
How Can I Become a Successful University Student?

Transitioning to university life and student drop-out rates have become major concerns. This informally easy-to-read short manual was written and designed with the goal to make all students successful at any university. It is written for middle to high school and especially university students, principals, professors, teachers, and parents. The content is based on brain research. Having introduced the concept of freedom, the author discusses the importance of setting goals for oneself and practical steps in developing a time management plan to reach them. Disadvantages of procrastinating and advantages of responsibility are addressed. Important times and methods of how to study are given as well as computer use. Based on learning styles, the author discusses portfolios and a variety of methods of how to study both class and textbook notes with special emphasis on organization and including processes of how to efficiently study in groups. Cell phones are briefly addressed. The Manual concludes with Study Guide examples that students may receive from their professors or create by themselves to help them become successful and graduate in their anticipated time frame.

About the Author:

Johan W. van der Jagt has had a varied and culturally diverse career. Living in the Netherlands for only a short while after birth, his family immigrated to Canada and subsequently to the United States. He is bilingual-Dutch and English and has had courses in Latin, Spanish, and French at both high school and college levels. He earned both his B.A. and M.Ed. degrees in psychology and special education respectively from McDaniel College, MD. He taught for more than fifteen years in Canada as a Special Education-Support Grades 1-8, and inclusive Grades 1, 2, and 3 teacher. After earning his Ph.D. from Southern University-Baton Rouge, LA, specializing in learning disabilities, he taught at the University of West Alabama, Southeastern Louisiana University and continues in his professorial functions of teaching, research and service at Bloomsburg University of PA. for a current total of more than 20 years. His interests and publications based on years of experience, brain and intervention strategies research are especially meant to make ALL students successful at all developmental levels.

Narnols, Blumblums, & Friends

A collection of rhymes and poems for children ages 4-10 or for parents to read to preschoolers for their enjoyment. The themes cover animals, activities that children indulge in, ideas that challenge them or they could pursue creatively. The book introduces new vocabulary not common to everyday use which will be easily understood in their context. There is humor, adventure, and familiar situations which they can identify with.

About the Author:

Manila born author, Maryknoll College alumna; graduate studies at Stanford, Santa Clara, USF, 46 years’ experience with early childhood education and administration; owner/director of Lilliput infant/toddler center for 35 years in Palo Alto, California

Zero Turned Hero

Zero Turned Hero will take readers from fantasy to reality. Many of us are faced with bullies in our experiences. Some of us may use bully tactics at times, and we know this is wrong. Sometimes incidents in our lives turn us into people we were not meant to be.

“Tip Top Finds Hope” will open the door to what he felt when kids made fun of him.

Victor has to accept the consequence of being deceitful and not telling the truth in “Victor Learns a Lesson.”

What has been your greatest fear? Did you ever get over it? Read “Nightmares” to learn how Joseph overcame his fear.

A twelve year old girl, had years of pain and grief for doing something for a loved one. Do you agree with the mother or the daughter in “The Onion?” In “The Lavender Dress” readers will find out how a person… can go from being poor…to well off, and yet not be happy.

Jennifer has a hard decision to make in Jennifer’s Luck. Would you have made the same choice?

Will has to challenge three bullies in “The End of an Era.” What do you think helped prepare him for the day of his victory?

Evil may bring out evil. What causes “The Stone King” to become ruthless?

Zero Turned Hero will challenge minds and imaginations. At times it may seem like an emotional roller coaster ride. Stories can provoke sensitivity, empathy, or remorse. This book has strong messages and critical thinking skills that can lead to great discussions.

This book contains colorful illustrations.

About the Author:

Bessie Frazier was born in Brooklyn, New York. She received her B.A. degree from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee and her M.A. degree from Montclair State College in New Jersey.While at Fisk, she became a member of the Fisk Writer’s Workshop, under the well known author John Oliver Killens.

She majored in English and Sociology at Fisk University but received her degree in Sociology. She received her Masters Degree in Education from Montclair State College in Upper Montclair New Jersey, and completed Post Graduate work at Brooklyn College and New York University. She taught English for over 30 years in Brooklyn NY and New Jersey Middle Schools.

She is the author of poems, stories, plays, and positive raps. She has performed for schools, colleges, churches and special interest groups. Her work has appeared in anthologies, magazines
and other sources, as well as being featured in Who’s who in the East. Students have performed her work in schools, and she has received countless letters of praise from electrified readers.

Behind the Scenes of Jenna Castoron

In the follow-up to Behind the Scenes of Jenna Shale, Jenna faces the loss of Aiden and continues to look back on her life, drawing comparisons between life and television as she shares the events that transpired around the tragic loss of her husband, the difficulties in finding love again, and the trials she faced as she tried to come to terms with the harsh realities of her world. With the narrative frame still focusing on television, Jenna tackles the difficult topics of domestic violence and sexual assault at the same time as she continues her exploration of the topics of sex and love.

About the Author:

Chelsie Keller has lived in northwest Ohio for most of her life and continues to enjoy spending time with her friends and family in the same county where she was born. She earned her Associate of Arts degree from Northwest State Community College, her Bachelor of Arts in English from Bowling Green State University, and, recently, her Master’s in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Chelsie claims that she has been writing for as long as she can remember but also notes a wide variety of interests including women’s issues, literature, and popular culture that have always had a tremendous influence on her academic studies as well as her writing. It is these topics that she works to unfold in the Behind the Scenes series.

Enigma Encruzijadas del Destino

Un guardián dimensional, un asesino obsesionado y los especialistas
Sue es una joven forense que trabaja en el centro de investigaciones más avanzado de toda Argentina, el S6. Ella, su jefe y su compañero se verán envueltos en una serie de misterios que han comenzado con un extraño correo electrónico que recibió Shein, su jefe, sobre un asesino capaz de matar a sus víctimas en cuestión de segundos con solo mirarlas un instante a los ojos. En el correo electrónico llaman a esta persona “el depredador”.

El depredador ha descubierto la ubicación de las puertas dimensionales y lo que necesita para abrirlas y así apoderarse al fin de aquello que tanto desea. Por primera vez en siglos se dan las condiciones perfectas para llevar a cabo sus planes y lograr concluir aquello que inició cinco siglos atrás. Aunque sabe que la policía conoce sus recientes movimientos, no considera que puedan ser capaces de atraparlo.

Sue y su equipo se verán envueltos en un sinfín de situaciones que los llevaran a pensar que se están volviendo locos. Personas que se esfuman en el aire, lugares que no tienen sentido del tiempo y extraños ataques a sus seres queridos mantendrán a los personajes al límite de la razón.

About the Author:

Amie Van Gogh nació en Irapuato Guanajuato el 18 de junio de 1982. Desde su nacimiento hasta en la actualidad su vida se ha visto envuelta en misterios, y enigmas provenientes de eventos paranormales, que incluso a los conocedores del tema los ha dejado perplejos. Estas situaciones le han acarreado una vida complicada acompañada de diversas situaciones, donde la escritura ha sido una manera por la cual plasma parte de lo vivido durante su vida. La novela Enigma Encrucijadas del Destino, es una novela que plasma una realidad llevando al límite a sus personajes principales.

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor: The Churches in Revelation

If you have ever read about the seven churches of Asia Minor, or the seven churches in Revelation, and wondered what they are all about, this book will help you get a deeper insight into the character of these churches. You will get a look at their geographical locations, their historical backgrounds, and their experiences that shaped the way Christ addressed them. Christ introduced himself to these seven churches in seven different ways because their works were different, and he wrote them according to their works. The church of Ephesus—the first of the seven, left its first love, and the last of the seven, the church of Laodicea focused on material wealth without recognizing that Christ was on the outside knocking, seeking the opportunity to come in. The Seven Churches of Asia Minor, (The Churches in Revelation) will take you through each church one by one; it will help you to identify actions for which they were chastened or encouraged. Five out of these seven churches were admonished, warned, and given specific steps to take for their restoration. They could take these steps of face the consequences that were meted out by Christ himself. This book will certainly be an eye-opener for any church or individual who are curious to know more about the seven churches in the book of Revelation.

About the Author:

Dr. Orville Beckford Sr. has been a pastor for thirty years, in Jamaica, the Easters Caribbean, Rochester New York, Rochester New York (1995-2011), and now in New Rochelle New York, 2011—present. He has a Bachelor of Divinity, a BA in Biblical Studies, a MA in Psychology and Christian Counseling, and a PhD in Philosophy in Biblical Studies. He and his wife Deana, have three children, and lives in Peekskill New York.


A no nonsense guide for the new believer in Christ that is a must. Explore the next steps that are vital for you to thrive as a Christian. This book can be used as a reference that you will go back to time and time again.
• Get a good foundation as a Christian using the principles included.
• Be inspired and strengthened with a key Bible memory verse in bold in each chapter.
• Gain inspiration from personal experiences and lessons learned from the author.
• Dig deeper using the questions for reflection and discussion at the end of every chapter.

About the Author:

Tracey Mulherin is a Born-Again Spirit-filled Christian. In this book, she shares her insights, tips, and personal experiences to get you started on your new journey, living the exhilarating life as a Christian. She was ordained as a minister in 2017 by Jameson School of Ministry. She was certified in 2018 as a Christian Growth Coach by the Christian Coaching School. In 2017 the Lord prompted her to start a business. She has a passion for equipping Christians for their destiny and calling. You can learn more about what she has to offer at www.TheEquipmentFactory.com

Evergreen: We Are Not The Masks We Wear, We Are The Light That Shines Through

We often allow the external world to define us and tell us who we are, but in truth this is not us. At our core we are something much more than the masks we put on with family, friends, and at work. There is a light within us emanating from our heart, and when we remember it we begin living our truth. Through a traumatic injury Trey began looking at himself only to realize he had no idea who he was. Evergreen brings to life Trey’s vision of waking up to our true nature within. We are already enough.

About the Author:

TREY JACKSON is the founder of Free-Minds blog & podcast. He is also the author of this book, part one of a three book series. Trey graduated from the University of Tennessee with a BA in History & Supply Chain Management. He grew up in Nashville, TN, with a short stint in Knoxville, TN. He now resides in Atlanta, GA. He also spent a short time working as a stand-up comedian between college and his first corporate job. He now serves as a medium, and authors books to promote growth in himself and others on their journeys of self-discovery.

Praise For The Human Heart

This slim volume represents the stories of many lives, exploring what it means to be human. Some are fictionalized real stories and some are real occurrences but with imagined emotional responses, and some really happened but motives and developments are fiction. All writers must start somewhere, and most start with their own life, then branch out into the stories other people tell them. They finally reach the point where the writer can understand how people talk, feel, respond, and remember the events of a lifetime and then they write books.

About the Author:

Phyllis Davidson is a retired teacher with a Master’s Degree. She has taught school at all levels from elementary to university. A reading specialist, she has devoted her retirement to volunteering to teach reading skills to students in first grade and to inmates in a woman’s prison.

She is the author of two other collections of short stories: The Silver Bell, a group of Christmas stories, and Firmament, tales of fantasy and science fiction. Her favorite past time is traveling the world. She is a native of Idaho and lives there with her cat, Sweet William.

The Girl Who Cried Daddy

The girl who cried daddy.! is a book of heart-wrenching, but deeply ultimately, uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, about the Author, an autobiography of little girl, that grew up without a loving mother, wandering through her early life as a young girl and lady, unaware of danger, wrong and right, because she had no one to teach her anything about the facts of life, Her mother passed when she was only 2 years old. She was just 11 years old, when she was taken from her previous step parents, whom she thought were her biological parents, she was taken after when her dad first became a preacher, she learned that she didn’t have a real mother, when she began staying with her father and two brothers at the age of 11, a young girl that age really needed a mother’s love and someone to give her advice. but she managed to get through Grammar school, living with her step parents, and she lived with grandmother , which was my dad’s mother the rst year of high school, even though was called a holy roller girl, and teased by other kids, by the little
head coving I was made to wear, by my 3rd step mom, and I never went to my high school prom, because our holy family didn’t think it was appropriate, and none of the boys would talk to me, also it was against her family religion ,her dad didn’t allow her to have a boyfriend ,or even talk to boys, so after high school ,she went on and finish her nursing , at Ga Medical Institute, Atlanta GA in 1993, doing things, little girls did
was all missed, SHE WANTED TO be A CHEERLEADER IN HIGH SCHOOL, BUT HER DAD SAID THAT THE SKIRTS THEY WORE WERE TOO SHORT! and no daughter of his is gonna wear anything like that, those were his rules, that I had to live by! as long as I were a minor in his house, my father Bishop Smith ,was a very strict, Preacher., with his 3 kids, family and his church. But any time anyone in the church or in our family had any type of problems, they would always cry to my Daddy! Bishop Please pray for me, but my father failed to realize , is that his three children especially his only Daughter, was Crying all the time asking God why did her
Biological Mother!! DIE? So young! At age 24, never ever got to see us reach puberty, or even start school, I was a Sad Girl for years missing the Love of a REAL Mother.