
Children's Book

Showing 1–10 of 57 results

  • A Spiritual Dog: “BEAR”

    The story is about an awesome dog who was in a animal shelter our family adopted when he was eight weeks old. Our dog Bear was a little puppy with jet-black curly hair, very adorable and cute. He soon grew into a twenty-eight pound adult size dog who was a ball full of energy during his thirteen years of life. Bear gave love to us and everyone he ever interfaced with. This book is for people of all ages and all walks of life who want to enjoy a great wholesome story about beautiful, kind animal. This book will appeal to Animal Shelters, Children’s reading groups and anyone who loves animals for a feel good story. This book also makes for a good bedtime story.

  • ¿Mamá, Porqué Papá Dice Que Yo Soy El Héroe?

    About the Book
    Con sus humildes crayones, Silvia crea un libro de cuentos ilustrado que sigue las preguntas de un niño sobre su mundo cambiante en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19. Lo que hace que esta historia sea diferente y tierna es que cuando el niño pregunta a sus padres sobre los idas y venidas de la pandemia en la gran ciudad donde vive; descubre que su papá, un repartidor de supermercado inmigrante, es un superhéroe de la pandemia… Pero su papá tiene una idea diferente sobre quién es el verdadero superhéroe de estos tiempos.

    About the Author
    Originaria de Buenos Aires, Argentina, el trabajo de Silvia como educadora, psicoterapeuta de padres y de niños y trabajadora social clínica se ha centrado en un profundo amor y respeto por el mundo interno del niño. En el año 2010, Silvia descubrió, a través de la experiencia transformadora del Postgrado en Salud Mental del Infante, del Niño Pequeño y sus Padres en la Universidad de Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, dirigida por el Dr. Ed Tronick, que la creación de “cuentos”, o historias ilustradas breves para niños, podría dar una voz poderosa a las madres inmigrantes latinoamericanas con las que ha trabajado durante los últimos veinticinco años. Silvia publicó su primer cuento, “¡Mamá Cuéntame Cómo Viniste!” en el 2013. Este cuento ilustrado crea un diálogo que ayuda a estas madres a recordar, apreciar y compartir sus historias de inmigrante con sus niños. Silvia expandió esta historia en su segundo cuento, “¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!”. Los cuentos ilustrados de Silvia han sido bien recibidos en foros internacionales, mas recientemente en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara en el 2018, donde fue oradora invitada, el Frankfurter Buchmesse en el 2018, y la Conferencia Internacional Académica de Migración en el 2019 en Bari, Italia. Silvia ha escrito e ilustrado muchos cuentos, inspirada por el valor, el amor y la esperanza de las familias inmigrantes con las que trabaja. Algunos de ellos serán
    publicados, otros serán utilizados sólo en la intimidad de su trabajo psicoterapéutico y otros quedarán en su corazón. Cada vez que Silvia crea un cuento, espera honrar a su abuelo “Bigotes”, el narrador
    mágico de su infancia.
    Silvia recibió el Premio Jane C. Bourns, 2014, de la Asociación de Salud Mental Infantil de Connecticut, Estados Unidos, por Excelencia y Servicio Ejemplar para Niños Pequeños y sus Familias en el Campo de
    la Salud Mental del Infante y de la Primera Infancia.

  • A Charm of Goldfinches

    A playful, illustrated poem centered on animal group names.

    A porcupine prickle has needles galore.
    A gaggle of geese will waddle on shore.

  • A Father & Son’s Journey: 11 Life Lessons

    This book offers 11 life lessons that a Dad shared with his son as a way to bond. Dad shares his life lessons and experiences with his son and his son shares his lessons and experiences back as he has encountered in his life to date.

    Using real-life examples and anecdotes, this book provides a guide for helping young people find purpose and recognizing true potential in life. Dr. Ram Ramcharran and Malhar Ramcharran, share life experiences with these 11 life lessons showing how is has impacted their lives.

    A Father and Son’s Journey is Love and understanding for each other and the people around them.

    Malhar and Ram Ramcharran live what they taught in this book. I know that the short stories and lessons they shared comes from the center of their hearts. I have seen it and experienced their love and compassion for each other and the people around them.

    Dr. Shelton Wood. Jr. – GWUA President

    Reading the stories of the lessons shared between a father and son brought back most the wonderful memories I had with my dad growing up. I encourage everyone to pick up this book and share it with your love ones.

    Philip Nelson – Former executive – Eckerd Corp


    About the authors:

    Malhar & Dr. Ram P. Ramcharran decided to write these short life lessons as a way to help share similar experiences and bond. Malhar encountered some bullying from classmates and Dr. Ram wanted him to write his experiences as a way to help encourage more confidence when dealing bullies.

    Malhar is 12 years old and attends a STEM charter school. Malhar enjoys coding, Minecraft games, writing and producing content for his You Tube channel.

    Dr. Ram Ramcharran is an entrepreneur, consultant and author. Dr. Ramcharran is proud of Malhar sharing his lessons with others despite being so personal; he recognized it may help others who may face similar challenges.

    Malhar and Ram Ramcharran live in Tarpon Springs, Florida

  • A Special Christmas for Baby Glen

    SHIRLEY JORDAN is the youngest of seven children. She is a mother of four, three boys and one girl and a grandmother to five. She was born and raised in Houston, Texas and always puts her family first.

    Shirley is truly an entrepreneur, owning and operating a haircutting salon for children for ten years. She absolutely adores children.

    Shirley loves writing children‛s books because she says, “Children don‛t judge whether or not the pictures are perfect.” Shirley has no enemies and everyone falls in love with her smile. Her smile reflects her true heart and natural beauty. She loves to make people laugh, believing that laughter is good for the heart and it helps to release stress.

  • A Spiritual Dog: “BEAR”

    The story is about an awesome dog who was in a animal shelter our family adopted when he was eight weeks old. Our dog Bear was a little puppy with jet-black curly hair, very adorable and cute. He soon grew into a twenty-eight pound adult size dog who was a ball full of energy during his thirteen years of life. Bear gave love to us and everyone he ever interfaced with. This book is for people of all ages and all walks of life who want to enjoy a great wholesome story about beautiful, kind animal. This book will appeal to Animal Shelters, Children’s reading groups and anyone who loves animals for a feel good story. This book also makes for a good bedtime story.

  • Alvin-Alveena

    Dedicated to all my family members (birth & blended), friends, and most of all to my hubby Jeff, who was a good listener as I read to him out loud. It is my hope that children everywhere will read this book, or have it read to them, and find the wonder of a turtle who captured the hearts of a family.

    About the Author:
    Lives in Wabash, IN, the first electrically lighted city in the world. She is also a caregiver for seniors, assisting them with various tasks in their homes. She Loves nature's living things and grows an herb garden in her backyard.

  • Boogie

    Boogie the puppy is the runt among his brothers and sisters. He sometimes feels alone until he meets all sorts of friends in the woods. Even though his brothers and sisters weren’t so nice to him, he learns that he still loves them. Boogie teaches children about forgiveness and being different is okay, even if you are little. Every member in the family will love this book.

    Boogie el perrito es el más pequeño de sus hermanos. A veces se siente sólo hasta que encontrar algunos tipos de amigos en el bosque. Aunque sus hermanos no eran simpático a él, aprende que todavía los ama. Boogie enseña a los niños de perdón y que ser diferente es bien, aunque seas pequeño. Todos en la familia amarán este libro.

    About the author

    Author of OOPS! Wrong Family Dr. Toporoff spends her spare time as a motivational speaker, writing, comedian and enjoys riding her big tractor every chance she gets. Dr. Toporoff is currently retired after working over 44 years as a Mental Health Nurse. Dr. Toporoff received a Bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of South Carolina, a Master’s in health services administration from Central Michigan University, a Master’s in theology as well as a Doctorate in Ministry from the Life School of Theology. She currently resides in Beech Island, South Carolina.

    Dr. Debi has written two articles for the Kids Ark Magazine and was a runner up for the Selah award for “Who Parked the Ark in 2013.

  • Butterflies, Bears, and Other Poems for Children

    Butterflies, bears, and Other Poems for Children is a delightful collection of poems and colorful artwork that uses rhymes to teach about holidays, dental health, fire safety, animals, dinosaurs, etc. The author, Patricia Herber, firmly believes that the concept of rhyming is an important skill that can be a fun way to help children learn to read. Written in an easy-to-read and listen-to format, children will enjoy turning the pages as they learn fun facts and view amusing illustrations. This totally entertaining book will surely capture your child’s attention and is appropriate for toddlers through age ten.

  • Carter Crab

    Carter Crab is a fantasy picture book about a bored crab who, in spite of warnings, leaves his easy life and searches for adventure. As Carter takes off, he makes friends with a shrimp family and a very long eel. Together they explore beyond the wavy-weed forest. The ocean is warming up. Food is getting scarce. The sky appears to be a sea full of food if only they could reach it. Perhaps they should visit the strange but delicious-smelling pots that hang down from the surface of the water. Meanwhile, Sam Shark swims around in the shadows, looking for a good meal. How does Carter survive? Or does he?

    About the author:

    Barbara Winther has written 56 one-act plays and four musicals for young people. Besides her books of plays, she wrote and illustrated The Time of the Kachinas. See her website for more information: www.BarbaraWinther.com. She lives with her husband on an island near Seattle.
