
The Trials and Tribulations of Kittyhood

By Darla Vasilas


This book is a work of love. Love for a cat named Aphrodite. We adopted her the minute we saw her come out of the hiding place where her feral mom and dad were temporarily staying…under our neighbor’s back porch. It was love at first sight. We adopted the whole family and they stayed with us until her mom and dad (Hera and Zeus) crossed over that Rainbow Bridge. Sixteen years later, Aphrodite is still with us, and although she has some health issues, is still going strong. I hope you enjoy her story (as told to you by Aphrodite).

About the Author:

I was raised in a small West Virginia town.After working part-time for a couple of years, then a
couple of years in college, I joined the military serving as a US Navy Corpsman.Afterwards, I worked as an administrative assistant for a Government contractor, then in the construction industry. Now, at 70 years old, I am retired and enjoy doing things for which I have a passion…
writing, artwork and ghost hunting. I may not be able to get around as fast as my younger teammates, but I love what I do, and that’s what counts.

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