
Mary, Matrix of Change: Personal and Global Transformation through the Rosary

By Michele Maxwell


In the summer of 1988, Michele Maxwell spent a week in the village of Medjugorje, in what is now Bosnia-Hercegovina. In that small village, it was claimed that the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, had been appearing daily to six children since June 1981. The apparitions continue to this day, and all of the visionaries have now grown up, married, and are raising families of their own. The Queen of Peace, as Mary identified herself in Medjugorje, remains.

Mary, Matrix of Change: Personal and Global Transformation through the Rosary is the story of Michele Maxwell’s personal experience visiting the apparition site, and especially the hallmark phenomenon of rosaries “changing” from silver-toned metal to “gold” in that place. Drawing from her knowledge of transpersonal psychology, quantum physics, and integral philosophy, the author delivers an innovative yet accessible book that is an insightful treatment of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Rosary. Meditating upon the twenty rosary mysteries can serve, the author writes, “as a remarkable tool for spiritual transformation and the evolution of consciousness so desperately needed on our planet today.”

In Mary’s words, “With prayer even the laws of nature can be suspended,” and the author saw evidence of that again and again, both alone and in large groups of pilgrims who witnessed “miracles” en masse. The recurring theme then, and now within the pages of this uplifting book, is “Pray, pray, pray.” By far, the most amazing conversion wrought through prayer is the transformation of the human person. Medjugorje is a modern-day sign of this miracle of inner change.

MICHELE MAXWELL earned her Master’s degree in Theology from St. Mary’s University, studied fiction and playwriting at Harvard, and pursued a law degree at the University of Texas. She is the founder and director of the Marian Center of San Antonio, a non-profit organization dedicated to Catholic spirituality with a focus on the messages of Mary, Queen of Peace in Medjugorje. The author has also edited a monthly spiritual journal, River of Light, for the past sixteen years while speaking and organizing national conferences and pilgrimages. She lives and works in the historic downtown area of San Antonio, Texas.

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