

Showing 1–10 of 25 results

  • A Charter School Story

    A Charter School Story describes the challenges and successes in Hawaii’s efforts to create a charter school system. For two years Jim Shon was its chief administrator – charged not only with securing funding and amending Hawaii’s laws, but also with explaining how charter schools are different, and why they deserve our full support. If you are wondering what the charter school movement is all about, and where charters fit in the reform of public education, Shon’s chronicle of his stormy and controversial tenure is worth reading. If you are thinking of starting your own charter school, this book tells you what you are in for.


    A Handbook of Marketing Mathematics explains twenty areas in marketing. The first area is marketing cost. This looks at accounting in marketing, budgeting, costs and credit sales. The second area
    looks at consumer behavior. This includes customer satisfaction and consumer attitude. The third section looks at marketing ratios which include marketing activity ratios, marketing leverage, market liquidity ratio, market profitability, and productivity ratios. The fourth area, market attractiveness, looks at market potential and market forecast. The fifth part, market strategy, looks at marketing research and target marketing. The sixth part looks at the 4Ps: product, pricing, promotion, place. Marketing math examples illustrate each area.

    About the Author:

    Dr. Rowland Chidomere is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Winston-Salem State University in
    Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma and an MBA and
    BBA from the University of Central Oklahoma. Dr. Chidomere has taught several marketing subjects
    including the Principles of marketing, Marketing management, Salesmanship, Retailing, Marketing
    research, and International marketing courses since 1984. He won Teaching Excellence Awards in 1987
    and 1999 at Winston-Salem State University. Dr. Chidomere’s research and publications have focused primarily on marketing management and marketing education with articles published in the Journal of
    Marketing Education, Journal of Advanced Management, and Ideas in Marketing.

    His presentations are published in the Atlantic Marketing Proceeding and SAM International Management Proceeding. Dr. Chidomere has been involved in several professional development projects, including Distance Learning, Internet marketing, and ways to utilize technology such as Microsoft Excel to create mathematical functions and models to use in marketing. He is a frequent contributor and reviewer for marketing and management journals and proceedings. His marketing knowledge
    is vast, and he has taught and researched in different areas of marketing in the past nineteen years.

  • A is for Adjective: An American English Encyclopedia to its Syntax and Grammar (B&W)

    A is for Adjective is for ANY L1 (language one) or L2 (language two) speakers of the English language who might be in the process of wanting to learn more. This includes teachers and students alike, who may want to either study, teach, learn, or do simple research of it. The book is a type of encyclopedia that will compare and contrast the English language to Turkish and includes English-to-Turkish translations.

    The book will start by exploring the history of both languages. In Unit One, it will explore the concepts of phonetics and phonology of the American English dialect at the primary level. Unit Two will then focus on the linguistic study of syntax at the primary level. This will include learning the nine lexical categories as well as understanding what phrases and phrase structure rules are, et cetera. Unit Three will then go on to cover the grammatical notions of contractions and wh-questions. Unit Four will finish the volume by bringing up the idea of tenses.

    Unit Five, which begins Volume Two, will consist of nearly everything about English grammar. Unit Six will finish the volume by bringing up the linguist’s concept of affixation. Unit Seven aka Volume Three, for A is for Adjective, is a compendium of useful words, phrases, and expressions organized by category (e.g. foods and sports).

    The goal of these books is to teach the English language, its grammar, and the sciences behind it. For some, having a supportive instructor might be needed. In the end, anyone who can comprehend the information from front to back will therefore become more aware of the language than that of the average speaking L1-native-English speaker. This is guaranteed.

  • A is for Adjective: An American English Encyclopedia to its Syntax and Grammar (colored version)

    A is for Adjective is for ANY L1 (language one) or L2 (language two) speakers of the English language who might be in the process of wanting to learn more. This includes teachers and students alike, who may want to either study, teach, learn, or do simple research of it. The book is a type of encyclopedia that will compare and contrast the English language to Turkish and includes English-to-Turkish translations.

    The book will start by exploring the history of both languages. In Unit One, it will explore the concepts of phonetics and phonology of the American English dialect at the primary level. Unit Two will then focus on the linguistic study of syntax at the primary level. This will include learning the nine lexical categories as well as understanding what phrases and phrase structure rules are, et cetera. Unit Three will then go on to cover the grammatical notions of contractions and wh-questions. Unit Four will finish the volume by bringing up the idea of tenses.

    Unit Five, which begins Volume Two, will consist of nearly everything about English grammar. Unit Six will finish the volume by bringing up the linguist’s concept of affixation. Unit Seven aka Volume Three, for A is for Adjective, is a compendium of useful words, phrases, and expressions organized by category (e.g. foods and sports).

    The goal of these books is to teach the English language, its grammar, and the sciences behind it. For some, having a supportive instructor might be needed. In the end, anyone who can comprehend the information from front to back will therefore become more aware of the language than that of the average speaking L1-native-English speaker. This is guaranteed.

  • Beyond White Superiority Syndrome Conditioning In America

    This book is a primer to inspire and inform those persons working to change America’s political and social culture from its white supremacy conditioning posture by advancing America’s ideals of a culture that truly attempts to build a land of equal opportunity and equal justice for all Americans.

    These essays provide information to help both Black and White people to understand how they have been affected by America’s White Superiority Syndrome (WSS) conditioning; a conditioning or acculturation that teaches them that a white supremacy culture is good and proper. These essays provide lessons learned by the author that will prompt average people to become more self-aware and better able to identify and resist the various WSS conditioning processes that surround them, and recount some of America’s racial hypocrisies and the courage that helped many Americans to challenge them.

    About the Author
    Dr. Bell is a seasoned educator and teacher. He is also a veteran observer of the motivational and behavioral effects of America’s White Superiority Syndrome (WSS) conditioning on both white and black people. He has studied and written about racial issues for over 20 years, and has facilitated interracial discussion forums for over ten years. Dr. Bell shares in this book information and techniques that he believes will be helpful for those who wish to begin sincere efforts to help eliminate racism in America.

  • Boondoggle: The Grand Delusion of American Education

    The author provides abundant, compelling, anecdotal evidence for what is really wrong with American education, and it isn’t what both the U.S education establishment and the politicians (“No Child Left Behind” & “Common Core”) have led Americans to believe it is.

    What’s REALLY wrong is that it is the re-arranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic of a rigid, mechanistic education paradigm that has characterized American schools from the 18th through 20th centuries, but is inappropriate and inadequate for the 21st.

    It goes on to describe how it SHOULD be, which is humane and Socratic, rather than sterile and dogmatic.

  • Confessions of a Substitute Teacher

    Discover the untold stories of being a sub.

    There are many reasons to become a substitute teacher, such as flexible hours, and almost no teaching experience necessary. Substitute teachers also have relatively few non-work responsibilities and the ability to choose the age group of students to teach.

    However, all that may not be the case. In this book by John Barr Jr., personal experiences of a substitute teacher are shared to readers who wish to know more about what it’s like to be a sub to a classroom filled with raucous students.

    Do you think you can be a substitute teacher? Then you might want to check this book out!

  • Conversaciones de Adulto

    Se ha encontrado alguna vez en una conversación que va de lado a lado y no sabe porque. Seguro que le ha pasado, a todos nos ha pasado. No importa si ha sido con su conyugue, con sus hijos, amigos, clientes, jefe o empleado. Se encuentra usted perdido porque no sabe que causó el cambio repentino en la conversación.
    Esto es de lo que se trata el libro. “Conversaciones de Adulto” le dará la herramienta para redirigir la conversación o le dará señales para terminarla.
    Mi esperanza es que a través de mis historias, esta herramienta o concepto se pueda transmitir y aplicar en su vida cotidiana. Nada viene fácilmente. Usar esta herramienta de comunicación lleva tiempo y paciencia.

    About the Author
    Durante mis años de escuela secundaria el curso de Tecnología Electrónica fue el que me dio el conocimiento principal para lo que fue el trabajo de mi vida. Luego de la escuela superior, ingresé a la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos y continué mis estudios en electrónica.
    Luego de la Fuerza Aérea, he trabajado por treinta años para grandes compañías electrónicas las cuales incluyen: Honeywell, IBM, Kodak y Toshiba.
    Observar a mi padre leer durante mis años de crecimiento implantó en mí la curiosidad de saber que había en los libros. Me inculcó el amor por la lectura, así fue como comenzó esta travesía. Comencé a seleccionar libros al azar basados en lo que se encontraba en sus portadas. La mayoría del tiempo los temas de los libros no tenían nada que ver con los títulos, pero tan pronto comenzaba a leer un libro no podía dejarlo por temor de perderme algo importante.
    Mi educación formal viene de la lectura. He leído libros sobre todos los temas que se encuentran bajo el sol.
    Todo lo que necesitamos saber viene de los libros. Construí una terraza para mi casa de tres niveles, cuarenta pies por treinta pies, leyendo un libro llamado “Terrazas 1-2-3”.
    Siempre que veía una biblioteca en la televisión, sabía que mi casa algún día tendría una biblioteca.
    Mi amor por la lectura ha evolucionado hasta el punto donde quiero compartir los temas más importantes con otras personas. Esa es la semilla que le dio nacimiento a este libro.
    Vivo y trabajo en las Islas Vírgenes. Mi esposa y yo hemos estado casados por treinta años y tenemos dos maravillosos hijos. También tengo dos hija y tres nietos de un previo matrimonio.


    Compiled for the common person for everyday use at all levels, Decision Making from the Grass Roots Up is based on years of both military leadership and professional civilian experiences. Larry Langlois, Sr. believes that we can prepare everyone to become part of the industry improvement team.

    So, he provides a simple but effective method for the “Train the Trainer” concept and how to deliver a presentation on decision-making. This training offers a logical, progressive, yet simple format for creating solutions presented in a professional manner, both written and oral.

  • Fielding Anger

    Angry feelings can rise like tidal waves, carrying away all logical thought. It is human nature for anger to spark impulsive acts of conflict or quiet inward turmoil. When the angry behavior fails to deliver success disappointment sets in, and more anger emerges.

    The twenty-first-century person needs to have angry feelings work toward success and move the quality of life forward. Just like the athlete on the playing field, a person encountering anger can field the situation and make successful moves.

    • See what is really happening, not what seems to be happening.
    • Learn what blame can and cannot do.
    • Read personal accounts of true success stories.
    • Study the Cycle of Aggression and how it can be broken.
    • Learn how to deal with a bully.
    • Replace being rejected with being included.
    • Have shorter encounters with aggressive angry people.

    Fielding Anger is a guide to use, more than a book to read, a personal tool. No two individuals will use it the same way, but the many who choose to build skills of fielding anger will include themselves in a new climate of fresh air for a living breathing world.




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