

Showing 1–10 of 1125 results

  • A Spiritual Dog: “BEAR”

    The story is about an awesome dog who was in a animal shelter our family adopted when he was eight weeks old. Our dog Bear was a little puppy with jet-black curly hair, very adorable and cute. He soon grew into a twenty-eight pound adult size dog who was a ball full of energy during his thirteen years of life. Bear gave love to us and everyone he ever interfaced with. This book is for people of all ages and all walks of life who want to enjoy a great wholesome story about beautiful, kind animal. This book will appeal to Animal Shelters, Children’s reading groups and anyone who loves animals for a feel good story. This book also makes for a good bedtime story.

  • A Word Fitly Spoken: A book of poetry, quotes and thoughts

    Writing has been a direct connection from me to God. When a friend saw my poetry book she started reading it and said she couldn’t put it down. She encouraged me to do something with it; I was seventeen then. Now that I have several more poetry books, I prayed and feel that this is what the Lord wants me to do. It’s one of my greatest passions, next to ministry and cooking. I pray this book ministers to you and helps you heal, restore, encourage, motivate and captures attention. Let the words sink and revive you, so that after you’re done reading this book, it will feel like you have just taken a breath of fresh air. There is something in here for everyone. If you enjoy reading “A Word Fitly Spoken”, there is more to come.

    One thing I have noticed about poetry is writers create it when they’re in deep depression and those poems end up making you feel the same way you felt when you started reading them. So I have decided I would never end a poem or song on a down-beat, but always on a high note. Being the praise and worship leader, I find that sometimes in order to get to the next level, we have to encourage ourselves in the Lord.

    As you read my book, please don’t just browse it — think and ponder on it and remember it. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. There’s something in here for every mood I’m in, and if you can apply it to your life it will help you just the way it helped me. I hope and pray you enjoy it and will be looking for my other books.

    Thank you for supporting me and my dreams!

  • I Got Today

    Is there really a hopeless situation? Life is filled with many twists and turns. How prepared are you when the twist and turn bring you to a place where everything seem hopeless? How would you respond when faced with extremely difficult situation? Is God your first refuge or your last recourse? Let this book guide you to a stronger faith and better knowledge of the promises of God written in the Bible.

    About the Author
    The author is a dedicated member of Shalom Outreach Ministry AG/NY where she grew in faith. She turned to writing as a way of focusing her attention to the Lord during her times of great challenges. Nancy takes pleasure in writing to pursue her desire to share her strong faith and trust in the Lord and the Wisdom of the Word of God. As a Christian writer who has faced many insurmountable situations in her life, she has packed this book with biblical wisdom, psychological principles and experiences that she overcame through faith to serve as inspiration to others.

  • ¡Mamá, cuéntame cómo viniste!
    Mommy, tell me, how you got here?

    With humble crayon drawings and the innocence of children’s curiosity, “¡Mamá, cuéntame como viniste!” tells the life transforming saga of the immigrant mother going through the unthinkable to bring to her children possibility and safety. Although this book was born in the work with Latino American mothers, its loving and powerful message gives voice to the immigrant mothers of our global community. This book is profound and it is transforming for children and adults as it allows in a gentle and sensitive way to talk about both the hope and the massive losses inherent to the journey of all of us, immigrants.

  • ¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!
    Mommy, tell me, why did you come here?

    “¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!” scaffolds the telling of the story of why a Latin American mother would take on the journey of migration. In a colorful, heartfelt, and developmentally sensitive way, this life transforming book helps all immigrant mothers to tell their children about their origins, their dreams, and how their unconditional love brought them to the United States in the hopes of creating the life of safety, peace, promise, and abundance any parent would want to give to his child. This book expands on the psychological themes and experiences of immigrant mothers introduced by the author in her first book, “¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!”

  • ¿Mamá, Porqué Papá Dice Que Yo Soy El Héroe?

    About the Book
    Con sus humildes crayones, Silvia crea un libro de cuentos ilustrado que sigue las preguntas de un niño sobre su mundo cambiante en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19. Lo que hace que esta historia sea diferente y tierna es que cuando el niño pregunta a sus padres sobre los idas y venidas de la pandemia en la gran ciudad donde vive; descubre que su papá, un repartidor de supermercado inmigrante, es un superhéroe de la pandemia… Pero su papá tiene una idea diferente sobre quién es el verdadero superhéroe de estos tiempos.

    About the Author
    Originaria de Buenos Aires, Argentina, el trabajo de Silvia como educadora, psicoterapeuta de padres y de niños y trabajadora social clínica se ha centrado en un profundo amor y respeto por el mundo interno del niño. En el año 2010, Silvia descubrió, a través de la experiencia transformadora del Postgrado en Salud Mental del Infante, del Niño Pequeño y sus Padres en la Universidad de Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, dirigida por el Dr. Ed Tronick, que la creación de “cuentos”, o historias ilustradas breves para niños, podría dar una voz poderosa a las madres inmigrantes latinoamericanas con las que ha trabajado durante los últimos veinticinco años. Silvia publicó su primer cuento, “¡Mamá Cuéntame Cómo Viniste!” en el 2013. Este cuento ilustrado crea un diálogo que ayuda a estas madres a recordar, apreciar y compartir sus historias de inmigrante con sus niños. Silvia expandió esta historia en su segundo cuento, “¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!”. Los cuentos ilustrados de Silvia han sido bien recibidos en foros internacionales, mas recientemente en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara en el 2018, donde fue oradora invitada, el Frankfurter Buchmesse en el 2018, y la Conferencia Internacional Académica de Migración en el 2019 en Bari, Italia. Silvia ha escrito e ilustrado muchos cuentos, inspirada por el valor, el amor y la esperanza de las familias inmigrantes con las que trabaja. Algunos de ellos serán
    publicados, otros serán utilizados sólo en la intimidad de su trabajo psicoterapéutico y otros quedarán en su corazón. Cada vez que Silvia crea un cuento, espera honrar a su abuelo “Bigotes”, el narrador
    mágico de su infancia.
    Silvia recibió el Premio Jane C. Bourns, 2014, de la Asociación de Salud Mental Infantil de Connecticut, Estados Unidos, por Excelencia y Servicio Ejemplar para Niños Pequeños y sus Familias en el Campo de
    la Salud Mental del Infante y de la Primera Infancia.

  • 101 Great Recipes: A Cook Book

    Who said good tasting-tasting dishes are hard to make? Chef John Dye provides you the right tools and instructions in cooking the best dishes around the world with easy-to-use ingredients. Indulge in the joys of cooking through these assorted recipes on appetizers, breakfast, desserts, sandwiches, soups and stews, main and sides. 101 Great Recipes: A Cook Book is an all-in-one, go-to recipe book when you’re having troubles cooking for guests or family. The instructions are simple, and the recipes are exquisite.

    John Dye lives in Mishawaka, Indiana. He is an author, model, actor, motivational speaker, spiritual counselor and chef. For many years he has accumulated the best-selling recipes all around the world. “Please don’t waste your time cooking food that people won’t eat. Only cook good tasting food that people will eat and enjoy. This book will help you do that. People love eating my food. This is my secret to successful cooking,” the author says.

  • 108 Chinese Poems from ShiJing: 108 Chinese Ancient Quatrains before 77BC

    This book consists of two parts: 108 Chinese poems from ShiJing, which mainly coming from the first section of ShiJing and 108 ancient Chinese quatrains before 77 BC, in English, Chinese and French. We tried to use latest interpretations published in China to avoid misunderstanding on original texts. For the titles we tried to translate their meaning as close to the original as possible so as to maintain the ancient styles. We also made corrections on some missed words, lines, and misinterpreted terms on few flowers and plants etc. Your criticism is welcomed, please contact at [email protected].

    About the author:

    A retired machine design engineer was interested in ancient poetry translations and the study of modern socialism, mainly occurred in Russia and China, their experiences and lessions.

  • 30 days of Wisdom: Designed for a Chapter a Day

    Start your day right with these inspiring quotes from Kemar to perk-up your day. Getting up in the morning will never be the same again when you have these easy to live by motivational pieces. And when you’re about to retire to bed, read through the passage again so you’ll have a peaceful sound sleep just to be ready for the next day!

  • 33 Short Stories in a NutShell

    Let’s be a people watcher for awhile.

    Are you interested in the lives of other people and their different daily activities? These thirty-three short stories capsulate various orientations in people. Many diverse and interesting situations are zoomed forward for our entertainment and laughter.

    Who knows, when we laugh at the antics portrayed in these stories, we are laughing at ourselves.
