  • Wheels in the Dust

    “Crumley, for your information, each one of our black
    people will be called by their name or as ‘worker’! They
    are NEVER to be called ‘nigger’ by you or anyone. Am I
    perfectly clear on that?”

    “The man who can pass over this route in one of the
    Overland coaches without experiencing the feelings
    of mingled terror and astonishment must certainly be
    oblivious to every consideration of personal safety.”

    After growing up with slavery on his family’s plantation in South Carolina and later receiving his degree in 1855 from the Yale School of Law, Benjamin Cartwell’s life becomes dramatically altered. Ben discovers just surviving on the raw and dangerous Western frontier challenging when asked to assist staging mogul John Butterfield, the mastermind architect of the Overland Mail Company, in establishing the infrastructure and placing into operation the epic transcontinental mail route between the Mississippi River and San Francisco.

    This is a graphic and gripping story based on documented history that should keep the reader’s attention riveted to its last page.

    About the author:

    Stan Briney’s penchant for creativity and detail is clearly shown in his work as a professional artist and in his recent works in freelance writing. This is his 6th novel.

    The author obtained Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the State University of Iowa followed later by his graduation from medical school. His medical specialty in Diagnostic Radiology provided him a long and distinguished professional career in both clinical and academic medicine.

    Since early childhood and without formal art training, his natural born talent in art has earned him recognition and honors. Following his retirement from medicine in 1995, he has developed a very successful second career as an award-winning professional artist. His realistic bronze sculptures and illustrations can be found in private art collections, homes, offices and schools within the United States.

    Briney and his wife reside in the cattle ranching country of north central Texas where he has a small art studio and gallery in their country home. The Briney’s have three children, five grown grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.

  • Fantasy Locked in a Criminal Mind

    One vexatious thought always remained deep within Jeremy’s dysfunctional mind. It was the perpetual fantasy of his unquestionable inheritance of the large, beautiful Oklahoma ranch that he knew was sitting atop that huge chasm of natural gas.


    The haunting sound of the heavy steel doors were deafening, signaling confinement and despair. The relentless self-imposed fantasy that Jeremy Kendall once created within his mind was soon pointing him down a path of self-destruction. Fantasy Locked in a Criminal Mind is a gripping story of a young man’s fateful choices he made for himself and for others. The author has made Jeremy’s story seem too real for fiction. This book is sure to keep the reader riveted and turning the pages.

    About the author:

    Stan Briney’s penchant for creativity and detail is clearly shown in his work as a professional artist and in his recent works in freelance writing. This is his first novel.

    The author obtained Bachelor and Master of Science degrees from the State University of Iowa followed later by his graduation from medical school. His medical specialty in Diagnostic Radiology provided him a long and distinguished professional career in both clinical and academic medicine.

    Since early childhood and without formal art training, his natural born talent in art has earned him recognition and honors. Following his retirement from medicine in 1995, he has developed a very successful second career as an award-winning professional artist. His realistic bronze sculptures and illustrations can be found in private art collections, homes, offices and schools within the United States.

    Briney and his wife reside in the cattle ranching country of north central Texas where he has a small art studio and gallery in their country home. The Briney’s have three children, five grown grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.

  • Thunder At River Station

    “Well, Doc, I guess by now you understand we’ve got no goddamn use for sympathizers who love those black skinned folks.” Realizing that the dial of his life was showing the hands near the midnight hour, the trembling doctor felt a sudden serene and willful peace come over him.

    Thunder at River Station is a compelling and vivid fictional story of two doctors of medicine involved with the thundering sounds coming from millions of long horn cattle, blazing guns, and men with very different views on life that were once part of the expanding and rugged Western frontier spreading from Missouri to Texas during the turbulent years of the mid and late 1800s.

    This is a must-read for those with interest in the Civil War and the issues faced by individuals and our entire nation during that time.

    About the author:

    During his thirty-five-year career as a physician with a medical specialty in Radiology, the Author was the recipient of both state and national recognition for his professional leadership and achievements in both clinical and academic medicine. Since his retirement from medicine in 1995, he has come to enjoy a successful second career as both an artist and free-lance writer. His award-winning illustrations and bronze sculptures can be found in private art collections, galleries, homes, offices and schools from coast to coast. His publications are available through Amazon and Barnes-Noble stores. Briney enjoys associate and lifetime memberships in several medical, art and literary societies and associations that include the Texas League of Writers and the Western Writers of America.

    Through the years, the Author and his wife of sixty years have enjoyed traveling to many parts of the world. They reside in the cattle ranching country of north central Texas. The Briney’s have five adult grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

  • No Time for Justice

    A graphic story based on documented history has its location in northern Texas and the Indian Territory before, during, and following the Civil War. Having both Cherokee and Choctaw Indian blood, a courageous young man faces a compelling decision during the Civil War whether he will defend the honor of his Unionist white stepfather who has been murdered by a Confederate or defend his Confederate Cherokee mother’s cultural heritage. A truly gripping story that is sure to capture the reader’s attention from the first page to the last.
