

Showing 21–30 of 31 results

  • The New Road Leading To Christ

    From a childhood of abuse came loneliness, fears, and torments in my life. Then going through a nervous breakdown, an abusive marriage, and a desire no longer to live, one day miraculously it all began to change.

    Reading my testimony you too will come to realize that God not only protected me, but God Himself is now using my yesterdays for His Glory. God saved me to be here for each one of you.

    The spark of life that seemed to no longer be within me was still present, and burns more than ever brighter today.

    Never did I imagine after raising a family that God would so powerfully come into my life. It all began 1993 when He led me to Yugoslavia on a pilgrimage, then in 2003 He once again led my husband and myself to a Bible College in Colorado.

    Then upon graduation we were ordained as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God had already let us know that we were to be founders of Message of the Cross Ministries, which today gives me more joy than I had ever hoped for in this life.

    Just as my earlier life began as a mighty disaster, this now new life in and through Jesus Christ has just the opposite effect and meaning!

    Traveling is one of my desires, and I patiently wait to see yet more of God’s creation and beauty for all of us.

    Without Jesus Christ I am weak; with Him I am strong. He is my all. Visions, Dreams, Signs, and Wonders!

    God began to show me things in the Supernatural realm almost twenty years ago; but until now He has never led me to talk about them.
    God has chosen this book for me to tell and reveal things that some of you may have never heard of before now.

    Through me God wants you to know more about Him while you are still on this earth. So as you read the words written in this book, you too will discover that there are deeper things about God then what we as humans may think there is sometimes!

    Contact Information:
    Reverend Joan Bellrichard
    Message of The Cross Ministries
    P.O. Box 9992
    Colorado Springs Colorado 80932-0992

  • The Sojourners Volume 1

    The United States was just beginning to emerge from the Great Depression of 1930’s when war began to rage in Europe. The United States at this time was not an active participant in the war. However, the U.S. was shipping war materials to England and Russia to aid their effort. The draft to conscript for the service had been initiated in order to develop a state of readiness in the event the U.S. would enter the European War. It was against this backdrop that the Imperial Japanese Navy, allies of Hitler’s Germany, made a surprise attack on the American Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941. This single act mobilized the entire nation to build the military forces that would defeat the enemy in Europe and in the Pacific.

    The story is about that mobilization and it is developed around one eight-year-old boy and his family as they are forced to move from the rural south into the industrial northeast. The boy becomes a witness to the history that develops daily. He, along with the boys from other families also forced to move to the region, have many adventures as they assimilate into the new community. During this time of shortages and rationing they must improvise in order to try to lead a normal life without the standard accoutrements of their age group. In their desire to live and grow they become ensnarled in many situations that illustrate the temperament and values of the time.

    The story hearkens back to a much more innocent and simple time. The historical content is complemented by the humorous activities and behavior of the young boys and their relationship to the adults of that era.

  • The Traveling Cat

    Jim’s adventures leads him to the Philippines, he is there on the invitation of Ferdinand Marcos, President. Marcos’s Philippine Shipping Line is up for sale. Jim’s friend Bob thought Jim the perfect fi t to buy the line. On Jim’s first visit, Marcos assigned a Police Lieutenant to accompany Jim to the Southern most City of General Santos. Jim becomes attached to the young female Lieutenant. Jim is back in Miami when the Lieutenant is brutally killed while fighting off a supposedly Rebel attack.


    About the author:

    The Author, JP Rosselle at a very young age was exposed to an adventurous boyhood. He was raised in Miami just several blocks from the entrance to Key Biscayne and the now beautiful Vizcaya Estates. At the time Jim was growing up, Key Biscayne still had an active Seminole Indian Village. The Light House at the end of Key Biscayne had been attacked by the Seminoles in 1835, was still standing in it’s condition of it’s last attack. Vizcaya was this huge abandoned mostly walled property of over 50 acres that indeed was just about as natural as it could have been with the exception that there was three story mansion sitting on it.

    The Biscayne Bay’s waters were then Crystal clear and full of fish and crawfish. Jim had what he considered a world much different than most kids. Jim’s father taught Jim to swim, fish, camp, sail and work with his hands. Jim’s father who was born in Key West built their first sailboat when Jim was just 8 years old. The scouting program in which Jim was an active member from ages 8 to 15 and the Coconut Grove Sailing Club added to Jim’s ongoing skills and adventures. Jim’s youth was spent sailing, camping and exploring. School was not Jim’s favorite. Most school hours Jim spent daydreaming and planning his next great adventure. This book will be Jim’s fifth published fictional adventure. Jim has written 4 more books of which he hopes to soon get to his readers. Jim always says, “The possible is done today, the impossible takes longer”. Jim believes, with hard work and the right Attitude, anything is possible.

  • The Value of a Homemaker: A Memoir

    “I was fortunate to have three sisters and two brothers. I would be the youngest of three or the oldest of four. Growing up would not be an ordinary experience for any of us. Yet, amazingly we persevered. I believe all of us were determined and chose to do and be better— not repeat the same mistakes. Memories of our mother gentle and loving but frail and medicated too often. Our father instilled fear for he never was taught or shown real nurturing love himself. Later, we would all understand the dynamics of both our parents and we would forgive.

    My dreams were to be a singer, dancer, artist and missionary—one day. I have done it all in some small capacity and on borrowed time. I would marry while a junior in high school and have a son on my husband’s birthday. Then, we were young and in love and determined to defy the odds. We would have three children and achieve incredible financial success during the process. But, in the end I would be sacrificed and my husband rewarded. Divorced, appealed and annulled—I was compelled to write my first book—my story, for understanding and to make a difference…”

  • The Whole Shebang

    A valuable much needed book, which explores how to successfully achieve a reasonable state of happiness, throughout our lifetimes while managing the dire challenges we all are certain to face. As Woody Allen would say: “It’s the shit happens phenomenon, it’s only a question of how much and when!”

    The importance of laughter is captured, through descriptive narrative providing the reader with a “word picture”, and ability to share the many real life truly funny situations presented.

    The book also addresses the most important questions man can ask, namely: What’s It All About?, Why Are We Here?, and Is There An Afterlife? Input from several of the most brilliant minds, past and present, along with indisputable scientific facts, regarding those questions, are cited for the reader’s consideration and personal evaluation.

  • Thru God’s Eyes: I Begin To Be Wise: New Improved Edition

    October 22, 1988: “Do not let God bring you home in a box or place you in the hospital”. These words spoken by my mother started to flood my mind. The previous year I had run away. I was heavily under the influence of drugs and alcohol. My eyes were bloodshot red and glossy. In the cold night, I begin walking towards the car. The Lord enabled me to see a bullet pass the side of my face; then another ricochet on the top of the car and hit me in the left side of my neck.


    About the author:

    Yolanda Johnson is an Author that has been chosen by God before she was born. She is a faithful mother of five children and also the loving wife to Minister Donnie Johnson. Also, Yolanda accomplished a degree in Business. God has impressed a vision on her heart to open up a nonprofit organization called, “Rechanging Lives”. This establishment caters to disadvantaged youth that need a second chance in life and look for ways to achieve a better future. Most of all, they will be encouraged to love the Lord with all their hearts (Mark 12: 30).

  • Thru God’s Eyes I Begin To Be Wise (B&W Version)

    October 22, 1988: “Do not let God bring you home in a box or place you in the hospital”. These words spoken by my mother started to flood my mind. The previous year I had run away. I was heavily under the influence of drugs and alcohol. My eyes were bloodshot red and glossy. In the cold night, I begin walking towards the car. The Lord enabled me to see a bullet pass the side of my face; then another ricochet on the top of the car and hit me in the left side of my neck.


    About the author:

    Yolanda Johnson is an Author that has been chosen by God before she was born. She is a faithful mother of five children and also the loving wife to Minister Donnie Johnson. Also, Yolanda accomplished a degree in Business. God has impressed a vision on her heart to open up a nonprofit organization called, “Rechanging Lives”. This establishment caters to disadvantaged youth that need a second chance in life and look for ways to achieve a better future. Most of all, they will be encouraged to love the Lord with all their hearts (Mark 12: 30).

  • Unloved Daughter

    From a childhood of abuse came loneliness, fears, and torments in my life. Then going through a nervous breakdown, an abusive marriage, and a desire no longer to live, one day miraculously it all began to change. Reading my testimony you too will come to realize that God not only protected me, but God Himself is now using my yesterdays for His Glory. God saved me to be here for each one of you. The spark of life that seemed to no longer be within me was still present, and burns more than ever brighter today.

    Never did I imagine after raising a family that God would so powerfully come into my life. It all began in 1993 when He led me to Yugoslavia on a pilgrimage, and then in 2003 to Bible College along with my husband.

    After we graduated we were ordained as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God had already let us know that we were to be founders of Message of The Cross Ministries, which today gives me more joy then I had ever hoped for in this life.

    Just as my earlier life began as a mighty disaster, this now new life in and through Jesus Christ has just the opposite effect and meaning! Traveling is one of my desires, and I patiently wait to see yet more of
    God’s creation and beauty for all of us.

    Without Jesus Christ I am weak; with Him I am strong. He is my all.

    Contact Information:
    Reverend Joan Bellrichard
    Message of The Cross Ministries
    P.O. Box 9992
    Colorado Springs Colorado 80932-0992

  • We Are A Family 4

    This Part 4 of “We Are A Family” covers the years 1989 -1996. Parts 1-3 covered the years 1873-1988 with the arrival of Grandparents from Germany and Ireland, his marriage, and family life with 5 children. This book is about the author and his family living in West Palm Beach, FL.

    About the Author:

    Bob was born in Kingston, NY in 1932. After High School he enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1949 and was later sent to the University of Notre Dame to become a Naval Officer in the NROTC Program. After Active Duty completion in 1956, Bob’s employment included: Exploration Geophysicist for Shell Oil Co. in the Gulf Coast, Electronic Engineer at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Allentown, PA working for the inventors of the transistor, International Telephone & Telegraph Co. starting semiconductor manufacturing operations in Portugal, S. Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and then in 1984 his own manufacturing facilities in West Palm Beach, FL, Helmond, Netherlands, and Lake Park, FL. After the sale of these businesses in 1989, Bob became a Professor at Palm Beach Atlantic College in West Palm Beach, FL and in 1990 assisted in the start-up of South University as Dean of Students, and in 1994 became an Environmentalist for Palm Beach County, FL, retiring in 1997.

    In 1998 Bob and his wife retired to South Hutchinson Island, FL where they continue to enjoy “life on the beach”. Come see us now, HEAH!

  • yes, I do exist

    It is quite likely that this is the most unbelievable true story you will ever read. At its core, this book is a factual and historical account of a very important discovery that was never shared with the world – one that changed previously established and accepted benchmarks of human abilities.

    It is time this story was told. In 1990, the entire defense system of the United States was completely shut down by a Navy enlistee and a pencil. Authorities accused this man of being a foreign military spy. They perceived him to be an alien hybrid or time traveler, simply because of his unbelievable abilities and attributes. An engaging journey of experiences and challenges that may benefit the reader, a testament to perseverance and determination.

    This story may read like a spy novel, or perhaps science fiction . . . but it is not.
