

Showing 11–20 of 31 results

  • Lifeline: A Memoir

    Dr. Nicholas V. Steiner’s career as a practicing internist ends abruptly when he develops metastatic melanoma. A series of local recurrences—including one in the brain—are surgically removed until one day the cancer returns with a predicted survival of three months. Resigned to his fate and with nothing to lose, he turns to an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Within weeks of starting Dr. George Wong’s medicinal herbs—ordered from a small shop in Chinatown—the cancer disappears. Steiner has written about this in a previous memoir: Unforeseen Consequences, a Physician’s Personal Triumph over Advanced Melanoma (Xlibris).

    About the Author:

    In 2001 he develops prostate cancer and again consults Dr. Wong. Chinese herbs slow the disease’s progression for years, until 2011 when faced with a gradually worsening situation, Wong suggests they fly to Beijing. Once there, the author will undergo a novel form of treatment in a military hospital; his doctor will be a colonel in the Chinese Air Force. Lifeline, a Memoir depicts the unusual situations that the two men often encounter with poignancy, pathos and humor. Written in concise language, the book also contains numerous photographs taken by the author.

  • Living in a Land Where no Apples Grow

    Hi, there!

    It’s so nice meeting you. I’m very happy to see that you're interested in reading my adventures. Why don’t I give you a sneak peek of my story?

    Heading to an unknown land to preach the good news to a northern Indian tribe living just above the Arctic Circle may not sound like a good life but I didn’t care. As long as I am with my husband, I can do everything. And with Christ on our side, we left everything behind to live in the remote wilderness of Alaska.

    Oh, what was life like while being there? Well, we have to face subzero temperatures, eat an unbalanced and sometimes unusual diet, and deal with wild animals, unpaved roads, and a number of threats to our safety. But we did everything for the glory of God.

    So, I hope you will enjoy this book as much as I enjoy writing it. May our story bring you so much joy and strengthen your faith in Him.


  • Mepham High School

    Mepham High School is a highly-detailed, well-written story that occurred during the nineteen forties which takes the reader on a journey in time and culture that captures interest and attention. All incidents and much of the dialogue are accurate. Names are fictitious except for Jack Solomons, Sal D’Angelo’s best friend who edited several of his books.

    Though the story includes Mepham losing its one hundred first wrestling match after a hundred consecutive wins, it is about Sal D’Angelo’s high school life. Though an intelligent regent student, he has trouble with school work because of attention deficit disorder and his difficulty adjusting to teen behavior.

    Sal also has trouble coping with his dysfunctional parents. An outstanding flutist as a staff musician playing on NBC and CBS, Dad is egotistical, materialistic, and conservative. He is also domineering, unjust and stern. Catering to Dad’s chauvinistic ways, Mom is unhappy. Treated like a slave, because of Dad’s income, she tolerates him, often bragging to musician friends about never washing a dish. Nor does either parent praise Sal or his sister about anything.

    Though loving and possessing a good personality, Sal is bashful with girls, especially since most belong to cliques that associate with boys with varsity letters in sports. Nevertheless, naively curious about the world and stunned while listening to news about the casualties during World War II, he eventually develops an iconoclastic way of thinking, yet with a sense of humor. Absentmindedly noting little things around him like leaves on trees, insects, and the ballerinas printed in the wall paper at home suggests that Sal isn’t as maladjusted as he thinks. In fact, he is like most teens his age.

    About the Author:

    Edgar L. Biamonte is an accomplished musician, educator and writer. As a pianist, he has been professionally performing in restaurants and various occasions since he was 18 years old. He joined the 686th Air Force Band as a beginning pianist in 1950. Before being honorably discharged, he and the band toured Europe with Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming and Ava Gardner during the Christmas season of 1952.

    He received his B.A. in English from Queens College, Flushing, New York in 1961 and his M.S. in Education from Elmira College Graduate School, Elmira, New York in 1968. He taught English, including poetry and creative writing at Southside High School in Elmira from 1962 until he retired in 1985. Over 100 of his 325 poems were published in literary magazines and many won or placed in various contests.

    Among his works are Window of Eternity, a life/death book published by Ashley Books in 1984 and Window of Eternity, a sequel published by Balboa Press in May 2012. He also wrote four novels and a collection of short stories.

    He eventually became an accomplished jazz pianist and composer and soloed on several Carnival Cruise ships and “Mariner of the Seas”, Royal Caribbean Line. He still plays piano professionally and appears on the Internet under edgarbiamonte.com.

    Currently, he is a resident of Hemlock Farms since he moved from Miami in 2002. He has three sons, one daughter, two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

  • Mother, If in Heaven There Are No Apples, I Don’t Want to Go There

    Growing up in her native Germany, Ms. Bresko relates hair-raising tales of the war as she and her family struggled to stay neutral during the conflict and her father was sent off to fight the war on the Russian front. Often going without many necessities and suffering through the usual childhood illnesses, she nevertheless retained. Her optimistic outlook for the future through and dreamed of the day she would again be able to taste freedom.

    After hostilities subsided, she chose nursing as a career and details her education experiences while living in several other European countries and working in a variety of location, eventually settling in America with her husband. Through her fascination and historical look into the past, readers learn that children are the same the world over-dreaming of the future, and acting on those dreams as soon as they are given the chance.

    Now retired, Christel Decker Bresko enjoys travel, walking, swimming, reading, and writing in her spare time.

    “Writing this book added great joy and spice to my Golden Years, not just remembering but to keep my past alive. Mother and Father, who both have passed on, left me with a great legacy. They wanted me to see the world, find happiness, and pursue life to the fullest. My sister and brother added gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which in my belief, are riches, sweet odor, and integrity. It was a great experience to finish this soon to be a book.”

  • Psalm 32: The Joy of Forgiving

    I was born and raised in a small town in south Alabama where I’ve lived most of my life and am now residing. I am a member at Harvest Church in Dothan, Alabama. My oldest daughter Jordan attends South Alabama in Mobile, soon to graduate and my youngest daughter Makenzie attends Troy University in Troy, Alabama. I’m a self-taught artist, painting and selling art from 2005 until present. Since I’ve turned my life over to God I’ve went from painting margaritas to Jesus! He truly changed my heart and gave me a new one at the age of forty. As a family our journey has just began and I owe each step to my sweet Saviour Jesus Christ!

    About the author:

    Psalm 32 The Joy of Forgiving

    This is a testimony about true renewal and to find my place with God. After a downward spiral of alcoholism, drug-use, memories of childhood abuse and never-ending suicidal thoughts since a young girl, I decided that there had to be something more to this life. I ended up on my knees asking God, “Why me?” Sometimes we have to let go of everything in this world to find our place with Him. When I was at my lowest God scooped me up and He truly saved me. I heard His audible voice and I want to live and tell everyone that He is Real and Amazing!!

  • Public School 201

    P. S. 201 takes place in a jungle-like section of Brooklyn during the Thirties. Son of dysfunctional parents, Sal D’Angelo suffers from attention deficit disorder (unknown then). Though petrified when Mom starts putting him in the dark basement at age four for not drinking his milk which he hates, he is happy about starting school. Intelligent, creative, and loving, he assumes others are similar, and is shocked. Bullies abound, kicking small boys including him, even girls during recess and after school. Though he reciprocates, they beat him up regularly. Blaming Sal for inciting them, Mom constantly slaps him across the face for arriving home late, disheveled, or both.

    Lacking parental love and attention, Sal soon becomes the class clown. Receiving D’s in conduct throughout the grades, he infuriates Dad, especially when Sal blames his teachers for being mean and unfair.

    Dad finally appears unexpectedly at the class door, embarrassing Sal as an eighth grader. Miss O’ Malley, his teacher, is prejudiced against Italians. Refusing to discuss Sal, she practically slams the door in Dad’s face. Humiliated, Dad blames Sal and explodes unmercifully at him that night.

    Moved to the last seat in the last row days later, Sal manages not to utter one word during the last six school weeks. Happy about graduating, and expecting an ‘A’ in conduct, he receives another ‘D’. Stunned, he breaks down and retreats from reality. School and houses appear to fade away before his eyes while he pauses on the school corner to look back. Amazed, frightened, and almost fainting, he waits until they seem to start edge back before heading for Grandma’s house. Barely discerning someone playing The Rustle of Spring emanating through a nearby opened window, he breaks into tears.

    About the Author:

    Edgar L. Biamonte is an accomplished musician, educator and writer. As a pianist, he has been professionally performing in restaurants and various occasions since he was 18 years old. He joined the 686th Air Force Band as a beginning pianist in 1950. Before being honorably discharged, he and the band toured Europe with Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming and Ava Gardner during the Christmas season of 1952.

    He received his B.A. in English from Queens College, Flushing, New York in 1961 and his M.S. in Education from Elmira College Graduate School, Elmira, New York in 1968. He taught English, including poetry and creative writing at Southside High School in Elmira from 1962 until he retired in 1985. Over 100 of his 325 poems were published in literary magazines and many won or placed in various contests.
    Among his works are Window of Eternity, a life/death book published by Ashley Books in 1984 and Window of Eternity, a sequel published by Balboa Press in May 2012. He also wrote four novels and a collection of short stories.

    He eventually became an accomplished jazz pianist and composer and soloed on several Carnival Cruise ships and “Mariner of the Seas”, Royal Caribbean Line. He still plays piano professionally and appears on the Internet under edgarbiamote.com.

    Currently, he is a resident of Hemlock Farms since he moved from Miami in 2002. He has three sons, one daughter, two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

  • Sketches of His Presence: God’s Powerful Influence in My Life

    Sketches of His Presence
    God is at work in the world and in the lives of His people. Sketches of His Presence compiles some of the exciting, dynamic, and inspiring stories of God’s working in the life of one servant.

    “True stories capture us when we identify with those stories. Stories have power. The Scriptures tell many power-laden stories. From his days as an adolescent to his days as a grandfather, Dave Scherling’s account of God’s active role in his life will capture the reader.”

    Rod Broding, Author, Retired Pastor and a University Professor

    “I enjoyed reading about how you have seen the Lord’s Hand in your life…. thank you for sharing that with us and others.”
    In Christ, Ginny Saint, coauthor, Walking His Trail

    About the author:

    Dave Scherling grew up in Northern Minnesota and is retired from the State of Florida – Airport Engineer – and from The US Navy Reserve as a Civil Engineer Corps officer. He served as a missionary in Brazil and in Indonesia. Dave and his wife, Delores, now live in Milaca, Minnesota, during the summers and in Brooksville, Florida, in the winters, enjoying volunteer mission work and playing with their fifteen grandchildren.

  • Startling Awareness

    Startling Awareness

    Beverleigh, middle-aged woman, with three kids, divorces her husband of fifteen years.She feels that her life is falling apart and that her dreams have turned into nightmares. Through all the difficult times in her life, she has always leaned upon God. Through her struggles, she learns how to forgive herself and others.

  • SWAG

    “My goal for writing about my life was not to say I had a worse life than anybody else, but to demonstrate that even throughout the turmoil you face there is always opportunity to make the right decisions for yourself. Life is about choices and if you choose failure that’s what you become, but if you choose success it can be challenging yet possible only if you are willing to put in the work. Those people who accept failure are usually the same ones who haven’t realized their potential yet. Giving up on life is the same as giving up on God and what he did for you to make you a strong Angel. Time of struggle should be your time to shine. #StayWithAGoal” – Glen Norman Jr.

  • The Knock

    The Crockett family is a soccer family. All three of their sons grew up playing on tournament teams, so naturally when their youngest son, Dusty, scores the winning goal for the state championship game, the Crocketts host a celebration for the teammates and their families. The only downside to the get-together is that their oldest son, Travis, is unable to be there. Travis Crockett is a hero to all of the members of Dusty’s soccer team, especially after he singlehandedly beat all fifteen of them at King of the Mountain last summer. But as a Navy SEAL, he has the respect of most people. His love for family and country is catching, so even though he is currently serving in Afghanistan, the partygoers can’t help but ask the Crocketts how he’s fairing and reminisce about their favorite times with Travis, especially after his wife, Laci, shows up with news from her ultrasound. The Crockett family thought they had planned the perfect day, that is until The Knock. Join new author Marc Hardage in this heartbreaking novel about the impact one man’s life has on those around him.

    “As an enlisted member and a chaplain who has served in this admirable community for thirty-six years, I consider The Knock extraordinary. It is a picture of the countless sacrifices that are continually made by the brave service members who serve in this nation’s military and their families. Less than 1 percent of the population of this nation is willing to serve in that capacity. The Knock reminds the reader that freedom is never free!”

    —Chaplain Ted Wilson, OCFD

    Author Bio

    MARC HARDAGE lives in Norman, Oklahoma, with his wife of thirty-four years, Janet. They have three sons, Seth, Ty, and Colt. Marc is a regional marketing director for 5Star Life Insurance Company and has been in the insurance business for over twentyfive years.
