic responses from DJs and music reviewers around the world.

He and his wife, Jane, have two grown children, April and Lee, who both serve in ministry.

Poisoned Hearts

Destined to live and die in Charity Plantation, just like his beloved mother before him, Arthur’s fate is altered by a tragedy. A plantation owner’s son drowned in a creek on his friend’s watch, and Arthur has to witness Packer pay for the unforgivable sin of letting a white man’s son die. Only Arthur’s attempt to save Master Joshua spared him from the same fate.

Drowned in grief and remorse, plantation owner Sebastian Colby sees the slave as his redemption, and so he sets out to own Arthur—at any cost. Suddenly, Arthur finds himself uprooted from the only home he has ever known and living in Hope Plantation, not as a slave . . . but not quite free either.
As years pass by, Arthur learns the dark secrets of his new master. He needs the courage to expose Colby for what he really is. But is it in the name of love or freedom?

Author Bio

Denis Gray has published several novels under his name, including Black Love Notes, A Bigger Prize, Hard Ground, Teardrop, Della’s Deed, Lucky, Benny’s Last Blast, Jericho’s Walls, and his latest, Poisoned Hearts. His works explore the true nature of man. He currently resides in New York City with his wife, Barbara.

ABC’s of Lighthearted Living … My Prescription: Learn How Happiness Leads To Good Health – Alternative Medicine

Living a Happier, More Fulfilled Life is as Easy as learning the ABC’s

In ABC’s of Lighthearted Living, My Prescription, Dr. Maggie shows us how to achieve better health through a higher level of happiness…and that Happiness is really a CREATED attitude! Twenty-six alphabetically arranged proven principles leave you laughing, inspired, confident and more connected – to your inner feelings and to those around you. Packed with moving stories of those who have overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve great joy – stories gathered from Dr. Mears’ 30-plus years as a physician of Internal Medicine – ABC’s of Lighthearted Living offers a profound message of hope for anyone struggling to find fulfillment in a challenging world. In this alphabet, A is for Attitude and W is for Wow. Dr. Mears’ ruminations on such apparently simple truths reveal the immense power of transformation inherent in all of us.

PRAISE FOR ABC’s of Lighthearted Living

‘Nice work! This book is filled with truth, heart and wisdom which can help you survive life’s many difficulties.” – Dr. Bernie Segel, author of Love, Magic and Mudpies and 36 Prescription for the Soul. About the author: Internal Medicine physician and Hospice doctor in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Maggie Mears has won acclaim for her approach to healing the “whole person” as well as distinct symptoms. ABC’s of Lighthearted Living arose out of the unique connections she developed by listening to her patients – a dynamic that revealed the dozens of inspiring anecdotes that form the basis for the book. Mears is also the founder of Write From Your Heart TM, a creative writing workshop in which participants blossom as they discover the healing power of writing.

Grandma Waves with her Heart

If you want to see God and feel His presence, you can find it in abundance in a child. Our Bible teaches us that “children are a gift from God and that children’s children are a crown to the aged and the parents are a pride to their children. “I have been so very blessed by God to be the recipient of an awesome, incredible family that only God could create.
Believe me, I have enjoyed every second of my children’s, my grandchildren’s, and my great grandchildren’s lives. Being a major part of their lives had brought me closer to Our Father God than anything else. My lap has been the place of many stories and life’s lessons, prayers, and the healings. It’s the little things in their lives that linger in my memory longer and bring me much joy!

About the author:

AUSTINE ROYER SMITH is a mother, grandmother, great grandmother, homemaker, and member of the First Baptist Church of Garden City, Georgia, and serves her Lord by fulfilling speaking engagements in churches, civic organizations, and broadcast programs. She has a three-year diploma from Rhema Bible Training Correspondence Center of Tulsa Oklahoma.
The author is founder of Ruth 2:7/Founding House Ministries, established upon a vision given to her by God during her mission trips to Haiti. The purpose of these ministries is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and provide a shelter as well as secular and religious instruction for many of the homeless Haitian children found abandoned in the streets and jungles of that impoverished nation. All proceeds from this book will go to the Ruth 2:7/Founding House Ministry.
For further information on these ministries, for speaking engagements, or for ordering additional copies of this book and of Mrs. Smith’s other titles. Haiti Is Waiting, If That Isn’t Love, The Edge of The Field, Present Bouquets and Boci’s New Shoes.

Contact information:
Founding House Ministries
P.O. Box 18114
Garden City, GA 31408
Phone: 912-826-3500
Email: [email protected]

The Healer

Coming to terms with the worse possible circumstances of life is a slow, painful and terrifying process.
A woman is viscously beaten and left for dead. Waking up in a hospital a year later, she has to navigate through her fears, confusion and uncertainty of the future.
She is reunited with her children and bullied into using new abilities to find and help heal victims of human depravities by members of a secret international law enforcement unit.
The victims she and her counterpart locate are rescued but not all have their happy endings. Life is not always fair.

Author Bio

Robin Anderson was born in Albany, NY, served in the US Army for five years as a calibration specialist, and worked with a major tax preparation organization for sixteen years. Robin and her husband, along with one of their 8 grandchildren now live in NC on a small hobby farm. They have five children now grown and scattered. She works now as a volunteer and is active in her church. The Healer is the second in a series that started with The Ripple Effect.


Fresh corn cut right off the cob, a bushel of peas, fresh baked muffins and other desserts from fruits you just picked; no, this is not a scene from days gone by, it is still possible to get that fresh taste you remember as a child. For areas that have local Farmers Markets, you know the food you are buying is fresh and local. Hopefully this book will help even the novice learn how to easily prepare and preserve fresh, healthy foods for their family. This step by step book will show you what type of produce is best for preserving, what equipment you will need for freezing as well as for canning your fresh fruits and vegetables. Try the recipes which are made from those fresh fruits and vegetables. It is important these days that we know where and how our food is processed. With all the scares over the past several years, isn’t it time we take charge of we put on the table for our family?

Growing up and then raising a family in rural Northeast Florida, farming has always been a way of life for us. For years I have enjoyed working side-by-side with my husband and children on our family farm. We plant, nourish, and harvest the crops knowing that the fruits of our labor will be well rewarded in the winter months ahead. It is important to me to be able to place a homegrown, great tasting meal in front of my family and friends. I so enjoy watching them all eat the food that was grown right here on our farm. I pray the next generations will value the work and benefits that we have in producing some of the foods we place on our table.

Waking Up At Both Sides: Discover What You Couldn’t Ask

This book, written by Dr. Jurgen Vanhauwe, delivers new and deep insights into the nature of our reality and our cosmic role in the game of life. With intriguing humor, he describes the process for awakening ones through the eyes of his own hilarious and painful experiences after he was pulled out of his body into “Heaven”. The many world views presented in this book allows one to see the many challenges and opportunities in an ever changing universe for their own personal growth with the goal of living a fulfilling life and not turning into a living zombie. Dr. Vanhauwe was a staunch opponent of any forms of religion or spirituality and describes parts of his journey in a wonderful narrative that is sprinkled with Divine insights and loftiness; presented with love, gratitude and appreciation for all. This is a must read.

About the author:

Dr. Jurgen Vanhauwe obtained his doctorate in Biochemistry and specialized in Neuropharmacology to understand the brain. He was a strong opponent of any religious of spiritual beliefs in lieu of logic and science, until he was pulled out of his body into Heaven or Nirvana. In this book, he merges the knowledge of the known with the unknown, which he obtained through tutelage by the Divine, and through his remembered memories or our past and our futures. This book is an amazing journey with deep, profound insights, yet light to read at any level. Prepared, with love, gratitude and appreciation for all.

Bob Ickey Doesn’t Scare Me Anymore

Always be brave, know who your friends are, and remember you are loved and you will make it through anything.

Author Bio:

Jolene is a mother of 2 and a grandmother of 2. She is still living happily with David and still writing, turning her life into poetry and short stories.

Bring Forth The Light

“I was given this moment of time to allow me the way to go home or a split second of reaction time to stay. I knew I would only have that second to react, and my mind knew what it needed to do. We both were feeling as if we were paralyzed, as we could think but couldn’t move. Remember, time was standing still for us, and we were in that moment of time. Just as time was very slowly starting to kick in for us both, I was able to begin lifting my arm to block the axe, (still in slow motion). The axe was coming right at me, and I knew if I missed, the axe was going to kill me in front of my son. I knew it would be lights out for me, but tragedy for Aubrey. It’s funny how we both knew and both could see that my life was going to end. I believe that in life we have checkpoints-points in life we can choose to go home by or continue on in life if we want to continue. For me this was a checkpoint, but what would that mean for Aubrey? Could you imagine being with someone you love and watching an axe split them open, before your very eyes? That was not a moment I wanted Aubrey to bear. I knew I couldn’t leave such a loving being with such tragedy to deal with. This was not going to happen. I was going to go on for yet another day.”

About the author

EMMANUEL is a trained spiritual medium; he has had the guidance of James Van Praagh, John Holland, Tony Stockwell, Marilyn Whall and Jose Gosschalk. He is a certified regression therapist under the training of Brian L Weiss, MD, and is a spiritual minister under the Order of Melchizedek Emmanuel has been intuitively, psychically guiding, assisting, and bringing forth messages from spirit for more than twenty years, as well as guiding others through regression therapies. Between homes in New York and Boston, Massachusetts, he and his wife, Elia, travel and enjoy their life on its journey. They are blessed to have built a temple for their own personal spiritual growth. Wherever they go, they both do their best to let their love and light shine. They are grateful that they bring forth a light to be shared by all.

Pitch Black: A Mystery Novel

Stan Miles was dispatched by the National Center for the American Indian in New York City to a supply center in Richmond, Virginia. He was to transport several boxes of Indian artifacts that had been unearthed during a Corps of Engineer project on the Navajo Indian reservation. When Stan was helping unload the artifacts he discovered drugs. He was subdued by the men delivering the articles, knocked unconscious and thrown in a subbasement of the supply center. The story is about Stan's trials and tribulations in the Pitch Black of the basement of the supply center and his brother, Larry's, relentless search to find Stan. Larry's desperate search takes him to the Navajo Reservation and a brush with murder in a high-stakes drug game.

About the author:

The author of Pitch Black, is Chuck Sisson. Chuck was born in Englewood, Colorado in 1933. After a brief professional baseball career he completed his Baccalaureate Degree (1956) and Master’s Degree (1958) at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. He was later awarded fellowships at Florida State University and Colorado University where he completed his doctorate (1974). His career began as a teacher and a coach in Independence, Kansas. He moved to Winfield, Kansas where he was eventually appointed Assistant Superintendent of Winfield Schools before leaving for Florida State in 1970. He then took an administrative position in the Boulder Valley Schools in Boulder, Colorado, followed by three years in the Colorado Department of Education. He was appointed to a special position in the Gerald Ford Administration in Washington DC as an educational analyst. Following his public service he moved to the private sector at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, Electronic Data Systems in Plano, Texas, and Oracle in Redwood Shores, California. He finished his career as an adjunct professor at Texas A and M University in Commerce, Texas. He has retired to his residence of the past 33 years with his wife. Paula, in McKinney, Texas. He has six children, twelve grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren.