
Snowball’s Sheepdog Adventures: Fall

Snowball’s Sheepdog Adventures follows this Old English Sheepdog as he tours around his neighborhood. Snowball finds adventures in all seasons of the year, especially certain holidays. Read how Snowball meets friends, cares for them and teaches all of us important lessons.

About the Author:

Margie Lennon is a journalist and dog lover. She grew up with dogs and recounts some of her memorable childhood days through Snowball’s Sheepdog Adventures. Margie has dog memorabilia in her home and office. She enjoys time with children, pets and family. Read her other books: Snowball’s Sheepdog Adventures: Spring, Snowball’s Sheepdog Adventures: Summer. Look for Snowball’s Sheepdog Adventures: Winter, soon.

The Lord Will Suddenly Come

For ages mankind has pondered and tried to define. . G o d.., to experience His Presence, with avoiding fear and judgment, or the need for deliverance and salvation. So the worship and ceremony were persued, but encountering.

God, was complicated, and the 2000 years since God in Jesus Christ, The Year of The Lord . . A . D …., religion has reached great extremes and results. Yet still, the visitation through personal prayer, Church Service, or need for… deliverance, still does not provide. . . calling on The God, in Jesus The Christ, and that He will “suddenly come”. How amazingly great, that someone would just. . call out for Him and He would… suddenly come to that one!

Not for need of desperation or critical situation, but simply to desire The Presence of God, for awesome relation, because of who He is, not what He can do, and…” paow pow “ . . He suddenly comes to you! Wow. God promised to do it . . .. . so do you want it? Then come, enter in . . and be amazed, out of this World experience.

About the Author:

The Author is the owner of Creation Architectural Consultants from the twin isle republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Having lived in various places and conditions, David has become an Apostle and leads Rebirth Freedom In Christ Ministries to establish The Kingdom of God in
Christ Jesus. The Abiding Presence Habitation, is explored, bringing reality and completion to religious issues through relationship issues.
Now author of

Book 1, The Truth Shall Make You Free
Book 2, Who Do People Say That You Are
Book 3, Where Art Thou
Book 4, The Fruit of The Vine
Book 5, If I am Lifted Up
Book 6, Of Lions and Of Lambs
Book 7, The Lord Will Suddenly Come

A Father’s Stories For His Children

A Father’s Stories For His Children, is a series of stories written to spark discussions not only in school but at home as well. The author is an educator and a retired USAF officer. He put these short stories together for his children and grandchildren drawing from his experiences growing up and as educator and military officer. Many of these stories deal with real life issues all kids face. The
stories are grounded in Biblical principles and have Bible passages to look up for further study and discussion.

About the Author:

Dr. Robert D. Shanks Jr. (Dr. Bob) is a retired USAFR Colonel who served in the intelligence field. A former junior high school teacher and public school administrator in Nebraska, he was often called for active duty assignments. His last active duty assignment was as a professor at the USAF Air War College located at Maxwell AFB, in Montgomery, AL. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska,
the USAF Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) and the Air War College. After retirement he served as an Adjunct Professor at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) in Prescott, AZ.

The Incredible Investment Book

In 1974 Chuck Salisbury left his Real Estate Career in Springfield, Illinois and headed for a job with a Municipal Bond firm in Beverly Hills located at 8665 Wilshire Blvd. The small firm was called Stern-Brenner and Co. and little did he know that he had found a home where he could learn the Securities Business from the security and tax-free benefits offered by Municipal Bonds. In 74 most of the bonds were bought by institutions and banks but with the tax rate among the highest in History he decided that he needed to educate wealthy people and their CPA’s of the benefits of Muni’s. Getting off to a fast start on the phone he used his imagination to create a Municipal Bond seminar to attract wealthy people and Tax Preparers including local CPA’s. He supposed that the reason more wealthy people didn’t buy Muni’s to lower their taxes was because most didn’t know anything about them. Chuck was right and for the next 4 years he was busy doing seminars from San Jose to San Diego and built a substantial clientele of wealthy investors. He not only sold bonds but, with some of his wealthier clients, actually underwrote some smaller Special Assessment Bonds called 1911 Bonds.

As a creative person who likes to think ” out of the box” he searched for bonds that had defaulted to see if there was a opportunity for greater profit as well as Tax-Free income. His biggest find was the Ontario Motor Speedway bonds which, as revenue bonds, couldn’t make the timely payment required. But Chuck read the original offering and found that the bond security was the property upon which the Speedway was built. As Commercial Property, next to the 10 Freeway, he concluded that the property was very valuable and confirmed that with a call to a local Real Estate broker. So Chuck called his wealthy Clients and encouraged them to buy the defaulted bonds at 25% of face value and then foreclose. That begin a 22 year career as a fixed income specialist with imagination. His clients were Hollywood elites, Sports Stars and his favorite, WWII Hero Jimmy Doolittle. Chuck loved to visit him in his sparse Santa Monica office. Chuck has many stories that now form a foundation for more investment books. Stay tuned.

Incidents of Life

Modern times and results of war and betrayal bring about stirrings that will redefine several lives. Troubled hearts and historic events, rich with haunting feelings of the loss of love, rock the foundations of each character, and through it all, eventual survival. Each life is made up of a number of incidents, which bring famous writer Bosko Arandjelovic, beautiful Vesna Petrovic, and Harrison Barkley, assistant to Bosko, together in a story of tenderness, inspiration and hope.

About the Author:

Molly Odegard Nikolic, born in Madison, Wisconsin, is a member of the national professional fraternity Phi Beta. She has a bachelor of history degree from Edgewood College in Madison. She was first published after winning first place in a world-wide essay contest to preserve the Serbian language, receiving the price in Zurich. She is a gourmet cook and has worked as an extra in a number of films shot in the area. Four events have shaped her life: surviving encephalitis, divorce of her parents, death of her mother and her marriage. She lives with her husband and four cats.

Tropical Heatwave

Dennis, a young aspiring academic, becomes infatuated with a girl he meets while jogging on a beach in Barbados. An unplanned pregnancy ensues, and Dennis finds himself straightjacketed and dispatched into a marriage for which he is not ready. Now caught in a marriage of almost total incompatibility
and one in which he saw a weak future, he tries to free himself. This opportunity comes in London when he meets his Venus, Pam, on a London Underground train on his way to work. But Pam is caught between her husband with whom she is not in love, Dennis and Sidney a friend with whom she had a brief relationship before meeting Dennis. Pam is ready to break free of her horrible marriage
but must decide whether it will be Dennis or Sidney she settles for. But, unknown to her, her very good friend Jean is also making a bid for Sidney with whom she claims she had something going before
Pam. She now sees Pam not as a friend but as a serious competitor and sets out on revenge grail which sees her spilling the beans on Pam and doing all it takes to prevent her getting close to Sidney. This boiling cauldron of deceit, disappointment and intrigue comes to a head in a volcanic outburst at the airport in Barbados where Pam declares her hand.

About the Author:

Dr Dean Alleyne was born in St Andrew, Barbados and educated at The Alleyne School, St Andrew and Harrison College, St Michael. After four years teaching, he moved to England where he completed a BA degree in Geography at Birkbeck College, London before resuming his career in teaching. He later completed an MEd at the University of Keele, North Staffordshire, and after retiring as a head of a secondary school, completed a Doctorate in Education at the Institute of Education, University of London.

Coconut Fun

What nine or ten year old is not intrigued with stories of fun and adventure!

Travelling from British Columbia, Canada, to the Caribbean Island was like travelling from one end of the world to another; and going from an urban setting to a rural village was equally traumatic. However, the boredom that Justin feared he would experience in this strange rustic village without electricity or televisions was now being replaced by a feeling of excitement.

Coconut Fun” tells entertaining short stories about Canadian city boy, Justin, and his Caribbean country cousin, Nate, while teaching facts about the coconut palm.

Listen to ten year old country boy, Nate, and his unique was of speaking. “Me will teach yo’ lots of coconut fun before the holidays are over.”

The stories are real, drawn from the author’s own childhood experiences during the late 40’s and 50’s.

About the Author:

Elisient Maeve Vernon spent most of her life in children’s ministry. She worked with children in the churches pastored by her husband Rev. Samuel Vernon who is now retired from full time ministry.

Mrs. Vernon spent her early years in a rural village in Jamaica where her father was the pastor. She was a tomboy, the only girl among several brothers.

After High School she was trained as a children’s librarian. Her years of experience in working with children in the Library Services in Jamaica, Trinidad and Western Canada, and also her studies in child psychology, writing for children and study of the Bible were evidences that God had prepared her to become Younger Children editor for Caribbean Christian Publications (CCP).

She now resides with her husband of 63 years in Miami, Florida.

Night Night, My Love

Night Night, My Love is a short bedtime story that beautifully describes the bedtime process and the love that is shown by a parent for their child during that time. The poetic approach to this book hopefully will be able to put a calm to that sometimes hectic process of going night night.

About the Author:

Deborah Lorenzo was born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania. She left the small town for a few years to further her education and obtain her Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing. She has since moved back to that small town and today, currently practices as a registered nurse. She loves baking, bike riding, walking, gardening, and crocheting and it was only recently that she began to have a desire to write children’s books. With a strong faith and support of family she was able to turn that desire into a reality with the publication of her first two children’s books.

The Barnyard Ball

It might be all work and no play on the farm during the day, but once Farmer Fred goes to bed all of the animals have a ball! With barnyard animals dancing the night away one is sure to have fun reading this imaginative story, The Barnyard Ball.

About the Author:

Deborah Lorenzo was born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania. She left the small town for a few years to further her education and obtain her Bachelors of Science Degree in Nursing. She has since moved back to that small town and today, currently practices as a registered nurse. She loves baking, bike riding, walking, gardening, and crocheting and it was only recently that she began to have a desire to write children’s books. With a strong faith and support of family she was able to turn that desire into a reality with the publication of her first two children’s books.

Harmony in the Open Field

What happens when you come face to face with one of the biggest fears of your life? Imagine how Kreigh Alcorn, an acorn, feels when he happens upon a grey and brown squirrel! If you’ve ever been afraid, you will love Harmony in the Open Field. Ruth-Ann J. Thompson, songwriter, and motivational speaker, now brings us Harmony in the Open Field, the second book in The Open Fielders, a series that will touch the heart of a child, and encourage the hearts of parents.