

Showing 31–40 of 197 results

  • CARTER CAR and his Wild & CARazy Birthday

    Today is CARter CAR’s birthday and he is very excited. He and his friends CARissa, CARmen, CARina, CARly, CARlton, CARlos, CARson, CARol, and CARey celebrate a little too CARazy throughout the day. See how his party gets a bit out of control.


    About the author:

    Debra G. Watts is a retired teacher who resides in the small community of Harrodsburg located in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. She has authored a music teaching guide entitled “Listening Guides for America’s Greatest Musicals”. Currently, Debra is an MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) Supervisor for the University of the Cumberlands where she mentors Practicum and Student Teachers.

  • Chad’tu by Kelsie R. Gates


    Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it.

    That’s what happened to Chad’tu. Just when he thought everything was right in his life, something happened. Now, to solve his problems, he has to go on a dangerous journey with a wolf in tow.

    Will fate be good to him?

  • Christopher Manning 2: Malice Toward Some

    Christopher and Sara Manning will expand their little dinner, dance restaurant into a real nightclub, a B & B, recording studio, modern hotel and TV production center, in more than nine books. Watch for them on Kindle.

    Available on Kindle: Anthill, Blue Mustang, and The Couple. Christopher Manning Books 1 Sentimental Journey, Christopher Manning, Book 2 Malice Toward Some, Christopher Manning Book 3, Déjà Vu All Over Again and Rehab at Tower House are available on all e-publications.

    Arlene can be reached at [email protected]. Thank you for reading my work.


  • Contemplation of My Soul Diagonal of My Brain: Wizardry of Love

    A fulfilling and comprehensive synopsis of the tragedy and hope of overcoming Mental Illness; with love, compassion and a slow returning affable good health with some lugubriosity and a large dollop of luck.


    About the author:

    Broadly speaking this novel attempts to bridge the gap concerning sanity and insanity with total frankness. Largely a living account almost day by day of cascading through a bipolar illness emptied by vast intra reactions heralded and succumbed to by powerful prescriptive medicines. The stories within and about will hopefully lead the reader through the ‘hell-hole’ of a mental health disparity and still have room for humour, frustration and anger!

  • Creatures from Spark Stone Mountain

    Adrian and Delbert live on a dwarf planet called Exvascia. Besides natural dangers, aliens arrive hoping to secure spaceships full of the Spark Stone Mineral. Fighting begins between various groups after the mineral and two of their spaceships explode simultaneously, changing the planet’s orbit. Will it escape a black hole looming in its new orbit?

    Will they have to scuttle the planet? Will they find out what happened to the males of their species?

    Through telepathic communication and a portal to a gold mine in Denver, they keep in touch with friends on earth.

    Will the humans overcome the Isaku, the created evil spirits that threaten the existence a Tonga village and a gold mine in Denver, Colorado?

    Author Bio:

    Beauford E. Averette and his wife Marie have been married since 1963 and live in Salem, Oregon. He enjoys driving his 1962 Ford Falcon or traveling with his wife.

    He enjoys using his laptop to work on novels of different genre. He found that producing a trilogy was quite a challenge, especially when the last one had to tie all thing together and be more exciting than the other two. Being retired, writing gives him a creative outlet for thought and occupies a lot of his free time.

  • Creatures of the Night

    Set in New Orleans Terry is unaware she is surrounded by creatures of the night, until one night, their leader Tim turns her into one. But she soon realizes Tim’s true intensions are to over throw an ancient
    prophecy. She discovers her true destiny is to stop him from destroying her kind, will lead her into a dark journey.

    About the Author:

    Stacy Newton is a native Houstonian and currently lives in Los Angeles as a writer and actress. She finished her book signing with ANGELS SURVIVE this summer, and is currently working on her next book.

  • Crossroads of Souls

    This place of desolation became a window to the past.
    A lone caretaker witnessed the metamorphosis. She silently absorbed the shock, the awe, the inspiration each guest experienced. Each was immersed in apparitions long ago forgotten or, buried in their soul to soothe their current existence without encumbrances. The antiquities harbored on dusty shelves waited for their revelation to unleash the secrets long ago embedded there. It was only time that would allow seekers to one day again take in their presence.
    This strange place was a portal of discovery. Where truth was reborn.

    About the Author:

    Mr. Kuhn resides in Reno, Nevada. Mr. Kuhn has two young adult children and a grand-daughter. His daughter is the Vice principal of an elementary school and his son is an environmental engineer. Mr. Kuhn has had the privilege of traveling through Southeast Asia for work and many spots in Europe for pleasure. His writing style is largely based on personal experiences and stories he brings to life in riveting prose. Mr. Kuhn’s writing skills developed after many years of technical writing in the environmental field. Mr. Kuhn has a bachelor’s degree from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and a master’s degree from the University of Nevada at Reno. Later in life, Mr. Kuhn found his voice as a recreational writer after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Today he manually types his manuscripts with one finger while entrenched in his wheelchair. He writes fictional stories in the adventure, mystery and science fiction genres. He also writes short stories and poems.
    Mr. Kuhn seeks to convey answers to mysteries we encounter in everyday life. It is his hope to make us all question and seek the truth behind life’s surprises. If he is successful in making just one of his readers ask why, he deems himself a triumph in making us question a little above and beyond the ordinary.

  • Cynbel and Zothia

    Cynbel & Zothia is his first novel. At the moment he is working on his second novel, a historical, cultural, Christian, prophetic fiction about Haiti’s visionary future entitled, “TURMOIL IN HIGH LAND?”.

    Cynbel & Zothia tells the story of two young people engaged in a unique but emblematic love affair. Here is an extraordinary garden, a mysterious one nurtured by Cynthia’s great, great grandmother Solange, which was anointed by God and is now sustained by her family. It is in this garden, Cynthia wants Zorobabel her lover to kiss her for the very first time.

    Josue Rodene

    For an American, it is difficult to imagine that people in Haiti, with all that land’s trials and tribulations, can pursue happiness the way we hope that people do everywhere. Meeting people like these and absorbing their positive outlook on life has been enormously enlightening experience for me and I am sure that it will be for almost every reader. A remarkable, surprising and inspiring tale…

    Professor Joel Sheveloff
    Boston University

    About the author:

    Roland Rodene was born in Les Anglais, Haiti. He is a friend of God. Haiti’s history and culture have been his great passions. He has been undertaking missionary trips to Haiti since 1997. He escaped the January 12, 2010 earthquake by three days. He obtained a bachelor degree in Economics and a master in Administrative Studies (Multinational Commerce) while working at Boston University. He lives in Brockton, MA. with his wife Mona Louis and son, Josue Rodene.

  • Cynbel et Zothia : Hommage a Haïti roman

    Cynbel et Zothia est un roman d’amour d’une portée universelle qui suggère à ses lecteurs de découvrir un nouvel univers, à la fois cocasse, captivant et distinctif de par la texture de ses personnages et les vertus historiques noblement révélées et soigneusement traduites dans un langage romanesque et chantant.

    Cynbel et Zothia sont deux jeunes conquérants élevés dans la stricte tradition de la bourgeoisie et de la province haïtiennes, destinés à la profession d’avocat. Ils se cherchaient pendant longtemps sans le savoir, jusqu’à ce qu’une troublante circonstance les entraîne dans un tourbillon insaisissable où leurs vertus réciproques vont, au bout du compte, se plier aux exigences irréductibles des rituels de leurs pères pour l’accomplissement de leur dessein.

    Comme on dit, entre avoir une idée et la mettre sur le papier, il y a un monde. Le stress de la feuille blanche n’est pas un mythe, et c’est pourquoi l’écriture est un art. En ce sens, Roland Rodené, né à Les Anglais, Haïti a bien su en faire usage pour exposer au monde l’autre facette de la société haïtienne et l’authenticité de sa foi en Jésus-Christ, qu’il croit être au-dessus de toute chose.


    About the author:

    Cet homme est un grand amoureux de l’histoire et de ce pays ponctué de malheurs en tout genre. Roland Rodené est d’une grande culture générale. Dans la foulée, il est détenteur d’un mastaire en sciences administratives de Boston University. Il épouse Mona Louis, avec laquelle il a un garçon du nom de Josué Rodené. Avec le temps, on a pu le voir étonnament évoluer sur scène en tant qu’acteur de théâtre, avec un réfl exe artistique bien ajusté. Cynbel et Zothia est une oeuvre littéraire d’une éloquence historique, chrétienne et Culturelle très émouvante. C’est à lire par toutes celles et tous ceux auxquels échappe l’autre dimension de la société haïtienne, facteur d’émerveillement et d’espoir.

  • David Gadison’s Super Hero Book

    This is story about kid growing up as normal kid, but when he grew up, then a lot went wrong in twenty years of his life. Something happen, he had a dream, dreamed of all these miracles. Then when he woke up he start to believe all things possible, the supernatural came down on him as a star from sky fell on him as turn to drops of water then it fell on his head. Then he transform to Super Hero then he went fix everything that went wrong in twenty years of his life. And he went heal aunt of cancer, deliver his brother. And one lady lost her baby during birth and Mighty Man went save baby.

    Also it were big tragedy going in the world and only got ten hours to stop nuclear bomb from destroying world. And Mighty Man went save the world Then he also he had these adversary try to go against him after bomb threat. Then it rain big stars from sky then the Mighty conqueror came to help Mighty Man then finally the earth were back to normal then Mighty conqueror went back home as whirlwind then Mighty Man got to go back home then the kids start crying then Mighty Man comfort their heart and then Mighty Man left as blaze of light, back to sky, then the kids start saying while Mighty Man.

    Author Bio

    David Gadison is an author of many books to come this year and many more. He from Gunnison, Mississippi; from lovely mother Lula Mae Gadison and awesome dad Willie James Beans, and eight brothers and one sister Mary Gadsion, brother Johny Gadison, Willie Gadison, Michael Gadison, James Gadison, Kevin Gadison, Derrick Gadison, and Terrel Gadison. Also blessing goes out to rest of family. He grew down south during tough time, when chopping cotton and planting wheat field were going on then he had to advance to the top.

    During tough time he went north and made a beautiful daughter Jakayla Dion. And also start working real estate place selling time-share. He did that eight and half years, one of the top sales representatives and earn two trophies. And after time his dad moved up north to Illinois, then David start taking care of his dad because of diabetes and blindness. And during that time David were inspired by the Heavenly Father to write books about his glory. During time David famous mentor kept pushing him to the top. Now he inspired a lot of people all around the world in all generation and more to come.

    Thanks in Jesus name
    ‘’I’m Bless’’




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