

Showing 11–20 of 104 results

  • Be Still

    Have you been so sure that you are on the right track, only to have the Lord pull your coattail to let you know that you need to “Be still,” you are moving in the wrong direction? This book will encourage you to turn away from your own ways and follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. This book is for the ones who are tired of making the same mistakes over and over again. It will remind you that God is in control, even when it does not look like there is a God. God is not dead. He will return, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth and only the ones who have been washed in the blood of Jesus will live forever with Jesus. There will be no end to his kingdom. Amen.

    Dr. Loretta Y. Howard attended Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Florida. She is an ordained minister at First African Missionary Baptist Church in Green Cove Springs, Florida. She is the author of four other books, Walking on Broken Pieces, Growing in Ministry, Women Suffering in Silence, and In Times Like These We Need to Change the Way We Do Church. She loves God! Do you love God?

  • Being the Way

    Being the Wayis a collection of personal experiences and insights blended with a very different view of the journey Jesus took after his baptism on the River Jordan, which led to his living in an awareness of Heaven’s Presence. Being the Way will invite you to join him on that journey, letting go of what was, so you can step into and embrace an entirely new way of being and seeing the world. Remember Jesus said, “All things I do and greater still you will do if…” This is a book of hope and shares a message your soul is longing to hear, one tugging at your heart, which could transform the world.


    About the author:

    Patrick is a friend, a counselor, a mentor and a teacher who provokes insights into an awareness of Heaven’s Presence. Many years ago, Rev. Patrick had a powerful life-changing experience that changed the way he saw the world and guided him to pursue being the way Spirit invites us all to be. Since that pursuit began he has attended many transformational workshops lead by a variety of well-known figures, attended ministerial school and was licensed and ordained as a minister in 1997. In 2017 he earned a Doctorate in Religious Studies.

  • Beyond the Shemitah

    For years H. Vandergouw has been sensitized by the Lord in regard to the last days we are living in. One of the areas that the Lord has targeted is the economic state of this country in relationship to the new global economic order envisioned with the coming Day of the Lord.

    His previous writing of Signs of the Coming Messiah in This Generation in 2011 included a chapter that considered our ominous economic realm that not only our nation was beset with, but that of the world.

    Since that time, even greater warning signs are becoming evident which are issuing “critical” alarms as never before. Sadly, our government and media are either suppressing and/or covering up the dangers these alarms are presenting. Using Biblical precedence and the historical results of past Shemitahs and Jubilees, 2016 – which is a Jubilee year – could be the year where a serious economic “fall” takes place. In this regard, the Lord gave this author “Actionable Recommendations” as He called them for your benefit. Why? To help you PREPARE for potentially the greatest economic collapse this world will ever experience. It is my sincere hope that this book will be a practical resource and guide for you and your loved ones in the perilous days ahead.

  • Burning Questions About Islam

    HAVE YOU HEARD that Allah’s followers constitute the world’s fastest-growing religion? That Muhammad was mankind’s greatest and final prophet? That the Bible is unreliable and the Qur’an is God’s ultimate revelation?

    In Burning Questions About Islam—A Panoramic Study for Concerned Christians, Wilbur Lingle tackles those claims. Here, in language everyone can understand, Lingle provides readers with a comprehensive survey of the history, beliefs, and fallacies of Islam. Using passages from the Qur’an and the Hadith, he provides information and details aimed at creating a better understanding of the beliefs and practices of the followers of Islam. He also gives readers practical suggestions on how to engage its followers with the truth of the Christian gospel.

    Burning Questions About Islam gives readers the tools they need to witness to Muslims in an informed and nonconfrontational manner.

    WILBUR LINGLE received a B.A. and M.A. in Bible from Bob Jones University. In 1989, he began Love to Share Ministries, an outreach program to teach Christians how to witness to those of other religions, including Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Burning Questions About Islam is his fourth book.

  • Conversion of a Vicious Roman Centurion

    This book is about a vicious Roman Centurion soldier whom was commissioned by the Jewish leaders to travel to various regions and kill or imprison any Christians who were practicing the doctrines of Jesus Christ. But on his way to Damascus, a bright lightning struck him off his horse and when he fell off his horse, a voice instructed him of his new assignment. He was converted into the Christian faith and for this he was no longer useful to the Jews. They captured and put him into prison for persecution.

    Rev. Martin Edior is a native of Trinidad. He has written many other religious issues. He is an anointed minister in the C.O.G.I.C. He likes to pray and lay hands on the sick and afflicted. He is married to a lovely lady from Belize, Central America and is very happy with his marriage life. His lovely wife is his editor.


    Many years ago, as I was describing the latest saga in my bizarre life to a dear friend, she suggested I write a book about my life. Eventually, over a period of several years, I started writing down these short stories and finally put them together into a book. It was then that I realized that many of my life experiences had a profound impact on who I was and how I thought. I started out as a quiet, shy person who was unsure of herself and her abilities. Even though I had grown up a” ending church every Sunday, trying to follow the teachings of the Bible, I knew something was missing in my life. Eventually I married a United Methodist minister and we raised two children together. The challenges we faced during our years in the ministry allowed me to grow in strength and confidence. I was continually learning new life lessons as God put me in positions where I could be of help while caring for the needs and problems of others. As God led me to take on leadership roles, I found I could depend on His guidance and continual support. I was energized as He guided me to use my creative and artistic talents. Then one day the doctor told me I had a tumor and needed major surgery, all at the same time my husband was being put on trial by the church for behavior unbecoming of a minister. When you are down and out is when you find out about your faith and God’s power to turn things around. Never before had I envisioned the challenges I was yet to face. I knew that God was not finished with me and that I had much more to accomplish. Praise God!

  • Divine Package and You

    The book ‘Divine Package and You’ is an attempt to bring a major theme of the Christian faith into a broader focus. In doing this, it takes a swipe at what the author considers as a breach in contemporary Christian teaching. He therefore urges Christians to move from the shadow to reality, from milk to solid food, and reject the trash for healthy food.

    Like Berean Christians, we should expose every teaching and doctrine to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit making the Holy Scriptures our reference point. We should examine every teaching and hold on to the truth that will set us free.

    This book is an eye-opener and a must-read for every Christian, both the clergy and the laity. No one can read through it and remain the same. Be blessed as you read through it.

    About the author:

    The author, Israel Oladipupo Odewale was born in Gbongan, in Osun State of Nigeria. According to him, he was given strict religious upbringing by his parents who were ministers in the Anglican Communion. His father wanted him to go into the ministry after his university education but he chose to go into teaching. After a brief stay in teaching he proceeded to join the Nigerian army where he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. It was there he became a born-again Christian.

    He recalls that his time in the army was the best period of his life as he experienced the Lord first-hand and was able to touch many lives for Him. Although he faced much persecution, he could not be intimidated.

    After his retirement from the Nigerian Army, he came to Britain where he established a church in London called ‘Narrow Way Christian Fellowship’ which he now co-pastor with his wife, Mrs Francisca Olajumoke Odewale. They are blessed with children and grand-children.


    The author could be contacted at this email address:

    [email protected]

    Phone: 07949 984 783

    Website: www.narrowway.org.uk

    Other books written by the author:

    The Standard of God

    That You may Prosper

    Do you love Me more than these?

    Can God be truly a Righteous Judge?

    Some of these books are available from the contacts above and at Obafemi Awolowo University Bookshop, Ibadan University Bookshop, Baptist Bookshop Ibadan, CMS Bookshop Ibadan, all in Nigeria; and the Amazon.

    You can also take a look at some articles written in our Facebook at [email protected]

  • During the Life of Jesus – Up Close

    The life and times of Jesus and the world he lived in has been told countless times and ways. This work’s objective was to seek out and pull together facts often overlooked or not explored before, e.g. how many Christians know it was an African black man who helped Jesus carry the cross? Or, a passage spoken by Simeon at the presentation in the temple is repeated in Christian services to this very day? Or, there was only one witness that spoke up for Jesus during his trials that Friday morning? Know who it was?

    Get “up-close” right here.

    The author, a retired security consultant has spent a lifetime involved in crime detection and prevention. He holds a BS in Police Science and taught at CAL STATE LA. He has authored 21 professional and college textbooks, and one novel. He was a sought-after expert witness on negligence in and foreseeability of crime in civil trials across the country. He founded the Intl Assoc. of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC) in 1984 and has lectured internationally. He’s a Christian layman with a keen interest in exploring our Lord’s life and times. Mr. Sennewald’s academic interest and professional skills uniquely qualify him to assemble the fascinating details and facts that comprise this book.

  • Economic Evangelism

    There are literally all types of evangelism strategies and all are effective. If any strategy wins one person for christ, it’s effective.
    I believe and admonish christians to use all types and strategies of evangelism to reach the lost.

  • Escape to Faith and Freedom

    A battle for the very souls of the people he loves. . .

    “Papa, why are they burning Bibles?”
    “Because they are afraid of truth.”
    “Why are they afraid of truth, Papa?”
    “Because truth frees us from their tyranny.”

    BENJAMIN BENAMOZ FLEES FOR HIS LIFE from the Empire’s tyranny. He finds freedom and faith in Christ, but even in America, vicious enemies seek to wipe out his people and their cherished way of life. As Western Civilization hangs in balance, Ben must restore the ancient birthright to its sacred place. Can he fulfill his epic quest before it’s too late?

    About the author:

    C.A. DAVIDSON grew up during the Cold War era, so she writes about the deadly assault on the Judeo-Christian culture that she has seen for herself. Her deep love of faith, family, and freedom has inspired the creation of the Birthright Covenant trilogy. Her mission is to help parents recapture, restore and transmit the biblical values that are heart and soul of Western Civilization, and that are key to the very survival of liberty for rising and future generations.




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