
Vengeance Plus

By Earle W. Jacobs


This ISIS unit is riding pretty high on the hog. They can do about whatever they want. They just had great success raiding the village of el-Bareo, or whatever they called the place. They burned a few buildings as planned, kidnapped, raped and tortured a half dozen young women before killing them and even better, kidnapped the three Christians that been giving them aid of some kind. They had left their tortured bodies and heads on stakes outside the village. They had sent pictures to El Jazeera and their other media outlet so the world would know of their recent success and what a tough formidable outfit they were.

They had not yet heard of Sergeant Thomas Perkins, currently enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Even if they had, what could one little American soldier do that would affect a crack ISIS unit of 130 men all with the latest arms and equipment. Even better, they had ammo running out their ears.

Just all you readers out there wait and see. Don’t pick this story up too late in the day. YOU MIGHT BE UP UNTIL THE WEE HOURS.

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