
Mud Flower: The Barefoot Princess

This is a fictional story about a 7 years old Princess who is curious and disobedient, and these traits lead to her getting lost in the woods and kidnapped to be sold as a slave of a cruel king.

She is rescued by a family of people who lives in the woods, but loses her memory for 7 years not recovering it until after she is kidnapped and sold again to the bad king. Through this ordeal she learns about family love, the good deeds that strangers can often do for other people, as well as the evil that lives in the heart of many.

The Princess eventually finds true love and happiness. And all live happily everafter.


This is the true-life, roller coaster-ride story of a multi-talented, Earth-toned American singer, musician, and comedian, born and raised in Portland, Oregon, who survived a bullish upbringing that left him with a sense of unworthiness and not belonging, which metastasized into a wall of hopeless resentment and led to a rebellious, systemic journey of grapefruit-sour relationships, including a bogus military-based marriage, followed by a dysfunctional relationship in college, which led to a disastrous internship with the Portland Fire Department. He recognized early on his susceptibility to alcohol, and fell in love with a succession of women well-versed in the art of manipulation, relationships he respectfully describes as strange grapefruits. Having become involved in a biracial romantic entanglement, he relocated to the City of Seaside on the Pacific Northwest Oregon coast, working his way up to the position of supervisor of that city’s most popular beachfront hotel. However, he bites off more than he can chew as he is a convenient and continuous target, of police brutality, and endemic, rural-region bullying racism for eleven consecutive months. While attending the post-nuptial reception of a friend, he and the newlywed bride find themselves cornered by an invading gang of racist bikers with murder on their minds, which turns into an all-out melee in the host’s kitchen. After forcefully subduing the leader of the pack, he is elevated to instantaneous-hero status by the Seaside Police Department, who do a one-hundred-eighty degree turnabout regarding their treatment of a civilian they now hold in high regard. Despite this newly developed dĂ©tente with the town heat, our plucky protagonist is still faced with another two-and-a-half years of constant death threats from the remainder of the notorious biker gang out of Portland, Oregon, who try to exact their racist revenge when they corner our hero once again. He escapes their clutches through a strange twist of fate, is arrested, charged with another infraction, goes to trial, and is found not guilty, twice, for acting in self-defense; Double jeopardy in a court of law, due to racism in the State of Oregon = Justified License To Kill in the eyes of the law.


The idea’s we manifest in our mind were given to you for a reason. Build your own belief to become the best version of your true-self.

Have faith
 It’s worth it. You ARE worth it. If you don’t believe me follow me I’ll show you.

I have spent my whole life believing in the idea that I was destined for greatness. It took me 29 years before I came to terms with that idea. Experiencing life to the fullest, traveled most of the world by myself with nothing but a back pack. I believe the experience’s we put our self through are the adventures we talk about, the wisdom it creates. I have always accomplished a goal, When no one said I couldn’t, I DID! I can and will. I am inspiring millions of people.

Mama, Pops, I will make you proud.

What Your Local Department Store Doesn’t Want You To Know

This book is about adamant shoppers, shoppers while no matter what the situation is or what it looks like, they will make the best of it.  They want a bargain at any cost, and by all means the department stores are not going to take all of the clothes that have been tried on many and many times, purchased, returned, and put back on the racks on the floor with a sign saying “SALE” USED CLOTHING.  If they did that they would not sell many clothing with the idea of new clothes for sale.

A “Flippity-Wippity” of a Great Day!

Take an exciting journey with Flipper and Bubba as they spend the day venturing through their big backyard. Their day is filled with lots of fun and excitement as Flipper and his friends magically ‘come to life’. This beautifully illustrated children’s book is one that your child is sure to love!

T. Baby

“Inside, I was terrified the bogey-man was coming to get me. ‘Mama help me
. I screamed’. Mama closed the door and walked away. Grandma said to me, ‘Tonya you have no use to a man in life, you can’t make a baby, what man is going to marry you, you are trash. How you are finish you may as well do what your Mama tells you to do’. My brothers and sister showed me no love. I was alone among them.”

¥Mamå, cuéntame cómo viniste!
Mommy, tell me, how you got here?

With humble crayon drawings and the innocence of children’s curiosity, “¡MamĂĄ, cuĂ©ntame como viniste!” tells the life transforming saga of the immigrant mother going through the unthinkable to bring to her children possibility and safety. Although this book was born in the work with Latino American mothers, its loving and powerful message gives voice to the immigrant mothers of our global community. This book is profound and it is transforming for children and adults as it allows in a gentle and sensitive way to talk about both the hope and the massive losses inherent to the journey of all of us, immigrants.

This Land Is Mine! A Story of Crazy Horse and George A. Custer

Examines the contested expansion of the Western United States through the perspective of two important historical figures. It is the story of a time when open land, resources, and wealth west of the Mississippi captured the imagination of everyone in nineteenth century America. The United States government sent expeditions to capture as much land as possible, and thousands of easterners set off in stagecoaches to find their fortunes. Angry American Natives and vicious conflict greeted the trespassers as they continued to invade more territory.

The book follows the lives of two brave leaders from very different cultures, born just two years apart: George Armstrong Custer of the United States Seventh Cavalry; and Crazy Horse of the Native American Lakota tribe. Custer delighted in youthful pranks as a child and as a young man at West Point Military Academy. Ambitious, courageous, and lucky, Custer successfully advanced his military career in spite of a few misdemeanors. Thousands of miles away, Crazy Horse hunted buffalo, captured horses, and learned the strategies of warfare by studying animals and following Native traditions. Both Custer and Crazy Horse became passionate leaders. This gripping story culminates when Crazy Horse and thousands of Native American warriors collide with Custer’s Seventh Cavalry at the Battle of the Little Big Horn to fight for their land and everything they held dear.

¥Mamå, cuéntame porqué viniste!
Mommy, tell me, why did you come here?

“¡MamĂĄ, cuĂ©ntame porquĂ© viniste!” scaffolds the telling of the story of why a Latin American mother would take on the journey of migration. In a colorful, heartfelt, and developmentally sensitive way, this life transforming book helps all immigrant mothers to tell their children about their origins, their dreams, and how their unconditional love brought them to the United States in the hopes of creating the life of safety, peace, promise, and abundance any parent would want to give to his child. This book expands on the psychological themes and experiences of immigrant mothers introduced by the author in her first book, “¡MamĂĄ, cuĂ©ntame porquĂ© viniste!”

In Search Of The Holy Dog Food: An inspirational story about two dogs in Napa Valley that are the best of friends!

Thank you for your purchase of The Holy Dog Food! My name is Mark Battuello. I have been following these two dogs for over a year. Cabby is our family’s farm dog who loves to run free in the vineyards on our farm. He met our neighbor’s dog Cooper and the two became great friends. Our neighbors have become great friends with us as well. I enjoyed writing the story and building the character of the dogs. I studied photography under professional photographers while also studying it during my college years. My hope is that this story has been inspirational for you which encourages the value of a great family pet. Part of the purpose of my photos for this story is to get you to really see the relationship we can have with these animals and what we may learn from them to greatly enhance our daily lives and theirs.