
Hold Up Woman, Am I Your Problem?

By Godfrey Bethea Sr.


Is your relationship going south, and do you need a change? Your answer is in your hands. Start reading today.

Is your woman or your man the cause of your problem? If you are in a relationship or contemplating on getting into one, just resolved or terminated one, or know someone in or out of one, then this book is for you. This book answers almost every question dealing with relationships and will help you solve just about every problematic situation straining your union while bringing much resolve and closure to your existing relationship. Since you are living on this planet and you are a male or female, this book was written with you in mind.

The male and female issues didn’t begin with us but started thousands of years ago and were able to keep the pressure on because of our inability to locate the true culprit. Now the exposure is out, and we can do something about it.

If you are at a crossroads, or even if your relationship is doing great, reading this book will bring a greater union to you and to your spouse. Your love life will catapult to heights you can only imagine. It makes no difference what age you are; I guarantee your utopian experience is a whisper

About the author:

Born in Brooklyn, and one of nine siblings, life was no picnic for Godfrey, but he managed to finish high school and then college at West Chester University. He later accepted the call into the ministry where his ministry was primarily in the area of physical and mental healing. He later became pastor and founder of the King’s Temple church Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In more than thirty years, he ministered to hundreds of couples that prompted him to search out the cause and origin of the problems which seem to plague so many of them. This book was written because of the results of his findings, and he wanted to share this information with anyone in a relationship.

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