
A Commentary on the GOSPEL of JOHN

By Stanley Polski


A Commentary on the Gospel of John is an exciting, startling new study by a lay philosopher who may be described as “an uncommon common man.” Though detailed and scholarly, his work is excitingly readable for every seeker of insights. And isn’t that all of us?

His writing provides a fresh, provocative, yet reverent look at Jesus as he is revealed through John’s writings and the author’s interpretation.

The author quotes the Gospel of John a few verses at a time–and then explores these quotations with a commentary: though deeply religious he manages to relate them to world leaders and politicians against the backdrop of the classic philosophers. Some of his views are outrageous, but he provides a touchstone that believers, seekers, and doubters may use as a basis for their own religious journeys.

This is a book valuable for both the secular and religious communities.

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