
INTEGRATING DIPLOMACY IN SEARCH OF HUMANITY: A personal biography, experience in community and Humanitarian work

This book is a real testimony of my life experiences and career journey. It is about a humble life fulfilled by desire to serve and change the living standards of the underprivileged and conflict weary people of South Sudan. The book is segregated into four parts.

Part one that is further divided into four chapters that dwell on the initial life experience in Kenya and Australia as a refugee and how it contributed to my resolve to take a career path in Community service.

Part two that also comprise of four chapters carries personal background; experiences in Kenya, about my life and community work in Australia and South Sudan. It also contains inspiring testimonials of friends and people around me that influenced my early work as humanitarian worker.

Part three consists of two Chapters and generally divulge more on my engagement in government before and after the crisis of 2013. Sharing the difficult moments for the people of South Sudan.

The last two chapters in part four of the book is dedicated to my involvement in search of peace and for the people of South Sudan. In Overall, the book is very interesting and made simpler for readers.

Raising Mario Twice: The Journey Continues

This is the true story of one family’s heartfelt encounter with a tragic event. It is also a guide on how to survive the medical system and navigate through the stresses of a long-term recovery.

On August 8, 2002, at the age of eighteen Mario Scharmer sustained a traumatic brain injury from an auto crash. The doctors put Mario in an induced coma for twenty-one days. It was not expected that he would live. Many people prayed for Mario and his family and even though Mario lived he was in a persistent vegetative state for another one hundred forty-one days. Doctors did not expect Mario to have any meaningful recovery. He came home quadriplegic. He wore diapers, couldn’t talk, walk, eat, or move. The first few years of taking care of Mario were extremely challenging. It has been a difficult journey, but neuron by neuron Mario has kept improving.

After seventeen years Mario is still severely disabled, but living a happy, productive life. He is very active in his local community and continues to inspire others through his love and art.


About the Author:

Christine Scharmer is a retired elementary school teacher, healer, care provider and inspirational speaker. She has been helping her disabled son with his recovery for seventeen years. She is committed to helping her son Mario with his mission to heal the world. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Mark. Her oldest son Miguel is a registered nurse and poet.

Love at Camp Polari

The Honeycomb Salon/Academy in Atlanta, Georgia is one of the biggest hair and beauty schools that carry Hair Stylist, and Barbers. It is owned by Mr. Jack and his longtime mistress slash business partner Francine. They are very successful in pursuing their dream. An Academy of this magnitude are bound to have its share of
drama amongst the laughter and fun. Young female and male students revolve in and out, but regardless, they remain a family. Venice the protagonist of this story requires that everyone remain as a family and she is the glue of the Honeycomb.

Two new workers join their team, Rome Culpepper from Florida and Lisa from San Francisco. Rome is handsome, muscular and desired by all women. He is an expertise in designer cuts that give him the ability to fit in with Drew, Mitch, Marvin, and Joseph. Rome didn’t come with a lot of luggage, but he packs a deadly disease that is invisible to the naked eye. Joanna promiscuous ways get involve and causes her demise and the closing of the Salon. Lisa from San Francisco meet Drew, Joanna’s brother, and turn his life upside down, by withholding her secret as a transgender.

Venice the protagonist, starts a new life after her divorce. While in Italy she meets Virgo Valerino, a fashion designer. They both clique in their professions and fall in love.

As of 2017, Aids has killed between 28.9 million in the U.S. and 41.5 million worldwide. And an estimated 36.7 million people are living with HIV.

About the Author:

Robert E. Harris is a compassionate writer, who loves to inspire and teach hope in stories that reveal the greatness in everyone, big or small. He writes briskly through thorough information that sparks the imagination in an entertaining way. Robert writes with rich detail intriguing in anecdotal information. He has ventured in various genres such as women fiction, children books, commercial fiction, and historical fiction.

Age of Aquarius: Spiritual Reckoning

This book is a discussion on the Age of Aquarius that has arrived within the past few years. The subjects affects us all. I gave my opinion on what are some characteristics of this Age and Spirituality. The Holy Spirit is present and a new spirituality will emerge from this Age. The changes that this Age will present is the first that we as an intelligent race can document. I know quite a lot about this Age and I explain how that is so.

About the author:
I am a Southern lady raised by special people, Sages. I have studied esoteric knowledge, ancient knowledge, and Astrology for some forty plus years. I have also been taught by the worlds best instructors. —Author