
The Anti-aging Pathways

By Stephen Holt MD. DSc


Everyone wishes to cling to eternal youth, but father time inevitably takes its toll. This book reviews health challenges that occur with age and provides sound advice on how to stall the aging process. While the physical consequences of aging can be masked by cosmetic surgery this approach is one of several quick fixes applied to aging. This book is not about quick fixes for aging, it delves into the fundamentals of aging and incorporates advice on socio-behavioral factors that affect aging. In the presence of many anti-aging antics, this book describes the inevitable advancement of age with a clear set of instructions on anti-aging tactics. Enjoy this book with confidence that it may give you a chance to live longer in better general health.

Stephen Holt MD. DSc is a pioneer of Integrative Medicine, best-selling author and medical practitioner in New York State.

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