

Showing 1–10 of 20 results


    Maryann Brickett (Stupka). In her book, Maryann argues the case for all Americans to realize that America is a Christian nation. While America allows “freedom of religion” for everyone, there is a strong case that the founding fathers dedicated this land to God, and America’s constitution, laws, culture, traditions, customs, morality, and way of life are a direct result of biblical influence from the Bible. Using biblical citations Maryann outlines the Ten Commandments and how America has broken them. The book analyzes past civilizations which have fallen to the same immoral and debt ridden levels that America has now and shows how those civilizations have either ceased to exist or are now Third World countries. Maryann builds her case on the hundreds of famous people, including presidents, scientists, statesmen, and others who have proclaimed their strong faith in God. They have stated that it is impossible to govern without His divine help. Maryann also cites many of America’s cities which bear biblical names. Her goal is to inform readers of our nation’s roots, rich heritage, and engage them in the culture war to regain our country, one family at a time. One nation is one country, “under God” with liberty and justice for all.

  • Confessions in a Crown Vic: A Commentary on the American Dream Second Edition

    “Confessions in a Crown Vic”
    Second Edition

    is the story of professional displacement during the Great Recession, an Architect as Cab driver, while seeking Architecture work. It interviews Paolo Soleri the visionary urban designer, the traffic engineer, Louis Lagomarsino, for Phoenix’s highway designs, and the cab passengers’ short stories of marginalization for their lack of a car. It’s a journey through an Architect’s life, beginning with schooling, travels, design, internship, and practices in the private to public projects for the USPS, USAF, USACOE, NAVFAC and manufacturing semiconductor facilities. It takes us through different urban configurations. But most of all it takes us through history’s cycles of political change, the semantics of their origins, the delivery of designs, and the affects of expansion and colonialist attitude’s in America. It’s a critique of Urban Sprawl, and the irrationality of relying on housing starts to determine a healthy economy. It examines Keynesian versus Classical economics, comparing them with the events of the last “American” century. He illuminates the American Dream’s unsustainable promise to even its poorest citizens, considering whether we can still re-materialize that dream out of its current mythological existence. Is this dream for everyone? Can we grow a culture based on the automobile and a limited fossil fuel economy? It challenges this dream’s configuration, while placing a heavy burden of responsibility for our economic demise on its mythical component, the greed that drove it, and the Sprawl that has burdened it.

    About the author:


    Peter Lagomarsino, a Senior Architect, lives in Melbourne Florida and has practiced Architecture for over twenty four years. He has Bachelors of Arts in Architecture from the University of New Mexico, and a Masters of Architecture from Clemson University and is LEED Accredited. Part of his Masters, was at the Charles E. Daniels Center for Urban Design at Clemson’s Campus in Genoa Italy. While there he traveled extensively in Europe, Greece, Egypt and the Middle East and worked with the Israel Antiquities Authority for their Surveys and Excavations at the end of his travels, to produce measured drawings for their Banias Area ‘B’ site literature. Mr. Lagomarsino has an extensive range of experience in many different fields of his trade. His skills balance the artistic and technical approach to presentation and comprehension which involve (A)rchitecture, (P)hotography, (P)ainting and (A)uthoring – A |P | P| A .

    He’s worked with federal and private clientele in many U.S cities for the U.S.A.F, the U.S. Army and Army National Guard, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NAVFAC, The U.S. Postal Service, as well as many high tech Industrial semiconductor manufacturing plants in the US, and a Pharmaceutical facility in Dublin Ireland. His travels to many cities around the U.S. and the world give him a unique perspective and exposure to urban environments and how they may best benefit from different approaches and policies that service their inhabitants.

  • Demand Excellence: On and Off the Field

    As coaches, we want to be successful and we want to win. As Christian coaches, we know we are called to a much higher purpose than just winning football games. We are called to be great husbands, great dads, and men who shine as lights for Jesus Christ. As a coach, what does that look like and how are we to go about putting Christ before winning? If we do not have a plan and are not intentional in pursuing our plan, we will fail. We will find ourselves once again bowing down to the god of winning and success.

    About the Author:

    Coach Jonathan Gess has been the head football coach at Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy (ELCA) since 2007.
    He attended college at the Citadel, where he started at center for the football team as a walk-on. After graduation, he became an officer in the United States Air Force in 2002. While he was in the Air Force, God called him to surrender his life to Christ. God led him out of the Air Force and into coaching high school football. Through the 2018 season, Coach Gess and his staff have gone 131-27 and won 5 state championships in the GHSA Class A-Private division.

  • Four Princesses from Provence

    During the Middle Ages noble women were often pawns in the great game of dynastic politics. But some of them were important players in their own right. The four daughters of the Count of Provence used their charms, beauty, and intelligence to move from their father’s small kingdom in the south of France to positions of power across Europe. Marguerite, Eleanor, and Sancha became queens of France, England, and the Kingdom of Sicily. They followed their husbands to new homes where they gave their new lands children and a family life. But the fourth daughter, Beatrice, was different. The man she loved was a political enemy; the man she married was an indifferent and self-absorbed prince who made it clear that political intrigue was more important to him than the love of a gentle and romantic girl from another country. The only happy moments Beatrice enjoyed were spent in secrecy with her lover. But the stakes of her emotional attachment were high and the dangers of a misstep were always great. Based on research into the history of Europe in the thirteenth century and on travel to all of the destinations where these princesses lived, this novel depicts a crucial period as Europe emerged from the slumber of the Dark Ages and began to awake slowly to the promise of modern life.

    About the author:

    Amelia Rogers was born in Italy where she spent her formative years studying the classics, linguistics, and European history and literature at the Lycee and University before going on to advanced studies in language in Geneva, Switzerland and Cambridge, England. She came to the United States as the bride of an American businessman and university professor. Over the years, she has built on her knowledge of Classical Linguistics and European History with extensive travel to historical sites in Europe and the Middle East. She has taught Latin, World History, and Literature at a local college in Massachusetts for some ten years and spends part of each year at her home in Paris.

  • God’s Workout Plan to Defeat a Bully at Work

    Christians are called to represent the Jesus Christ in a society that is becoming insensitive and cruel. Satan and his demonic spirits (the enemy) main priority is to use people who do not know Jesus Christ or use those who deny Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to target you for distraction, deception and ultimately your destruction! Consequently, you will be bullied by those who are being misled by the enemy. Bullying can affect you in many destructive ways. This book will unlock the power of God in you through a workout plan to defeat the bully at work.


    About the author:

    Dr.Dothel W. Edwards, Jr. is a tenured professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Studies in the College of Health Sciences at Alabama State University (ASU). In addition to his full-time faculty responsibilities at ASU, he provides vocational expert witness testimony for the Social Security Administration Office of Hearing Operations (OHO) and works as a Certified Life Care Planner and a certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. Dr. Edwards’ has published and conducted presentations in the areas of interests are quality of life issues among persons with disabilities, professional ethics in vocational rehabilitation, forensic rehabilitation, and workplace bullying.

  • Handbook of Business Forms for Needlecrafters

    As a compilation of initial forms for structuring a small needle-crafting business, this work revolves around the philosophy that once a concept is conceived in the needle-crafting arena that concept can be further developed on paper to an ongoing concern. This forms books is a stepping stone from thought to paper and by which action a needlecrafter will prevail in a quest to organize those wishes to action. By utilizing the forms one will organize a structure for an individual needlecrafter and detail that primary concept into an overview in many areas of a small business. Once the forms have been established to conform to the primary focus of any needlecrafter a basis has been formed and which focus will further enhance skills reflected in any needlecraft project.

    About the author:

    The author has a significant number of years invested in working in the legal arena and obtained a Law Degree in 2001. Additionally, the author has been preforming needlecrafts since the early years in grade school having been taught at home. These needlecrafts involved crocheting, knitting, and embroidery. As a result, many items have passed through the author’s hands and onto many recipients who are appreciated of a handmade item.

  • How Can I Become a Successful University Student?

    Transitioning to university life and student drop-out rates have become major concerns. This informally easy-to-read short manual was written and designed with the goal to make all students successful at any university. It is written for middle to high school and especially university students, principals, professors, teachers, and parents. The content is based on brain research. Having introduced the concept of freedom, the author discusses the importance of setting goals for oneself and practical steps in developing a time management plan to reach them. Disadvantages of procrastinating and advantages of responsibility are addressed. Important times and methods of how to study are given as well as computer use. Based on learning styles, the author discusses portfolios and a variety of methods of how to study both class and textbook notes with special emphasis on organization and including processes of how to efficiently study in groups. Cell phones are briefly addressed. The Manual concludes with Study Guide examples that students may receive from their professors or create by themselves to help them become successful and graduate in their anticipated time frame.

    About the Author:

    Johan W. van der Jagt has had a varied and culturally diverse career. Living in the Netherlands for only a short while after birth, his family immigrated to Canada and subsequently to the United States. He is bilingual-Dutch and English and has had courses in Latin, Spanish, and French at both high school and college levels. He earned both his B.A. and M.Ed. degrees in psychology and special education respectively from McDaniel College, MD. He taught for more than fifteen years in Canada as a Special Education-Support Grades 1-8, and inclusive Grades 1, 2, and 3 teacher. After earning his Ph.D. from Southern University-Baton Rouge, LA, specializing in learning disabilities, he taught at the University of West Alabama, Southeastern Louisiana University and continues in his professorial functions of teaching, research and service at Bloomsburg University of PA. for a current total of more than 20 years. His interests and publications based on years of experience, brain and intervention strategies research are especially meant to make ALL students successful at all developmental levels.

  • Invertebrate America: The Spiritual Implosion!

    Invertebrate America (IA) gives an overview of America’s declining moral and spiritual values from a biblical perspective. It explains God’s impending judgement on a nation that calls evil good and good evil vis-a-vis: same sex marriage, homosexuality, corporate greed, secret societies surreptitiously influencing business, education and government. It shares how biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes. Read the books of Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Matthew and Revelation. It sheds some light on the coming one world government and one world religion. In short IA is a wakeup call to those who are searching for the truth and purpose of this world’s existence! Learn why George Washington was leery of a two party dominated political system.

    About the author:

    Dr. Haley was born May 22, l954 in Blytheville, Arkansas. He has been a pastor since 2005.
    He's married to Sally and they have three children: Tamika, Shannon and Erin. He is a public school teacher. He has a B.A. from Claremont Men's College, (now called Claremont Mckenna College) a M.A. from National University and a doctorate from Sacramento Theological Seminary (Modesto extension campus). His hobbies are writing, acting (member of SAG) and working with youth. His short play, “THE SALVATION GAME”, was published in TeenPower Magazine.

  • Mind War

    For millennia all attempts to end violent war by negotiated or imposed peace have brought only brief respite. On the premise that war is endemic to the human disposition, MindWar proposes to supersede its killing and destruction with a more civilized focus on the mind. The persons and properly of humans are replaced as targets by the divisive situations and perceptions. These are then analyzed and adjusted to a practical consensus. MW extends to sociopolitical applications generally, identifying and refining previously vague or unknown mental processes into a new science of “thought architecture” : a standard of rationality and precision in human affairs in which the experience and exercise of thought are finally, fully mature.

  • Monkey Wisdom and other Stories : Lessons from Professor Singh

    These are fascinating stories in that each carries a pearl of wisdom. These stories are short but full of wit and contain life lessons that are applicable to most of us. Although originally intended to help his students become successful in their career, the book has become increasingly popular among people of all walks of life. Some of these stories contain valuable advice to help make right decisions and to live a good life. The characters in the stories are humans as well as animals with characteristic human qualities and hence the reason this book is so engaging and rewarding.


    About the author:

    Dr. Sukmander Singh is the Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Santa Clara University in California and have been teaching for more than 32 years of which 15 years as Department Chairman. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1979 and started his teaching career in 1986. He has a total of 110 publications as professor.

    Before his teaching career, Dr. Singh was a project engineer and manager of Alyeska Pipeline Company, handling seismic slope stability and soil liquefaction studies for the 800-mile Trans Alaska pipeline. Later, he became the principal investigator of the San Pablo Clearwell Dam where his expertise in dam engineering was recognized nationally.

    He currently lives in the city of Fremont with his wife and two children.   
