
Systems-Thinking: Concepts, Principles, & Applications of the Modern Scientific Philosophy

Systems-Thinking is defined and used as a worldview, based on the contemporary understanding of Physics. A rational model is derived from the worldview; explaining concepts in Economics that offer a broader understanding of value creation. From this basis, concepts for rational decision-making, organizational design, and governance are derived and their applications explained. Examples and application exercises are provided throughout the book.

About the Author:

Hamid Noorani is a Chemical Engineer with M.B.A. in International Management, Ph.D. in Organization and Management, and extensive professional experience. For links to related videos, visit the website www.powerfulmethods.com

The Caged Princess

The Caged Princess is a fairy tale meant to give an illustration for the basic teachings of Christian salvation. A princess (a.k.a fallen man) needs to be rescued from an evil dragon; but, rather like most fairy tales, the princess isn’t just swept off her feet to safety. Instead she is given the power, tools, and ability to overcome and defeat her enemy by the sacrifice of her prince. Basically, this is the message of the cross and resurrection of Christ. God doesn’t just fight for us He strengthens our arms for battle. The princess transforms from a beaten, worn, hopeless, and helpless victim to a mighty overcomer. Sometimes we feel helpless against our own personal demons and we need a reminder that it is God who enables us to do more than we could ever hope or imagine.

About the Author:

So, here’s a little about myself. I love my God, my family, and my home. I was taught about Jesus growing up and met Him at the age of ten. Since then I’ve had moments of strengths, weakness, and failure; but He has always been faithful and never disappointed me. I’ve been blessed with a husband and children; each of which is a game changer. Seriously, I always considered myself a child/parenting expert; until I had kids. I just want to apologize to every parent I have ever judged; you now have my empathy. Still, the love and acceptance I get from my children is beyond expected. Even in moments of ups and downs they are gifts. Growing up, my home was wherever the military sent us. I went to four different High Schools in four different states. I’ve also lived in Iceland and Okinawa. Still, South Carolina was our home away from home. It is my beloved Palmetto State. Well, there it is in a paragraph. Hope y’all enjoyed the story.

Money Scraps

Money Scraps’ is about living on the edge trying to make about 15 dollars a day doing odd things that improve your overall well being.Going thru some of the steps to ensure success.Different ways of doing things.

About the Author:

Having come from the UK as a baby ,growing up in BC and Albeta. Attending school in New Westminster.Later living multiple times in Europe and Mexico learning the many different aspects of the culture.It has given me insight into the work I do today.

Awakening: Experience Heaven on Earth

How do you write about experiencing life fully? How do you create a treasure map to an experience? The five senses cannot adequately perceive the Kingdom of Heaven. Words have a hard time encapsulating enough meaning to convey the experience. Following the trail of creation can lead you to the Creator. What you do when you meet the Creator is up to you. Those that choose to have an intimate relationship with God will experience the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven reveals that the structure of creation is embedded within the substance of life. Read on and listen for the still, small voice; ask it to speak to you, and it will.

About the Author:

Jason Remmerde lives in Estes Park, Colorado where he manages a small construction company with his wife, Cari. He has always been interested in structure, data, and analysis and has spent much time in the outdoors. He was first intrigued by the similarities and consistency of randomly occurring patterns in nature, and then found himself having a discussion with a Creator that his five senses could not perceive. He enjoys experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth and would like to share ideas that may help others have the same experience.

CONVERSACIONES EN LA MESA: Noventa y Tantos Consejos para mis Hijas

Conversations at the table is a compilation of advice and tips from a father to his daughters. Most of these words of wisdom were told at the kitchen table where they had dinner or while they worked on a jigsaw puzzle. The writer reminds his daughters about the importance of life and how to live it purposefully.

About the Author:

Alejandro Ezquerra is the Senior Spanish Minister at Bammel Church since 2007. He holds degrees in Theology, Mass Media and Divinity. He is a Beatles fan that enjoys riding his Harley and spend time with his wife and daughters.

Incidents of Life

Modern times and results of war and betrayal bring about stirrings that will redefine several lives. Troubled hearts and historic events, rich with haunting feelings of the loss of love, rock the foundations of each character, and through it all, eventual survival. Each life is made up of a number of incidents, which bring famous writer Bosko Arandjelovic, beautiful Vesna Petrovic, and Harrison Barkley, assistant to Bosko, together in a story of tenderness, inspiration and hope.

About the Author:

Molly Odegard Nikolic, born in Madison, Wisconsin, is a member of the national professional fraternity Phi Beta. She has a bachelor of history degree from Edgewood College in Madison. She was first published after winning first place in a world-wide essay contest to preserve the Serbian language, receiving the price in Zurich. She is a gourmet cook and has worked as an extra in a number of films shot in the area. Four events have shaped her life: surviving encephalitis, divorce of her parents, death of her mother and her marriage. She lives with her husband and four cats.

Coconut Fun

What nine or ten year old is not intrigued with stories of fun and adventure!

Travelling from British Columbia, Canada, to the Caribbean Island was like travelling from one end of the world to another; and going from an urban setting to a rural village was equally traumatic. However, the boredom that Justin feared he would experience in this strange rustic village without electricity or televisions was now being replaced by a feeling of excitement.

“Coconut Fun” tells entertaining short stories about Canadian city boy, Justin, and his Caribbean country cousin, Nate, while teaching facts about the coconut palm.

Listen to ten year old country boy, Nate, and his unique was of speaking. “Me will teach yo’ lots of coconut fun before the holidays are over.”

The stories are real, drawn from the author’s own childhood experiences during the late 40’s and 50’s.

About the Author:

Elisient Maeve Vernon spent most of her life in children’s ministry. She worked with children in the churches pastored by her husband Rev. Samuel Vernon who is now retired from full time ministry.

Mrs. Vernon spent her early years in a rural village in Jamaica where her father was the pastor. She was a tomboy, the only girl among several brothers.

After High School she was trained as a children’s librarian. Her years of experience in working with children in the Library Services in Jamaica, Trinidad and Western Canada, and also her studies in child psychology, writing for children and study of the Bible were evidences that God had prepared her to become Younger Children editor for Caribbean Christian Publications (CCP).

She now resides with her husband of 63 years in Miami, Florida.

Harmony in the Open Field

What happens when you come face to face with one of the biggest fears of your life? Imagine how Kreigh Alcorn, an acorn, feels when he happens upon a grey and brown squirrel! If you’ve ever been afraid, you will love Harmony in the Open Field. Ruth-Ann J. Thompson, songwriter, and motivational speaker, now brings us Harmony in the Open Field, the second book in The Open Fielders, a series that will touch the heart of a child, and encourage the hearts of parents.

The Most Feared Man In America

This biography of J. Edgar Hoover differs from all previous books on the subject. My book posits and documents the existence of two political myths about Hoover. One is a God myth, which was created intentionally by a long-standing FBI public relations campaign. The other myth is a Devil myth that emerged in reaction to the God myth. Both of these mythic perceptions are unidimensional stereotypical depictions of the man, which obscure the reality of the former FBI director. The author uses declassified FBI memoranda to shed light on the personality and professional performance of Mr. Hoover through examination of his marginalia. Hoover’s handwritten comments in the margins of FBI memos are candid and fascinating manifestations of his true self.

About the Author:

Dr. Dirk C. Duran-Gibson, Ph. D. teaches interviewing, persuasion, communication theory, professional communication, magazine writing, and serial murder communication at the University of New Mexico. He has published a book on communication in the practice of law, a half-dozen books
on serial murder, and two books on outer space studies. He is an acknowledged authority on product recalls, serial murder communication, and outer space, and has been interviewed more than one hundred times by international, national and regional media. He has served as a consultant to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Federal Aviation Administration. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with his wife, Linda Duran-Gibson, BA, MA, CCC.

Book of Psalms Devotional (Volume 1)

Book of Psalms – Devotional THE PSALMS A very important part of the Bible. A FIVE FOLD DEVOTIONAL BOOK There are five things to keep in mind when we look at the Psalms. These are covered within the pages of this devotional. But before introducing that, let us see the importance of the book of Psalms in knowing more about our Lord. Look carefully at Luke 24:25-27 and verses 44-45. He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?” And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. He said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.” Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. Jesus used the Psalms many times in His teaching and life. They were much in His thinking. Here are some psalms concerning our Lord: David's greater Son 89 132 Incarnation of Son 8 40 Rejection of Christ 118 78:1-2 Betrayal of Christ 69 109 Death of Messiah & beyond 22 2 Victory over death 16 102 Messiah's marriage & ministry 45 110 Reign of glorious King 72 68 Paul also admonished the believers to make ready reference to the psalms: Ephesians 5:18-20 Colossians 3:16-17.