

Showing 11–15 of 15 results

  • The State of Oz

    Everyone has heard of little Dorothy Gale of Kansas and her exciting adventures in Oz. Not everyone knows there is more to tell beyond the 1939 MGM film. Those in the know have read some stories shared by L. Frank Baum, Royal Historian of Oz, and his successor Ruth Plumly Thompson. But what is happening in Oz now?

    Two youngsters named Jon and Ben enter Oz accidentally when they follow a strange, old man across a bridge at Hawk Mountain. They find themselves caught in a bizarre series of events as Oz’s citizens celebrate the opening of their new hall of fame while trying to understand several natural disasters.

    Princess Oima takes Jon and Ben on the adventure of their lives: flying in the reconstructed Gump, facing bandits, enchantments by a long-lost magic mirror, and a showdown with representatives of the American government. It will take every bit of bravery and skill they can conjure to help the princess and make it back home.

    About the author:

    Christopher Schmehl is tickled pink to offer you his first published novel. He has dreamed of this since his days at Wilson G. Sarig Elementary School. Schmehl has a BA in English/professional writing from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. He is an Eagle Scout. At different times he has been a summer camp counselor, a machine operator in a microelectronics/integrated circuit facility, a security guard, a produce selector, a cashier, a material handler, and a grocery stocker. He lives with his family in Laureldale, Pennsylvania.

  • The Treasure of the Crystal Cave: A Fairy Tale

    Rumors travel fast!

    A long time ago, in a faraway land, everyone knows the legend of the Crystal Cave, a place that holds fabulous wealth and riches—which extends far beyond any man’s imagination.

    According to the story, a few people have found it, only to die before claiming the ultimate prize. That is until the daring adventurer, Alaric, came along. Just like other men, he had hoped to find the cave of riches. But for years, all the clues always lead him to a dead end.

    Yet just when he decides to stop looking for the treasures, his intuition kicks in and he is pushed into a journey full of dangerous adventures. He then finds something unwarranted that is much more valuable than a chest full of gold and a bag of rare gemstones.

  • Tiny and Craig: Common Decency and Table Manners

    This story was written as a bedtime story fairy tale for county jail inmates’ bedtime story so the writer felt safe.

    About the author:
    Francisco native since arriving in 1955. Lives in Sonoma County wine country. Former standup comedian, pirate radio show host, chef/cook and dishwasher/owner of tiny bistro in Humboldt County.

    The story began as a bedtime story for other inmates in County jail when I was afraid of them. Tired of the rat races, I ran a classified ad “Revenge is best served as a cold cream pie’ and threw around 400 pies for a nominal fee. Choctaw tribal member uncomfortable enough with
    tech to still be carrying a flip phone. Call before you text please. Yakoke is Choctaw for Thank you. Yakoke.

  • Unbitten: A Vampire Dream

    Amanda Hunt is a virgin vampire with a genetic blood disorder bitten 200 years ago and almost made Undead. But she finds a loop hole revealed by decades of research with the help of her descendants. This secret may allow her to defeat the vampire prince who made her what she is today. Lord Anton Kuryk couldn’t finish the job on Amanda two centuries ago or on her 5th great grand-niece, Wynter, in the present. Read how these cousins up-end the Familia Vampyre in this twisted yarn of Bioscience and folklore for a modern gothic Halloween treat.


    About the author:

    As a board-certified rheumatologist, Glenn Parris has practiced medicine in the northeast Atlanta suburbs for over 30 years. He has been writing for nearly as long. Originally from New York City, Parris migrated south to escape the cold and snow, but fell in love with the southern charms of Georgia and Carla, his wife of 27 years. He now writes cross-genre in medical mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction. The Renaissance of Aspirin, a Jack Wheaton medical mystery, was his debut novel.         

  • When Gods Collide

    Belle Sparta. It goes into detail the bitter rivalry between THE HARMONY DRAGON CLAN AND THE CLAN DRAGON’S OF THE BLUE MIST. Martial art mayhem at it’s finest along with a revealing look at the development of Sparta’s skills. The Barometer leader of the Harmony Dragon Clan and Teacher leader of the Dragon’s of the Blue Mist are Epic in their brutal encounter. The favorite of all my readers the SOUL COLLECTOR is in rare form with unbridled sarcastic remarks and disdain for sorrow. EMOTION, EXTRAORDINARY INTERNAL ENERGY and IMAGINATIVE STORY LINE. I hope you get as much out reading it as I did creating this.

    About the author:

    I was born in Washington D. C., most of childhood was in south eastern part of the city where survival of the fittest was always the rule. I am the eldest of two brothers. I owe my mom who made me very responsible. I was very gifted both academically and athletically, but passion is martial arts. My teacher Grand Master Cheeks was like a father and introduce me to all kinds of people while competing. I also wish to thank Madame’s Cunningham, Feuer and Ohbi who were my French teachers who introduced me to the performing arts and all my teachers at BALLOU High School who pushed me and peaked my interest in education. My senior year my writing talents were discovered, and I was awarded the Harvard Book Club award upon graduation much to everyone dismay I joined the military and saw my first combat at tender age of 20. I traveled all over and ended my career at 29 years of faithful service. Now with my lovely wife Gina I run a very successful martial art school teaching Kuk Sool Won a Korean Martial Art. I have through guidance of Grand Master in Hyuk Suh and Executive Master In Joo Suh my Kuk Sool Won I have personally instructed over 3000 military members and their dependents and had the honor to teach and perform in Korea, Germany, Japan, Okinawa, Italy, Iraq, Afghanistan and Argentina.
