Hana’s Inner Teacher: Her Imagination
By MaryJo Clark, MS ED$2.99–$11.70
Children’s behavior has been a lifelong interest of the author. Following her interests, she studied to be a teacher, starting with elementary school children. She also taught junior high and high school, where she taught the same problem-solving sentences to her older students. They were appreciative of the skills of “active listening” and “congruent sending of messages.” She used the program for her students’ abilities to communicate clearly with friends, parents, and teachers for the “no bully effect.”
About the Author
The author has been interested in children’s behavior since beginning working with children in elementary schools and then continued through the middle and high school. One of the scientific ideas she taught her students is that everything is energy. Our moods and feelings are energies that we are “sharing” with all living things wherever we go. Our energies do affect others and, other people’s energies affect us somewhat. So we need to be aware of how we feel. We can decide to protect ourselves every morning when we wake up by ignoring bad moods and by making a ball of energy around ourselves. This story tells how Hana realized she could be in better moods when she could simply take care of her own feelings.