
Super World Citizens

This is a true untold story of American patriotic history. It is a story of how a group of ordinary American Citizens and a Prince became involved in US foreign policy and intelligence around the world.

At one point, the group was a household name in Washington, DC, and had direct contact with high-level officials, right up to
the president of the United States.

One senate investigator said, “It is like you entered into a world of science fiction and then you find that it checks out.”

The story tells how the group, with their sources for intelligence, were one of the key factors in ending the Cold War with the
former Soviet Union, along with freeing several countries that were ruled by brutal dictators.

Then there was a nationwide scandal, and the group was abruptly pushed aside.

Many major magazines, such as: New York Magazine (Christmas Issue) U.S. News and World Report, Time Magazine, and Boston Globe wrote about the group, but the author, due to his privacy and well-being, had decided not to be involved in the articles.

But now after thirty years, he has decided to write his true, untold story in American history.

Author Bio

Gary was born on June 11, 1958, in Astoria, New York, and moved to Freeport, New York, at the age of 3. He now resides in St. Petersburg, Florida. He attended Sullivan County Community College Culinary program and finished at the State University of New York in 1984, where he received his Bachelor of Science degree in business with a minor in computer science. Gary has also lived in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Manhattan Beach, CA and now resides in St. Petersburg, FL.

GOD IS I AM: GODSELF REVEALED IN-FLESH The New Natural… Collaboration With Cosmic Conscious Oneness (Second Edition)

Inspiring author GOD IS ALL, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Starke:

For Mr. and Mrs. Max Taylor, “Who say so well what can’t be said,” and “Clear Truth.”

Invisible Real Life GODSELF REVEALED becomes visible sight through contemplative meditation. Comprehensive study of ancient wisdom, religion, law, man and society ~ sociology, and scientific discovery, in realization of prompting from the singularity of GODSELF REVEALED COLLABORATION, the authors advocate Self-Realization of God and Self Being ONE. REVEALMENT AND THE OMNIS empowers all good people to be in Harmony and Live Wellbeing.

About the author:

While on a contemplative walk in the Kettle Moraine Forest, Mr. Max Taylor, Professor Emeriti at The University of Wisconsin, Whitewater asked Universal I Self what his purpose and meaning in life should be. The immediate answer was, ‘go forth and be my Consciousness.’ Since that time God Conscious Oneness has been the focus of his attention providing what more he needed to know. On an Iowa farm Susan Schulte learned about Jesus and patience. Assistance from our source of energy avoids egotistical human feelings that burden us with stress and suffering and GODSELF keeps us in Harmony.