
Building Character with Booger and Bella: Caring

About the author:

Larisa Coffman has eighteen years in the field of education and has noticed a trend in children who are deficient in positive character traits. These character education books use the point of view of Booger and his friend Bella to discuss character traits on a level that kids can understand.

The Caribbean Killers: A Novel of Murder and Intrigue

When Miami Detective Michael Preston was sent to Nassau in response to urgent pleas from the Governor General of Bahamas, he had no idea his entire life would be forever turned upside down. Searching for a serial killer preying on young women, Preston becomes deeply involved in events threatening the existence of the entire islands. He allies himself with attractive computer analyst Jennifer Winslow and the two fall in love. Immediately they become overwhelmed by the murders of five women and an impenetrable world of voodoo and witchcraft. Daily facing death threats, more than once they narrowly escape the attacks of a pathological murderer intent on destroying the peaceful tropical paradise of the Caribbean.

About the author

Teacher, author, and photojournalist Tom Becker spent a fifty-five-year career teaching space science technologies and satellite mechanics to gifted upper high school and undergraduate students in forty-five of the fifty states and five years in England/Wales.

He was an eyewitness to twentieth-century global events (Apollo spacecraft to the Moon, 1960’s/70’s; Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962; Detroit Riot, 1967; US and Soviet space explorations, 1960-2000).

He is an award-winning author of 16 books on world affairs and more than 300 magazine and journal articles. His writings include some of the main political personalities of the twentieth century.

Tom maintains a website at

Identical Companions: Birth Through Nineteen: Autobiography From Childhood Diaries

Our brothers and other older boys, cousins and neighbors, always protected their precious identical twin angels, us. These are true diary chapters from our country, surprise births through our “city-fied” nineteen.

Judith M. Leftoff spent most of her working life teaching chemistry, physics, and studio art. A mother and grandmother, she makes her home in Valley Center, Kansas. Her previous book, also nonfiction, is titled TWO DANIELS.

Oh, I Just Got It From the Top: Hearing from Heaven

Did you ever wonder what was actually going on in the mind of little one who is growing inside? What you hear will be revealing and informative from the perspective of the one on the inside. You will find out that everything that happens on the outside effects the one growing on the inside. There really is a lot of life going on in this little one‛s temporary living space. You will have the opportunity to be a part of this unfolding journey. And you will come to understand just how exciting life is at the beginning from an insiders‛ point of view. Come with me and listen in on the conversation of a little one in the womb from the beginning.

Author Bio

Helen Anderson Baffuto is an author who has an inspirational gift for storytelling. Her first book is titled, SHE IS A PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. This is her second published book. She is currently working on her next book. She resides in New York with her husband.

Self-Care for Caregivers: A Guide for Those Caring for Loved Ones with Neurological Conditions

Every year in this country millions of individuals with neurological disorders require long term care. Many are cared for by loved ones. However, providing this care can cause emotional, physical, and financial stains on the caregivers. This book will provide many tools and resources to help the caregiver not only take better care of themselves, but also take better care of those who rely on them. There will be information about various types of neurological disorders (i.e., Alzheimer’s, other types of dementias, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s) and tips for reducing stress of caregivers among other tools.

About the author

Stacy Lee Quint, Psy.D., has a doctorate in clinical psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology in Fresno, California (now known as Aliant University). She has been practicing in the field of psychology for about 20 years. She has previously worked in the field of developmental disorders helping individuals and families deal with disorders including Autism. However, in recent years she has been working for the Department of Veteran’s Affairs working with Veterans. She has developed professional workshops on developmental disorders and presented various trainings on various topics of psychology during her professional career. This is her first published book but hopes she can write more in the future. She lives in Indiana and enjoys various hobbies including cooking, sewing, reading, gardening, singing, etc.


Fresh corn cut right off the cob, a bushel of peas, fresh baked muffins and other desserts from fruits you just picked; no, this is not a scene from days gone by, it is still possible to get that fresh taste you remember as a child. For areas that have local Farmers Markets, you know the food you are buying is fresh and local. Hopefully this book will help even the novice learn how to easily prepare and preserve fresh, healthy foods for their family. This step by step book will show you what type of produce is best for preserving, what equipment you will need for freezing as well as for canning your fresh fruits and vegetables. Try the recipes which are made from those fresh fruits and vegetables. It is important these days that we know where and how our food is processed. With all the scares over the past several years, isn’t it time we take charge of we put on the table for our family?

Growing up and then raising a family in rural Northeast Florida, farming has always been a way of life for us. For years I have enjoyed working side-by-side with my husband and children on our family farm. We plant, nourish, and harvest the crops knowing that the fruits of our labor will be well rewarded in the winter months ahead. It is important to me to be able to place a homegrown, great tasting meal in front of my family and friends. I so enjoy watching them all eat the food that was grown right here on our farm. I pray the next generations will value the work and benefits that we have in producing some of the foods we place on our table.

Wendell Waranen, Benevolent Dictator, discusses things to think about: A humanitarian’s fantasy

At a time when our nation is tumbling down the rabbit hole of plutocracy and autocracy, this unusual book is a much-needed cry for sanity and a call for ordinary Americans to rebel against what the author terms “organized lust for money and power by controlling corporations.” Read. Rebel. Organize. Mobilize.

Jim Hightower, author, nationally syndicated columnist, radio commentator, public speaker and editor of the progressive populist newsletter The Hightower Lowdown.

A lifetime avid reader on finding early on that “most everything is interesting,” J. K. Hillstrom became increasingly concerned on observing this beloved nation’s demonstrably backward path brought about primarily by the relentless decades-long pursuit for money and power by controlling individuals and business entities. Also a published writer, he decided to express his concerns in this book for the citizenry’s consideration while also suggesting sometimes drastic, yet rational corrections for them that developed into a work somewhat comparable to two semi-iconic predecessor fantasies also written in times of national stress and both well-received by the public, Thomas More’s Utopia of 1516 and Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward in 1887.

Kylari Way: Twilight Guardian

The Kylari Way saga is a tale of magic, warriors and gods. It is a test of a young man’s commitment to his duty, his friends, and his people. Over a five volume saga, Natari must face his worst fears, nightmares, and challenges before he can become what he was destined to be… The Guardian of Life and the Master of Time. He must endure loss and loneliness on a scale most could never imagine, much less survive. Follow his journey, endure his pain, feel his love and learn the true meaning of honor and glory.

Kylari Way: Childhood’s End

The Kylari Way saga is a tale of magic, warriors and gods. It is a test of a young man’s commitment to his duty, his friends, and his people. Over a five volume saga, Natari must face his worst fears, nightmares, and challenges before he can become what he was destined to be…The Guardian of Life and the Master of Time. He must endure loss and loneliness on a scale most could never imagine, much less survive. Follow his journey, endure his pain, feel his love and learn the true meaning of honor and glory.

Something to Chew On : Reborn

When we bow to the wisdom of the natural world, we bring a deeper knowledge of harmony and balance into our souls and waking lives. In this way, we get to know our souls on a deeper level. In Something to Chew On, author Ari Bouse offers a guide to help you develop a deeper spiritual connection to nature through guided monthly meditations.

Designed to open your mind and heart to the power of animal friends that reveal themselves through meaningful encounters, Bouse helps you breathe fresh air into your soul so you may then exhale the dead air of old ways that no longer serve you. Each monthly meditation is inspired by the consciousness of an animal-spirit guide to function as spiritual power for living in a new age and paradigm. Something to Chew On serves as a walking meditation that will help you align with nature as it unfolds during the spirit of the season to enable you to rekindle a sense of magic, mystery, and adventure in your life.