
Razor Bumps and Stretch Marks: An Anthology

Razor Bumps and Stretch Marks is a rite of passage. It reflects the hazards and romance of growing up.

It also represents my journey over the past two decades or so, with a healthy dose of what I’ve heard and observed from those around me, fellow travelers who didn’t always know I was watching.

I resisted the impulse to arrange the poems thematically, or in chronological order, a nod to life’s often non-linear character. Instead, they are arranged alphabetically. That way, whenever you’d like to return to one favorite or the other, you’ll know where to find it.

Look forward to hearing which verse helped make your load a little lighter.

Miz Bambo

Carol Craig Cowan-Lanyon had an idyllic childhood. Her mother, “Miz Bambo,” embodied comfort, filling her world with art and magic. Her father kept her safe and told her she could be anything she wanted to be. But when Carol’s father died just before her fifteenth birthday, the foundations began to crack. Without warning, Bambo became volatile and impossible to please. And at the end of Carol’s sophomore year in college, Bambo disrupted all of her plans for the future with a declaration: they would be spending the next year abroad. What followed was the adventure of a lifetime. Though rooming with her mother didn’t exactly represent the bohemian freedom Carol had yearned for, their experiences together would teach her how much she still had to learn about the world-and force her to grow up in ways she couldn’t have anticipated. Miz Bambo tells the story of a unique mother-daughter bond, and of mysteries that will forever remain unsolved.

Jesus, Save Us Now: The Seven Degrees of Daily Deliverance

Do You Know the Solution to End all Wars?

When problems come up in life, do you know how to solve them? And do you want to know who or what is causing problems in your life? In Jesus, Save Us Now, author Andy B. Nakagawa explains where our problems originate from and how to solve our problems.

In this book, you will learn:
• The Origin of All Wars
• The Four Step Process of Deliverance
• The Three Deceptive Devices that the Devil Uses
• The Four Activation Levels of the Devil
• The Seven Degrees of Daily Deliverance

There is a study guide included in the book.

May this book inspire you to live a life free from the bondage of sin.


All the business generating capital utilizing the word “Mexico” and everything related to it such as recipes, songs, names as his property. Also, the word “America” as the name of the market we initiated to compensate monetarily the quality of a work or merchandise to this way, eradicate Presidencies, which is the biggest problem in the Territory of Mexico, in addition, proving the word “America” as property of Mexico. Desegregating his Identity from Hispanic, Latino or Mexican naming “Mexicano” to the Language spoken in the territory of Mexico leaving any other Official way of communication obsolete. ALPHABET is the mentality captured in letters to communicate in different Languages representing an identity.

About the author:

David Ramirez-Europa was born in Mexico City the 29th of November 1972. He is claiming the legitimate propriety of the territory of Mexico as is in books, documentaries, pictures or cartography.

The Alphabet

  • Are you a parent or teacher struggling to teach the alphabet?
  • Does your student reverse letters or think letters look and sound the same?
  • Is your ESL student confused by the differences in their native language and English?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, The Alphabet Learned Quickly and Easily can help.

Dewan! “Ooh, Nuts”

DEWAN! “OOH, NUTS” is one of a series of Children books that humorously follows a seven year old boy who tries very hard to prove that he is not too young to do BIG things for himself. But while trying to gain his autonomy or independence, he almost always encounter mishaps which leaves a messy trail that always lead back to DEWAN!

The Legend of Rami the Wolf

The Legend of Rami the Wolf is a true story about a captive born gray wolf that devoted her life as an Ambassador wolf to teaching people the value of wolves and of returning them to the wilderness to restore a healthy ecosystem. The story is told from Rami’s perspective; her thoughts and dreams.

The story can be enjoyed by preschool children and read by young readers. It can open a discussion not only about wolves, but about the preservation of all wildlife, conservation of the habitat necessary for wildlife survival, and responsible stewardship of the natural resources of our planet.

The Adralack Crack on Mt. Baker

The book tells of the adventures and dangers faced by four university professors who climb Mt. Baker during their winter break. They are involved in an unexpected cave-in of a lava tunnel below a glacier and later caught in an avalanche.

With Larry injured, they decide to seek shelter in a shallow rock outcropping they call the “Adralack Crack”. Why did Larry become the victim of the cosmic force when he stepped into the “Crack”? Could Adrian Adralack, a fellow climber, invent a teletransporter to bring him back out? For what other purpose would Adrian use his teletransporter? Because of what happens to the climber in the “Crack”, their lives are forever changed by its paranormal effects.

Will Art become obsessed with walking into the “Adralack Crack”? Will Art’s wife find love with an old friend? Will the alien that came from Exvacia by the cosmic force search out and mate with one of the professors?

There are many twists and turns that deal with extraterrestrials, teletransportation, thievery, love, sex and friendship within its pages. This and much more will excite your imagination and titillate your senses.

Life’s Other Realm

Seventeen year-old Kim has been raised an orphan, but through a twist of events in her seemingly unchanging life, she finds herself in another time and place where it is revealed that she is actually the lost Princess Ashquin.

With the help of a blue hunter named Klee, Kim finds herself on a journey to find her family’s home. This adventure leads them through forests, mountains, and caves, where they encounter numerous peoples and creatures- some friendly and some evil. Together, they must be on guard as they continue their journey in the magical world of the kingdom of Keolia.

Sometime: The Plague World

Dan Floyd, a retired and widowed lawyer, is doing his best to fill his time – attending church, keeping in touch with his two adult sons, and reading up on epidemics.

When he comes down with what seems like garden-variety flu, he amuses himself by studying plagues, both modern-day varieties and the biblical kind. Dan and his sons, one of whom is a doctor, share information and speculate about epidemics. Meanwhile, in the community around him, he begins to hear of people dying from complications brought on by the flu – many of whom attend his church. Dan soon finds himself investigating members of the Starkherz family, three generations of doctors; it seems the Starkherzes were working with the H1N1 influenza virus—the source of the flu epidemic of 1918–1919 – in an attempt to neutralize it. Could their work serve as the source for a twenty-first-century flu pandemic?

In this novel, a retired lawyer works with his sons to discover the source of a deadly influenza epidemic that threatens their lives and the lives of everyone around them.