
How To Create A College Athlete: Terms Every Parent and Athlete Should Know

This book will be a must have for all coaches, parents, players, and people who want to learn about high school, college and professional sports. As they say, to know is half the battle and if to know is winning then you will win the arguments when discussing all levels of sports and each sport. These are the power terms that are universal for any athlete when a parent wants them to succeed at the next level and beyond.

About the Author:

Acie B Earl, also known as Coach Earl to the mid-west coaching circle in AAU/travel teams, high school, semi pro leagues, and to his students at Iowa. Acie was born in Peoria, IL and grew up and attended Moline, high school. Earl was chosen in the 1st round, number 19 in the 1993 draft by the Boston Celtics. Acie played 4 years in the NBA for the Celtics, Raptors and Bucks and holds a few Raptors all-time records. After the NBA he played 8 years in 12 countries earning MVP awards in China, Kosovo and Turkey. After his overseas career Acie coached 4 years in the semi pros with the ABA, CBA and WBA. He also coached 5 seasons at Solon High school. After started his own AAU/ travel teams called Venom sports Girls/Boys for 12 years producing over 25 college players. Coach Earl also started http://www.venomsportstraining.com where he trains kids and has hosted camps with Nike and Phenom America.

Coach Earl’s published books:

  • Basketballs Main Ingredient Part 1
  • Basketballs Main Ingredient Part 2
  • How to Play Overseas – 31 Rules Each Player Should Know
  • A Star is Born – The Archie Early Story
  • Future Acie Earl books 2020/2021:
  • How to Create a College Athlete – Part 2
  • Slavery in Sports – The Role of the Black Athlete
  • The Effect of Sports on the NCAA and the College System

Snowman Jacks and Rabbit Tracks

If you have ever needed encouragement from friends to begin a major project, you will relate to the main character. If you are a parent, you will understand the importance of support and invitation to try something new.

Snowman Jacks wants to explore and have fun, but he does not believe he can run. Because Jacks does not believe in himself, he is afraid to try, even though a friend encourages him repeatedly. Jacks’s desire grows stronger and stronger until he decides to

About the Author:

Margaret Smolik is a professional copyeditor and author. Her poetry has been published in Lyrical Iowa, and her memoir, Like a Haystack, is an interesting account of her family’s experiences as refuges in Europe during WWII. She earned BS and MS degrees from Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, and taught secondarylevel English and writing and collegelevel composition. She and her husband raised four children. Currently living in Osage, Iowa, she is an active member of her community and local writer’s club.


Jesus! Is He Coming Back explores in a simple manner the arguments surrounding the second advent of Christ. Is this fact or fiction? What does the Bible say about Jesus return and how to apply literal interpretation to the Biblical doctrines? Jesus! Is He Coming Back provides the tools for the student in theology to understand the concept of “things to come”.

Dr Joan Whittaker, a professional librarian draws from the works of known scholars to highlight the various schools of thought. She concludes that literal bible interpretation must be utilized to understand what the Bible says about the subject.

It is time for all of us to think about eternal things, understand what’s coming for the church in the future and prepare accordingly.

About the Author:

Rev. Dr. Joan E. Whittaker, MLS, Th.D, Ph.D
HORAC Ministries, NY is a visionary, entrepreneur, leader and role model; often described as a world changer because of the positive impact she has had on individuals and the community.

Ms. Whittaker was born in Jamaica West, Indies and immigrated to the United States in 1988 in
order to attend graduate school. After twelve months she graduated with a Master’s degree in
Library and Information Science and has served in her profession since then in one capacity or
another for twenty-seven years.

Joan E. Whittaker has retired from her position as Library Director of the Irvington Public Library
to serve as the full time Pastor of HORAC Ministries in Ossining, New York. She is the Founder
and Senior Pastor of this dynamic growing non-denominational church. Her leadership skills
have impacted thousands as she touches the lives of many through her dynamic and moving
public speaking. She is unquestionably a role model particularly for teenagers as evidenced in
the membership of the Church where over seventy percent of the members are young people.

Joan E. Whittaker is now an author, accomplished public speaker and Dean of the Mt. Olive
Bible Institute and Seminary Ossining Campus. She is also the Founder of Tree of Life
Ministries, a career mentorship and counseling program. She travels the world to speak at
events and is establishing branch churches locally and internationally. Her vision is to empower
people everywhere by hosting free Vacation Bible schools in the United States and abroad,
summer camps and after school programs.

Joan E. Whittaker’s ability, passion, knowledge, enthusiasm, creativity and pro-active stance as
a leader has resulted in her becoming a productive and outstanding leader.

The Battle For Eve: Biblical Combat Training for Women in Spiritual Warfare

This side of Heaven, women sometimes experience frustration and heartache that will one day be a thing of our past. We often struggle with disappointment or failure with alarming regularity. Well, the Scriptures have an explanation as to why the world, as God created it, isn’t playing out in the living rooms of our lives. We have a crafty, well-organized, unrelenting, powerful enemy who often camps out on the couch. He is strong against the people and things of God. But I have read the end of the Book and I know who wins. And ladies, you are on the winning side. In this Bible study you will learn how Satan works against you. You will uncover how he gets power over your tomorrows
and just how much stronger you are than he! You will uncover his lies and his weaknesses in order to triumph over every scheme against you. So put on each piece of your Armor of God and join me in this great epic battle. You cannot fail. You are the daughter of the King!

About the Author:

Sara Dyer has been a student of the Word for over thirty years. She spent twenty of those as a professional interior designer before going back to school for her masters degree in Theology. She
served as women’s director for a large church in Canton, OH before moving to the Nashville,TN area. She continues to write and teach where she is invited and serve the women of her local church. She and her husband Dan have three married children and one fabulous grand-daughter.

If I Am Lifted Up?

The concept of being alone and trying to find The Lord in times of need, desperation, break many souls, and many give up, not knowing what they are missing, being denied. So much has been planned,
provided for each one, before birth, yet beaten, forsaken by mankind,… the only choices are to lay down and be trampled if faith fails, or get up and fight. The nature of human is to survive, but the responsibility and righteous way, cause all to take up the “self-life”, which produces independence from God. The Lord Jesus promised that if He is lifted up, will draw all peoples onto Him. This has happened 2000 years ago, at the establishing of “The Year of The Lord”, A.D., and it was because of the declaring that when He is “lifted up”…on the Cross of Death, that…the ruler of “man’s hearts”…, the ruler of this World will be cast out!

Knowledge runs the World but knowing according to God in Christ Jesus matters the most, the Promises were fulfilled throughout history. What about His Promises for you, do you know what is planned and provided for you? There is a… rising up, things that need to be known about Him, about you,… come and arise, rise up, learn what happens…“lf l am Lifted Up.”

About the Author:

The Author is the owner of Creation Architectural Consultants from the twin isle republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Having lived in various places and conditions, David has become an Apostle and leads Rebirth Freedom In Christ Ministries to establish The Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. The Abiding Presence Habitation, is explored, bringing reality and completion to religious issues through relationship issues. Now author of:

Book 1, The Truth Shall Make You Free
Book 2, Who Do People Say That You Are
Book 3, Where Art Thou
Book 4, The Fruit of The Vine
Book 5, If I am Lifted Up
Book 6, Of Lions and Of Lambs
Book 7, The Lord Will Suddenly Come


A misfit. A hero in disguise. A boy trapped in a reality where fear and pain keep him locked up inside, a prisoner to himself. His freedom can be found in another world that depends upon courage
and bravery. A battle between the two worlds… between two selves. Will it always be one or the other? Weakness or bravery? Imprisonment or freedom? Who he is or who he wants to be? Can this misfit, united with another, find the courage to face the enemies that stand in his way or will he only ever be the hero of his imagination?

About the Author:

Karris Callahan is a young adult author and mentor who helps misfits embrace their differences and find their unique identity. Ever since she was young Karris has never been satisfied with the ordinary, leading her on many adventures in the process of pursuing studies and exploring her interests. She refuses to settle for anything less then to dream big dreams and is happiest while
using her creativity to tell stories of all shape, size and form. Her deepest desire is to help others find their own voice and story in the midst of a world that has silenced many.

Purple Blues

Purple Blues opens a window into the varieties of language used by a community, and offers a taste of the rich culture that identifies them as uniquely Caribbean. Tales of childhood discovery and
sibling rivalry evoke echoes of a cherished past and nostalgia for the ‘good old days’. The lighthearted playfulness that pervades the collection is punctuated by stark, often painful, reality which jolts the reader and triggers a visceral response, while the short-shorts command the readers’ attention for a moment and invite them to return to savour the experience, to laugh or cry again or simply to ponder.

About the Author:

Esther O’Neale was born in Grenada and has been a teacher and teacher educator for most of her life. She is a graduate of Sir George Williams University (B.A. in Sociology and Applied Social
Science) and Manhattan College (M.A. in Education) and has served in several Caribbean countries in the area of education. She has published De Red Petticoat, Sunday Morning and is the senior
author of Caribbean English.

War of the Fairies

The Baker children are visiting their grandparent’s farm after the death of their father. Life on the farm was a new experience for the children who were used to city life. It is here they discover strange insects with tiny voices.The scouts, who flew about in search of threats, the keepers, who were protectors, and the royal fairies. Now the children find themselves in the middle of a war between the forest fairies and the garden fairies and they find themselves protecting the royals from the dreaded grasshoppers and praying mantises who want to kill them.

THE WAR OF THE FAIRIES is the eighteenth novel by Judy Lennington. It is written and dedicated to her grandson, Corey Baker, who left this world too soon, and his five children, Nikolas, Nathan,
Adrienne, Vaira, and Kai.

Faith To Believe And Prosper: His Word About Your Finances: A Journal Guide

Gloria S. Riley is an executive coach, teacher, trainer, and speaker certified by the John Maxwell team. Her gifts will help you fulfill the vision for your personal development and strengthen specific goal achievements. Her commitment is ultimate to the transformation of the individual into a fuller, richer, a deeper financially secure human being from reading and applying the material in this book.

Gloria’s passion has always been to help others pursue their dreams no matter the scope as an insurance professional, financial advisor and now a coach. Individuals will learn they can do and be more by applying proven principles for success which will assist in unleashing their innate potential.

Additionally, she can offer you workshops, seminars, keynote speaking and coaching, aiding your personal and professional growth through study and practical application of proven leadership methods. Working together, she will move you and your team or organization in the desired direction to reach your goals.

As the owner of McDonough Insurance and Financial Services Team, she spent 15+ years in the insurance and financial services industry as an Account Executive, Financial Advisor and Special Agent. She obtained a BA in Public Administration, from Seattle Pacific University and MBA from Ohio Christian University. Currently, holds the following credentials: CFS (Certified Fund Specialist) Certificate, from the Institute of Business and Finance; LUTCF, (Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow), from the American College and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA).

She is looking forward to assisting you on your journey to becoming financially astute, and a successful leader as you activate your faith to believe His word about finances.

Financial Teaching of Christ

And those are the ones on whom seed was sown on good soil;
and they hear the word and accept it and bear fruit
bring — thirty-fold, some sixty, and a hundred times as much. Mark 4:20

Christ’s teaching is my sincere prayer for you, friends.


Rangoul  is a supernatural thriller set in 1950’s rural Georgia. The KKK has infiltrated local law enforcement and has committed a string of murders covered up as random accidents. Jamal, an African American grocery store clerk puts a target on his back when he attempts to save a woman he believes is being attacked by a police officer behind his store. Jamal’s boss Eugene, had a daughter who died under suspicious circumstances. Although her death was ruled an accident, her father always suspected the towns Sheriff was somehow responsible for his daughters death.
The grieving father takes matters into his own hands trying to prove foul play was involved in her death.

On his way home one evening Jamal is given a creepy doll as a gift from a strange old woman. Things begin to spiral out of control after this. Jamal begins to have visions and loses track of time with no memory of his whereabouts. Eventually the police and the Klan catch up to Jamal and he must fight for his life as well as the lives of his wife and son. It turns out the doll Jamal was given possesses the soul of a Demon named Rangoul.

The doll once belonged to a young boy who’s father was framed and executed hundreds of years ago in the same town. It has the power to cause great pain and suffering to those who wrong you. As Jamal learns more about this power he must decide if it is a gift or a curse. While both fighting their own demons, Eugene and Jamal’s journeys intercept and set forth a chain of events that will shake the small town to its core.

About the Author:

Mikail K. Farrar was born in Kansas City Mo. in 1979. He lives in Lawrenceville GA with his wife of 15 years Clarice, their 11 year old daughter Victoria, and their dog Ruby. Mikail gets his passion for writing from his mother Sondra who is a retired English teacher. When Mikail was a young boy he remembers his mother waking up in the morning and quickly writing down her dreams before she would forget them. She would encourage her son to do the same. Fast forward to today and Mikail is not only writing down his dreams, but transforming them into riveting stories to share with the world.