

By Howard Lull


According to the scripture God places dreams and desires in our hearts. God is the author and finisher of our faith as it all originates from him. There are a lot of us who include God in what we are doing but even fewer of us who are involved in what he is actually doing. When we receive our dream and direction from him and are obedient to build it according to his instruction the dream and success will be much bigger than we could have imagined.

Unless the Lord Builds the House was written to refresh you and inspire you to turn to the Master Builder of life and learn how to relate to Him as well as learning what the Master builder expects. Many practical tools were added to help you build a strong foundation in for your life and career.

Many of us need to learn more about relating, listening, understanding and yielding to the Master Builder as well as what he expects, and how he desires to invest in you by imparting in you the desires of your heart and how to successfully build them.

If you are looking to be refreshed and perhaps challenged, then this is the book for you. The Master Builder of this life has your best interest in mind.

Psalm 127: 1 “Unless the Lord builds the house it’s builders labor in vain…”

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