
The Adralack Crack on Mt. Baker

By Beauford E. Averette


The book tells of the adventures and dangers faced by four university professors who climb Mt. Baker during their winter break. They are involved in an unexpected cave-in of a lava tunnel below a glacier and later caught in an avalanche.

With Larry injured, they decide to seek shelter in a shallow rock outcropping they call the “Adralack Crack”. Why did Larry become the victim of the cosmic force when he stepped into the “Crack”? Could Adrian Adralack, a fellow climber, invent a teletransporter to bring him back out? For what other purpose would Adrian use his teletransporter? Because of what happens to the climber in the “Crack”, their lives are forever changed by its paranormal effects.

Will Art become obsessed with walking into the “Adralack Crack”? Will Art’s wife find love with an old friend? Will the alien that came from Exvacia by the cosmic force search out and mate with one of the professors?

There are many twists and turns that deal with extraterrestrials, teletransportation, thievery, love, sex and friendship within its pages. This and much more will excite your imagination and titillate your senses.

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