
Anthology of An Autistic Author Aiming to Advocate for Ahimsa (Non-Violence)

By Chandler Isaac Klebs


This book is a collection of the first five books I’ve written. While all the books were written at different times and for different reasons, they all follow the general theme of advocating for non-violence. While some may find my books entertaining, the main reason you might want to read my books is because they will make you think and question what you have been taught by society in general. A lot of harm is done by people just agreeing with popular opinion rather than thinking about whether or not what they are being told is true.

I am an animal lucky enough to have fingers and a computer to type my thoughts of what I think of the world. My hope is that others will enjoy what I have written and learn things that will lead to positive change in the world. I would like to see a world of peace where no one gets hurt. Because of this, my books have a strong anti-violence theme and it’s well known that I think the world needs to go vegan and also find ways to prevent abortion, war, and other forms of murder.

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