
From Welfare To Entrepreneur: The Welfare Entrepreneur, The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Success In The Marketplace

I wrote this book to inspire the people that were counted out, overlooked, the underdog, and the dreamer. When I was writing this book, I wanted to encourage the reader to keep believing in yourself no matter what obstacles you face. To keep moving in your vision even if it doesn’t look like what you expected it to be. No matter the hand you are dealt you can to make the best out of a not so good situation. I feel like people sometimes just need a push or even a little nudge to jump start their career. You don’t have to be the smartest person to be successful it starts with a drive and willingness to go even if no one else go’s and to believe in yourself when people think you are crazy for dreaming that big. I wanted the Leaders of today to keep leading even if you only have one person following you keep leading eventually things will turn around for you. I wanted the reader to dream big and take the limits off.

About the Author:

I was born and raised in Philadelphia to two teen parents. Not understanding my purpose in life I became a teen mom determined not to stay in a place of defeat and wanting to break the cycle. I had to turn my situation around of being a teen mom and now on welfare. So, I focused on completing high school and was determined not to drop out. After completing high school, I raised my son as a single mother, so now with no support I had to make a living for my son and I. Which led me down a path of jobs. That’s when I decided being an entrepreneur was best for me and came from welfare to an entrepreneur. Being the first entrepreneur in my family breaking the cycle for the next generation. I didn’t know being my own Boss would even work for me. But now being almost 11 years being an entrepreneur I couldn’t see it being any other way. I am thankful for my path in which I had to take to make me the resilient women I am today and every day I am still being perfected.

A History of Orthopedics

A HISTORY OF ORTHOPEDICS portrays the beginning of orthopedic surgery from ancient times to the current era. It follows the gradual development of a specialty from Egypt to the European continent and England and from there to the United States of America. After the discovery of anesthesia and x-rays in the 19th century, a more rapid development of surgical endeavors led to the current situation where arthroscopy could view and treat deranged joint mechanics, and painful arthritic joints could be replaced. Many of the important persons who helped reach this current state are listed with their contributions. Whereas in the 19th century orthopedic surgery was still considered part of general surgery, in the 20th century the two specialties became separated. In addition, there was a struggle between conservative practitioners (the “Strap and Buckle” doctors) and those who felt surgical intervention provided better results.

About the Author:

Retired Orthopedic Surgeon Justin Howland practiced orthopedics in Redding, California for 28 years. After graduating from Yale University, he received his MD degree from N.Y. Medical College. He interned at Kaiser in San Francisco, and his residency was at Fitzsimons in Denver. After a tour in Europe and a stint as Chief of Orthopedics at Fort Dix, N. J., he and his family (five children) returned to California.

Trees of God

If trees could talk, what would they say?

Trees have played a major role since the beginning of time ,starting in the Garden of Eden and throughout the the word God. We will take you on this journey throughout God's word and share with you how TREES have played such a significance role and have been depicted in the Bible. When you finish this journey you will have a different view with history of TREES. Trees provide so much for us. Take a look at this short list: carbon dioxide,paper,pencils— just to name a few.

About the Author:

Pastor J. K. Goodson is the pastor of Chosen Generation COGIC in Philadelphia, PA. Pastor Goodson sits on the executive board of the COGIC Men’s Department International. He also developed and served for 10 years as the President of Commonwealth Jurisdiction Men's Department. He’s married to the prophetess Barbara Goodson with one son, Alex. Pastor Goodson is also the author of WIN THE MEN,WIN THE MEN 30 day Devotional, and Kingdom Authority Beyond Your Ability. He has his associates of Biblical Studies and his Bachelor's of Biblical Studies from Midwest College of Theology. Pastor Goodson has been a guest on TBN,TV show and Gospel Highway 11. Pastor J.K. Goodson continues to teach and preach at various men's conference and convocations.

Satan Christianity’s Other God: Legend, Myth, Lore, or Lie

This iconoclastic work brings a revolutionary perspective on the concept of Satan. Going deeper than simply showing that Satan is a construction of religious culture; Satan Christianity’s Other God explores how the belief in a supernatural Satan, is equal to believing in more than one God. Many of us who have been raised in religion are surprised to learn that the God of the Scripture tells us there is no such thing as a supernatural Satan.

In Volume one of the 4 volume Imagine No Satan Series, James R. Brayshaw, author and researcher from Western Canada, takes the reader on a journey through the Scriptures and history. Sharing what he has learned since opting out of the institutional religion he was raised in, liberating insights are offered. Brayshaw’s work has cracked open the prison of traditional belief in Satan to free the reader to see how the Satan of Christianity was not created by God. Together we discover that Satan never existed in the theology of the people of God until they spent time among cultures steeped in mythology… So why should he exist in our theology today?

Piece by piece the Scriptures are explained to show how the well-known passages about Satan, have been tragically misapplied by those who have a preconceived belief in a cosmic Satan. In this timely tome the Satan we used to know is handily dismantled. Readers are shown how the belief in a cosmic Satan has been thrust onto bible passages that have nothing to say about such an entity.

As man struggles to understand the Creator, becoming free of a belief in Satan takes us a long way towards understanding the God of Scripture.

If you are undaunted by hard questions about your beliefs, then start today with this volume. Join the thousands who have found a refreshed outlook on who God is by learning why Satan is not like what they have been told.

Cynbel et Zothia : Hommage a Haïti roman

Cynbel et Zothia est un roman d’amour d’une portée universelle qui suggère à ses lecteurs de découvrir un nouvel univers, à la fois cocasse, captivant et distinctif de par la texture de ses personnages et les vertus historiques noblement révélées et soigneusement traduites dans un langage romanesque et chantant.

Cynbel et Zothia sont deux jeunes conquérants élevés dans la stricte tradition de la bourgeoisie et de la province haïtiennes, destinés à la profession d’avocat. Ils se cherchaient pendant longtemps sans le savoir, jusqu’à ce qu’une troublante circonstance les entraîne dans un tourbillon insaisissable où leurs vertus réciproques vont, au bout du compte, se plier aux exigences irréductibles des rituels de leurs pères pour l’accomplissement de leur dessein.

Comme on dit, entre avoir une idée et la mettre sur le papier, il y a un monde. Le stress de la feuille blanche n’est pas un mythe, et c’est pourquoi l’écriture est un art. En ce sens, Roland Rodené, né à Les Anglais, Haïti a bien su en faire usage pour exposer au monde l’autre facette de la société haïtienne et l’authenticité de sa foi en Jésus-Christ, qu’il croit être au-dessus de toute chose.


About the author:

Cet homme est un grand amoureux de l’histoire et de ce pays ponctué de malheurs en tout genre. Roland Rodené est d’une grande culture générale. Dans la foulée, il est détenteur d’un mastaire en sciences administratives de Boston University. Il épouse Mona Louis, avec laquelle il a un garçon du nom de Josué Rodené. Avec le temps, on a pu le voir étonnament évoluer sur scène en tant qu’acteur de théâtre, avec un réfl exe artistique bien ajusté. Cynbel et Zothia est une oeuvre littéraire d’une éloquence historique, chrétienne et Culturelle très émouvante. C’est à lire par toutes celles et tous ceux auxquels échappe l’autre dimension de la société haïtienne, facteur d’émerveillement et d’espoir.

Thru God’s Eyes I Begin To Be Wise (B&W Version)

October 22, 1988: “Do not let God bring you home in a box or place you in the hospital”. These words spoken by my mother started to flood my mind. The previous year I had run away. I was heavily under the influence of drugs and alcohol. My eyes were bloodshot red and glossy. In the cold night, I begin walking towards the car. The Lord enabled me to see a bullet pass the side of my face; then another ricochet on the top of the car and hit me in the left side of my neck.


About the author:

Yolanda Johnson is an Author that has been chosen by God before she was born. She is a faithful mother of five children and also the loving wife to Minister Donnie Johnson. Also, Yolanda accomplished a degree in Business. God has impressed a vision on her heart to open up a nonprofit organization called, “Rechanging Lives”. This establishment caters to disadvantaged youth that need a second chance in life and look for ways to achieve a better future. Most of all, they will be encouraged to love the Lord with all their hearts (Mark 12: 30).

Words of Wisdom for Everyday Christian Living

Words of Wisdom for Everyday Christian Living by Dr. James E. Thompson, D.D.

A man of great faith with a compassionate heart for God’s people, Dr. James Thompson, D.D., was born on September 24, 1939, during a very dark period in our country’s segregated history in the Deep South. He was born in a small country town called Mifflin and later grew up on a sharecropper’s farm in Luray, Tennessee. It was during those years, he learned some of the most valuable lessons about the purpose, the presence, and the peace of God in his life. In spite of the many personal challenges and unimaginable experiences faced as an individual who was deeply motivated to preach the gospel of Christ early in life, he learned to apply the inspired word and the lessons shared in this book to successfully rise above the challenges faced by God’s grace and mercy.

Words of Wisdom for Everyday Christian Living is the first volume of these spiritually inspired messages and quotes compiled originally in his daily text ministry. The book is designed to help those who are facing both internal and external challenges in their lives become more reliant on the word and the wisdom of God’s message to and for mankind.

This book can be used as an inspirational resource for teenagers, adults, senior citizens, parents, spouses, grandparents, professionals, business owners, believers, non believers, and religious leaders. Wherever you are in life, Dr. Thompson wants you to know you do not have to face your trials, tribulations, and struggles alone.

After 70 combined years of local, national, and international pulpit ministry, radio ministry, prison ministry, and mission work, he dedicated the rest of his life to helping others embrace the joys found in living a promised life found in Jesus Christ. The sentiments of his thankful heart can be summarized in the words pinned by Alma Androzzo and song by Mahalia Jackson as listed below:

“If I can help somebody, as I travel along
If I can help somebody, with a word or song
If I can help somebody, from doing wrong
then my living shall not be in vain…

About the author:
Professionally, Dr. Thompson has been a full-time preacher for 53 years, 3 years in Florida and 50 years of dedicated service as the Senior Minister to the North Broadway Church of Christ in Mt. Clemens, Michigan through the end of 2017. He enjoyed his new role as Preacher Emeritus and one of the Elders to the congregation until his departure on October 6, 2018.

Academically, Dr. Thompson obtained his Doctorate of Divinity, Masters in Counseling, and Bachelor of Biblical Studies from International Bible Institute and Seminary School, Orlando, Florida and is the first African American in history to receive an Honorary Doctorate of Law Degree from Freed Hardeman University, Henderson Tennessee. Additionally he has an Associate Degree in Psychology from Gibbs Junior College, St. Petersburg, Florida.

A community servant at heart, Dr. Thompson was honored to serve as one of the Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals Board of Trustees, until he took his last breathe.

A Father & Son’s Journey: 11 Life Lessons

This book offers 11 life lessons that a Dad shared with his son as a way to bond. Dad shares his life lessons and experiences with his son and his son shares his lessons and experiences back as he has encountered in his life to date.

Using real-life examples and anecdotes, this book provides a guide for helping young people find purpose and recognizing true potential in life. Dr. Ram Ramcharran and Malhar Ramcharran, share life experiences with these 11 life lessons showing how is has impacted their lives.

A Father and Son’s Journey is Love and understanding for each other and the people around them.

Malhar and Ram Ramcharran live what they taught in this book. I know that the short stories and lessons they shared comes from the center of their hearts. I have seen it and experienced their love and compassion for each other and the people around them.

Dr. Shelton Wood. Jr. – GWUA President

Reading the stories of the lessons shared between a father and son brought back most the wonderful memories I had with my dad growing up. I encourage everyone to pick up this book and share it with your love ones.

Philip Nelson – Former executive – Eckerd Corp


About the authors:

Malhar & Dr. Ram P. Ramcharran decided to write these short life lessons as a way to help share similar experiences and bond. Malhar encountered some bullying from classmates and Dr. Ram wanted him to write his experiences as a way to help encourage more confidence when dealing bullies.

Malhar is 12 years old and attends a STEM charter school. Malhar enjoys coding, Minecraft games, writing and producing content for his You Tube channel.

Dr. Ram Ramcharran is an entrepreneur, consultant and author. Dr. Ramcharran is proud of Malhar sharing his lessons with others despite being so personal; he recognized it may help others who may face similar challenges.

Malhar and Ram Ramcharran live in Tarpon Springs, Florida

The Snares of Satan: Things That Trip Christians Up

About the author:

John spent 10 years in the ministry ministered to inmates in the Limestone County jail, had a television ministry, as well as ministering online. He decided to write a series of books explaining everything that he learned while in the ministry, in an effort to help people who are searching for information about Spiritual Warfare. He believes that this book will present a wealth of information, not only from what he was taught studied, and read, but also from his own personal experiences, for those who are seeking information as he did, when first getting started as well as help for those who are already in the ministry. John presently lives in the Streetman, TX area, is married to Joann, with four sons. He grew up in Louisiana and Texas, was raised as a Southern Baptist and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1976. He obtained additional training in Belief Therapy from the Therapon Institute located in Humble, Texas.

He has published two books, “Winning the Battles in Spiritual Warfare”, and “Speak to Your Mountain” Be Thou Removed