

By Randall B. Linn


Have you ever felt like something was watching you, in the place you’d least expect; out with friends on a warm summer night. You’re taken on an unexpected journey and discover a secret hidden within someone or something. This book is based on true events so brace yourself.

About the author:

Author Randall B. Linn has a very descriptive style of writing. He expresses his ideas in specific ways by using just the right word and putting it in just the right place. He developed his style from reading copious amounts of literature and studying science. The stories he writes tap into feelings of unfamiliarity within one’s self and spirituality. He writes non-fiction short stories that come from unique experiences he himself went through or things he seen happen to others in his past. The Thriller “The Night I Met the Devil” is the first of 5-series published from his collection. He writes stories based on true events that some might call scary; sometimes the truth is scary. Some people can face it head on; some run from it….

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