  • The Silent Armageddon

    The events about to unfold could have taken place five years ago or could very well happen a week from now. The origin could come from any of many sources, with slight variations in the onset, but each leading to the same inevitable conclusion. These multiple sources could be the results of an economic collapse, pandemic, solar flare or as in this case an electrical magnetic pulse or E.M.P. The fundamental results would have been nearly identical. Banks would suddenly close, the government would shut down, and government checks (all subsidies) would come to an abrupt end. The inner cities would be the first to explode into violence throughout the streets and erupting into total and complete social chaos evolving into anarchy.

    Stores would be vandalized and food deliveries to these urban hell holes would stop immediately. This would then lead to escalating violence. Most people would seek shelter in their homes waiting for the local or federal government to intervene, while others would try to fend for their families. Then there would be those that would see this as an opportunity riot, steal, rape and destroy. Hence in the blink of an eye an unsuspecting nation is swept into “The Silent Armageddon.”.”

    About the author:

    Eugene Itnyre resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Received a B.A. in History at Aquinas College. Having worked at the M.G.M. Grand Hotel and Casino for nearly 14 years in the Security Department. I had the opportunity to work many various special details. Often this included the Security of various dignitaries. This allowed me to work alongside and in conjunction with various other security forces. This including: Secret Service, Scotland Yard, Mossad, Department of Homeland Security and Las Vegas Metro Police Department.

    Being a licensed Open Water Diver and avid snorkeler it was from these multiple experiences that assisted me in drawing various ideas for the construction of this novel, along with a lot of research. The majority of the book is based on fact with only a few cases of falling back on literary licensing. This is a wake-up call to the people that haven’t had the time or opportunity to keep up on events taking place in the world today.
