
From My Heart To Yours: Finding Help in Hard Places

By Sharon DePriest


None of us are ever prepared to hear the dreaded words “You have cancer”. When this happens, we are immediately bombarded with emotion. We begin to ask questions and search for answers.

Because of all the emotional stress, fear and anxiety that accompany cancer or any other life threatening disease, we are unable to see clearly. Our focus is clouded by the pain and sorrow we and our loved ones are experiencing. In From My Heart to Yours, author Sharon DePriest shares the overwhelming emotion and pain she and her husband encountered after he was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2010. She felt the heavy responsibility of caregiving and began a search for wisdom to face the coming days. In her search, she was directed to the word of God, and in doing so, she encountered Jesus. In that encounter, she began to find the answers to the questions that troubled her. From My Heart to Yours not only deals with the stress of cancer that is placed on a family, it deals with other “hard places” we find ourselves in. You may be in a place of fear, loneliness or rejection and feel that you are unloved. The Word of God has the answers you are looking for. There is hope and encouragement no matter what circumstance comes our way. Sharon wrote this book so that you might experience the same help and comfort she received.

Sharon DePriest is a native Alabamian. Presently she resides in Malvern, Alabama, a small town in South Alabama. She stays busy serving her church family as a Sunday School teacher, choir member and bible study leader.

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