
You Are Destined To Soar!

By Dr. (Mrs.) Margaret Ngozi Iduma (Ph.D)


This book is purported to encourage and assure us that we are destined to live in victory. There are people living in disparity, mediocrity, and unfulfilled. We are formed by our creator to live above and not beneath.
We are to abstain from procrastinating and step up to soar to excellence. We will soar when we walk in obedience with our creator.

This book is an avenue for me to encourage you as a wonderful person you are to soar to success. You may, in your current status, feel prosperous and wealthy but yet you are not in God’s plan for your life. Seek and
ask God your creator to lead you in perfect peace to discover His divine purpose for your life.

About the Author:

Dr. (Mrs.) Margaret Ngozi Iduma is an educator with passion. She has a Master degree in Reading, and Educational Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction from Wayne State University. She also
earned her PhD in Christian Counseling from Christian Leadership University. She aspires in constructing curriculum that will help both parents and educators to train and teach our children better. She is very passionate in prayers, married, and blessed with three great sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. She is a living proof that great things can happen in the life of any believer.

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