
Untangled Spirit and Unfrozen Heart

By Nancy B. Velasco


Take the HEART CHALLENGE for free at www.NBVelasco.com

Welcome to a beautiful encounter, an untangling of your heart. Does your life feel like a bunch of daily traffic jams that leave you in a rut and not moving forward as you had hoped? Come experience a defrosting, a thawing out of a numbed heart, the releasing of a heart that goes through the motions. Put the breaks on just mundane existence, and propel forward in the developing of a deeply intimate, faith growing, and trust relationship with God. A relationship that activates into a power daily walk forward. This book takes you at whatever stage you find yourself today in a relationship with knowing God and encourages you to take the next step. If you happen to just be starting out in trying to understand the Christian faith, or if you have been worshiping God for many years, this book has been written with you in mind. Encourage yourself to grow, and to purposefully live life to the fullness. Get out of the staleness and encounter joy, a joy found in knowing God deeply.

About the author:

Nancy B. Velasco has a heart for serving Jesus Christ, has an anointing of the Holy Spirit upon her life, and actively serves in ministry in Southern California. She has served in multiple capacities including church administration, technical and media support, life group Bible Study teacher, children’s church director, and prayer intercessor. Nancy holds an M.S. degree in Education and currently encourages both children and adults by providing mentoring, tutoring, and technical consulting throughout her community. Ms. Velasco’s dream includes reaching out as Jesus’ hands and feet and envisions developing an equipping center or school to encourage and propel people forward in their God designed purpose.
Feeling God’s call upon her life. Nancy left a nice position in the Christian corporate environment to serve more directly in church and community. Nancy B. Velasco, at the leading of the Holy Spirit, and in untangled and unfrozen fashion, recently began transitioning to Regency Chino Valley Church (RCVC) located in Chino, California. You may follow Nancy’s journey via social media and by viewing her website at www.NBVelasco.Com.

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