
Life Happens: You Don’t Have To Be Rich And Famous To Have Adventures

As one goes through life, adventures happen.

Good, bad, or mediocre. It is what we do with them that matters. Life is more than the function of just breathing. It also is being aware of our surroundings, learning from them, and responding to them. As long as we are able to take a breath, life is experiencedā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

This book celebrates life through a series of adventures. I know you will identify with something or someone in it. Another flash of light! A little closer this time. Every hair on my body feels charged with electricity. My body is tingling. Is it from the electrically charged air or from anticipation of what I fear may be coming in the next few seconds?

A plan of attack was devised and the Brave Eighteen, as they will forever be named, went off to battle. The MPs loaded both of them into separate cars and took them away. CJ says every time she sees the TV show Americaā€™s Most Wanted and watches the bad guys get loaded into the squad cars, she is reminded of those two housewives from Ft. Bliss. Everyone knew him, what he was about, and what he was capable of doing to each man in the room. He had a reputation everyone was familiar with. No one knew why he entered. But we all knew he was there. I was the one dealing with IT and was battling IT. Did I have the ability to fight IT off? I had my doubts. Afterall, many things could go wrong.

About the Author:

Edmond P. DeRousse is a retired educator for the Illinois Department of Corrections. He is a US Army Veteran and was an executive with the Boy Scouts of America. With 30 ā€“ 40 different mailing addresses over the course of his lifetime, two children, four grandchildren, horses, motorcycles, and several careers, he has accumulated many adventures. It is those adventures which inspire much of his writing.


When the ghosts met, there was much confusion. Stacey watched them come down the wide concourse, coming generally in his direction but without intention or purpose, appearing from the mist of months and birthdays and years and Christmases missed, a thousand greetings forsaken, ten thousand moments lost.ā€¦ He had become accustomed to his being dead to them. Now. What. A resurrection? It was the older brotherā€™s face that caused Stacey to think to turn and to run, ā€¦ from the two revenants.

About the Author:

Earl Griffin was born in Childress County, Texas on February 20, 1953. He graduated from Texas Christian University and Texas Tech University School of Law. In 1992 he returned to Childress County to ranch with his brother. He has written The Escadara, The Last Orphan Maker and Trips.

Love is Forever

In a world in which 49-51% of all marriages end in divorce; less people choose to be married; and others live a life of drudgery in their marriage, it is refreshing to learn from someone who is 100 years, how she and her deceased husband fell in love in the midst of very challenging circumstances; stayed in love; raised a family in two geographic locations and maintained their love. It is even more exemplary that this love did not die after 54 years of marriage and her husbandā€™s untimely death. Even at the age of 100, Mrs. Carmen Carrington is still in love with her husband Ralph Carrington.

May her story inspire you to find lasting love; and may your love last forever.

About the Author:

#1 Bestselling co-author of Success from the Heart, Dr. Nicole Erna Mae Francis Cotton is a transformational leader, certified success coach, and a marriage and family therapist. Through her authentic and passionate love for life and people, she has helped persons of all ages, races and cultures; couples, families and organizations to make positive and lasting change.

She holds a BA in Psychology from the University of Tampa, a Masterā€™s in Marriage and Family Therapy from The Oral Roberts University, and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Grace Hill Bible University.

She is the author of Itā€™s Time for Change, and How to Thrive in Trying Times, which presents a profound message of hope. She is also the producer/singer/poet of Poetic Vibes to Help You Thrive, a CD of her poems sung and recited to powerful and inspiring music.

Dr. Francis Cotton is happily married to her husband and business partner Roy Cotton Jr. To experience one of Victorious Livingā€™s transformational retreats, register at: www.victoriouslivingretreats.com

A Tie Between People: Advance Japanese Reader

A Tie Between People: Advanced Japanese Reader allows students of Japanese to continue their language study in greater depth. Its lessons feature Japanese texts, English translations, grammar notes, exercises, vocabulary, and illustrationsā€”all designed to challenge and entertain Japanese language students who have taken introductory courses and want to improve their skills at a higher level. Each story has a powerful narrative drive, and readers will find that Professor and Japanese language expert Seiko Kawakami Mieczkowski has used her two decades of college-level teaching to write a book that enthrall and instruct students of all ages.

About the Author:

Seiko Kawakami Mieczkowski is a native of Hokkaido, Japan. For nearly twenty years, she taught Japanese language at Eisenhower College and Binghamton University. Seiko has published articles on Japan in Asian Thought and Society and numerous book reviews on Japan for Choice and Libraries Unlimited. She currently resides in Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Awakening: Experience Heaven on Earth

How do you write about experiencing life fully? How do you create a treasure map to an experience? The five senses cannot adequately perceive the Kingdom of Heaven. Words have a hard time encapsulating enough meaning to convey the experience. Following the trail of creation can lead you to the Creator. What you do when you meet the Creator is up to you. Those that choose to have an intimate relationship with God will experience the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven reveals that the structure of creation is embedded within the substance of life. Read on and listen for the still, small voice; ask it to speak to you, and it will.

About the Author:

Jason Remmerde lives in Estes Park, Colorado where he manages a small construction company with his wife, Cari. He has always been interested in structure, data, and analysis and has spent much time in the outdoors. He was first intrigued by the similarities and consistency of randomly occurring patterns in nature, and then found himself having a discussion with a Creator that his five senses could not perceive. He enjoys experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth and would like to share ideas that may help others have the same experience.

Creatures of the Night

Set in New Orleans Terry is unaware she is surrounded by creatures of the night, until one night, their leader Tim turns her into one. But she soon realizes Timā€™s true intensions are to over throw an ancient
prophecy. She discovers her true destiny is to stop him from destroying her kind, will lead her into a dark journey.

About the Author:

Stacy Newton is a native Houstonian and currently lives in Los Angeles as a writer and actress. She finished her book signing with ANGELS SURVIVE this summer, and is currently working on her next book.

CONVERSACIONES EN LA MESA: Noventa y Tantos Consejos para mis Hijas

Conversations at the table is a compilation of advice and tips from a father to his daughters. Most of these words of wisdom were told at the kitchen table where they had dinner or while they worked on a jigsaw puzzle. The writer reminds his daughters about the importance of life and how to live it purposefully.

About the Author:

Alejandro Ezquerra is the Senior Spanish Minister at Bammel Church since 2007. He holds degrees in Theology, Mass Media and Divinity. He is a Beatles fan that enjoys riding his Harley and spend time with his wife and daughters.

Aftermath: Destruction of the Rule of Law

Book Seven in the Trump Authorā€™s ongoing series on the President of the United States is a blow-by-blow recitation of the efforts of ā€œHot Rodā€ Rosenstein, Robert ā€œThe Dark Swanā€ Mueller, and the Deep State to cover their own lawless tracks as they seek to remove from office the one man who can expose them and bring them all down.

That man, of course, is the duly-elected 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Because he is a Washington outsider, who has vowed to ā€œDrain the Swamp,ā€ he must be destroyed at all costs. Read herein the full account of their effort to do it!

About the Author:

Author T.M. Ballantyne, Jr has written and published six books on President Trump in the past 24 months. In this latest he relates in details the sordid tale of crime and corruption within the ranks of the deep State ā€“ primarily in the DOJ and FBI ā€“ which leads directly to the Obama Oval Office. As always, the author exposes the total dishonestly of a fully-complicit National Media who not only refuse to report the daily revelations of lawlessness, but do all in their power to protect the guilty while shaming the few brave men and women who have courageously fought to bring the malfeasance to light!

Kristaā€™s Summer Adventures

Krista is about to finish grade three and looking forward to the holiday at her grandparentsā€™ place, when her parents tell her that this year she will be going on her own. Krista will miss their parents, but she is happy to be spending her holiday with grandma and grandpa. She always has a lot of fun at her grandparentā€™s place, unlike her everyday life during the school year.

Every time Krista visits her grandparents, grandpa prepares different games and activities for her to do. This time, he invites her to try a game he played in his youth. The idea is to win a series of badges, each one being a reward for achieving different skills and disciplines.

Krista is excited and begins the game, called a ā€œbeaver huntā€. For the first badges, Krista has to develop her physical strength and agility by running, jumping and swimming. It is not always easy, and she finds, she had to work hard to get the badges, but she enjoys it and wins three badges in first couple weeks. The ā€œhuntsā€ for the next badges are even more exciting. She would get one for bravery, another for her ability to spend a day alone in the outdoors, and so on.

Kristaā€™s grandparents have prepared a further adventure for her. They will all go together for a week-long hiking trip through the foothills and mountains and they will have a horse to carry their stuff. Krista, who never slept in a tent, has to prepare herself for the trip. She is thrilled with the plans for her holidays!

The hiking trip is beautiful and for Krista, her ā€œhuntā€ for the badges makes it unforgettable. Before her holiday ends, she obtains still more badges after some remarkable hunts. Just before her departure, the seniors organize a big party with games, songs, and dancing. All kids as well as adults have lots of fun and happy memories to recall throughout the year.

Krista is sad to leave her grandparentā€™s place, but they help her to make plans for more activities through the school year. Kristaā€™s parents agree to support her plans, and best of all, come to realize how much their help means to Krista.

About the Author:

EVA ZIDEK is living in Canada, in the Rocky Mountains. She likes outdoors, hiking, cross-country skiing and for these activities, she has many opportunities around her. The story in the book is based on her own experience, how her family spent summer with their children.

The Singing Shepherd: A heroic tale inspired by David, hero king of Israel

The Singing Shepherd has a familiar theme – a peaceful but self satisfied culture under attack by a ruthless foe bent on enslaving them. The people had made the mistake of trusting a dazzling leader who pleased himself first; his people last. The tale reacts angrily to the spirit if the present age whose monumental conceit has never been equaled in history; an age dangerously close to catastrophe. The book calls for rescue from a Source outside our conceit and closed systems. It is aimed at the present problems of our time.

About the Author:

Author Rich Parlee is a retired School teacher and pastor presently engaged in the kind of fellowship and adventures he calls forth in the book. He lives on the West Coast of Vancouver Island in the forests and ocean that inspired his book. He still builds and sails boats and participates in the ā€˜faith familiesā€™ you will find in his story.