

Showing 101–104 of 104 results

  • Will the Real Israel Please Stand Up!
    How Christians Are Robbed of Their Heritage

    What can we do about the decline of the Christian west? Like the ancient Israelites in Egypt, Americans are simply slaves driven by the taskmasters to produce more with less. This austerity has global ramifications as well. We are spoken of in economic terms such as “taxpayers” and “human resources” – just soul-less beings to be used for the machine. We are no longer “peoples” defined by a common culture, traditions, or eternal values. The church too is in decline.

    The author exposes some little known history of our ancestors and reveals the path to regain liberty. This book is “the rest of the story” and it should give Christians the basic principles needed to understand who they are, where they are going, and what is going on in the world. A primer into Christian Identity in a blend of history, politics and theology; the author proposes biblical measures that could revolutionize the church and the world. Christians and Patriots will never view the Bible the same after reading this book.

  • Words Of Wisdom

    In the beginning of this book is things I have pondered about on how to teach our children to think beyond this world and to use their inner man to help them become productive children and adults in this world. Furthermore, it more than just an enlightenment to your soul, it is some life changing experiences and advice that I have given to many and I used this to bring about awareness to one’s situation especially in your lonely hours when you are searching for answers. In this book I am giving you the wisdom that was bestowed upon me to help me overcome and to win the war when I was going through my trials and tribulations.

    About the author:

    I, Sheila Pettigen, I’m a gentle, loving spirit to all who have crossed my path. Furthermore, I also love to write my thoughts on paper especially when I have some alone time, I can hear what thus said the Lord. Also, when the spirit leads me, I love sharing my life experiences and giving advice to those who need it. I am here to tell you that God is no respecter of person what he has done for me in my darkest hours, he will do the same for you, all you have to do is seek him first.

  • Words of Wisdom for Everyday Christian Living

    Words of Wisdom for Everyday Christian Living by Dr. James E. Thompson, D.D.

    A man of great faith with a compassionate heart for God’s people, Dr. James Thompson, D.D., was born on September 24, 1939, during a very dark period in our country’s segregated history in the Deep South. He was born in a small country town called Mifflin and later grew up on a sharecropper’s farm in Luray, Tennessee. It was during those years, he learned some of the most valuable lessons about the purpose, the presence, and the peace of God in his life. In spite of the many personal challenges and unimaginable experiences faced as an individual who was deeply motivated to preach the gospel of Christ early in life, he learned to apply the inspired word and the lessons shared in this book to successfully rise above the challenges faced by God’s grace and mercy.

    Words of Wisdom for Everyday Christian Living is the first volume of these spiritually inspired messages and quotes compiled originally in his daily text ministry. The book is designed to help those who are facing both internal and external challenges in their lives become more reliant on the word and the wisdom of God’s message to and for mankind.

    This book can be used as an inspirational resource for teenagers, adults, senior citizens, parents, spouses, grandparents, professionals, business owners, believers, non believers, and religious leaders. Wherever you are in life, Dr. Thompson wants you to know you do not have to face your trials, tribulations, and struggles alone.

    After 70 combined years of local, national, and international pulpit ministry, radio ministry, prison ministry, and mission work, he dedicated the rest of his life to helping others embrace the joys found in living a promised life found in Jesus Christ. The sentiments of his thankful heart can be summarized in the words pinned by Alma Androzzo and song by Mahalia Jackson as listed below:

    “If I can help somebody, as I travel along
    If I can help somebody, with a word or song
    If I can help somebody, from doing wrong
    then my living shall not be in vain…

    About the author:
    Professionally, Dr. Thompson has been a full-time preacher for 53 years, 3 years in Florida and 50 years of dedicated service as the Senior Minister to the North Broadway Church of Christ in Mt. Clemens, Michigan through the end of 2017. He enjoyed his new role as Preacher Emeritus and one of the Elders to the congregation until his departure on October 6, 2018.

    Academically, Dr. Thompson obtained his Doctorate of Divinity, Masters in Counseling, and Bachelor of Biblical Studies from International Bible Institute and Seminary School, Orlando, Florida and is the first African American in history to receive an Honorary Doctorate of Law Degree from Freed Hardeman University, Henderson Tennessee. Additionally he has an Associate Degree in Psychology from Gibbs Junior College, St. Petersburg, Florida.

    A community servant at heart, Dr. Thompson was honored to serve as one of the Henry Ford Macomb Hospitals Board of Trustees, until he took his last breathe.

  • You Are Your Brother’s Keeper

    Reading this book will encourage you to allow the love of God to live within you. You’ll be able to forgive, show love, make sacrifices, mentor and care for someone else other than yourself.


    About the author:

    My name is Minnie Russaw Jordan. I live in a small town called, Clayton, Alabama. I love the peace and quiet of country living. My hobbies are reading, writing, and gardening. I like to see things grow and I have a passion for outreaching. I have five brothers and five sisters. I also have two sons, seven grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.




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