
Naming Her Value: Lesson I learned From My Mother Lessons I Learned from My Mother

My advice to the world is that we cannot be afraid to challenge all types of injustices. We must go forth and give courage to the people of our lives and show them that we will not tolerate cruelty. There are many lessons to be learned through the stories of others. One of the most important lessons that I have learned is the value of the strength and sheer resilience of women. It is through this strength, grace, and beauty that we can find the key to tackling hardships and living a harmoniously successful life. Come along on this journey of poverty, pain, and triumphs to discover the lessons that lie within.

About the Author:
My advice to the world is that we cannot be afraid to challenge all types of injustices. We must go forth and give courage to the people of our lives and show them that we will not tolerate cruelty. There are many lessons to be learned through the stories of others. One of the most important lessons that I have learned is the value of the strength and sheer resilience of women. It is through this strength, grace, and beauty that we can find the key to tackling hardships and living a harmoniously successful life. Come along on this journey of poverty, pain, and triumphs to discover the lessons that lie within.

A Russian Doll In China

In this world of international M&A (Merger/Acquisitions) banks and their consulting arms play games of mutual tortuous interference during the buying process. Our hero has to find out how this looks like in the Chinese business culture without any of this showing up in the news. The players are introduced to him via a Russion doll with Chinese heads.

About the Author:
Son of an American officer and a German mother, Larry B. Ritter grew up in the US and Germany where his father was stationed. A trainee-program at one of the biggest industrial companies worldwide provided him with lots of practical experience which he rounded up with an MBA in Business. Already during his studies he was a visiting professor at a business school where he got elected school principal. As manager of the Corporate Training department at a leading Silicon Valley company he established links into Stanford University. Later he became consultant of the European president of a US computer company in Geneva and started his own business.

Accelerated Life Settlements

In the world of U.S. life insurance crime is so common that the insurance companies have their own departments of investigation to look into suspicious cases. A special group of companies deals with insurance policies covering end-of-life situations. First of all, what is a difficult period for the families concerned, is only a statistical factor for those dealing with life insurance as a financial market called the ā€œFirst Marketā€. It deals with some 1,200 billion U.S. dollars. The ethical issues are buried in the second layer of life insurance servicesā€š the ā€œSecondary Marketā€. In this layer, policies are sold as bundled papers, a practice which can have worldwide consequences.

About the Author:
Son of an American officer and a German mother, Larry B. Ritter grew up in the US and Germany where his father was stationed. A trainee-program at one of the biggest industrial companies worldwide provided him with lots of practical experience which he rounded up with an MBA in Business. Already during his studies he was a visiting professor at a business school where he got elected school principal. As manager of the Corporate Training department at a leading Silicon Valley company he established links into Stanford University. Later he became consultant of the European president of a US computer company in Geneva and started his own business.

The Creation

This book was written to enhance the readers concerning the making of the whole universe and all that exist according to scripture and who made it and placed everything in itsā€™ proper place. It dismisses all theories and myths that have been taught throughout the world. There is only one God who have created everything including the atmosphere. No other gods created this world as we were taught in our schools. It dismisses all myths and theories that exist by Scientist, and Astrologist. Everything was discussed thoroughly from the Holy Bible, King James Version. Everything that was created was explained and the way it was created.

About the Author:
My name is Rev. Carlton Whaley and I am an ordained Baptist preacher from a town called Ladson which is in South Carolina in the United States of America. I was born and raised in a town called Mount Holly in the same state. I have a Bachelor of Theology from International Seminary located in Plymouth Florida. I Have a Bachelor in Christian Counseling and Master of Divinity from Carolina Theological Bible Institute located in Bowman SC, where some of my understanding came from in writing this book and working in the Ministry. I am married with one daughter.

Will the Merchants Divide Him?

The book plays itself in a few layers of American society, thus demonstrating Charlton Heston theses that ā€œAmerika is reelingā€¦ā€ Vast majority of the society living here is not even aware of what that means and those who are looked upon with suspicion. The hero of the story is coming back home and because his driverā€™s license is expired, of which he is not even aware, he gets arrested, which opens up a reality in which his live isnā€™t his anymore and waiting for justice he gets the message that the courtroom has nothing to do with justice. It is about the law. Which is something the author working in one of the American courts has got to know. The hero is alone. He makes notes of his loneliness and isolation, and his notes thus prepared are later on found by his friends. This isnā€™t a book for those who think everything is nice and dandy. Which sound almost like a deterrent ā€” yet, If you get it, there is a chance you may get interested, you may even find yourself in it together with your unnecessary, unwanted, meaningless life ā€” it shall come to you to shake up your certainty ā€” together with Hekubaā€™s cart sound: trundling under the burning sun, yet empty, but soon filled with the body of her son.

About the author:
JACK HABEREK speaks five languages. A building manager in Brooklyn New York. He grew up in Silesia (todayā€™s Poland) and then in Germany (Munich). He attended his first class at Strasbourg, France of whatā€™s called in Europe LycĆ©e. He received his masterā€™s degree from the University of Breslau (Wroclaw) in German literature. He then continued for his doctoral level in Vienna. This is his tenth book.


The story is that of betrayal, violation of friendship, and love in todayā€™s world. Anyone can be a suspect under the Patriot Act, which makes a system that would like to call itself ā€œdemocratic,ā€ no different from the worst case of totalitarian regimes known in the history of mankind. The main character, framed by his former friend, is deported from the United States to Rumania, where he ends up in a concentration camp, tortured and deprived of his civil rights. Those who finally found out that Jack was innocent, do nothing. Afraid of embarrassment, they keep silent. Hopeless and stripped of any sense, Jack is liberated by a global event, when a black hole moving at incredible speed through space approaches Earth and destroys half the planet. Jack escapes his prison and walks through a crippled world, discovering that, as one of this authorā€™s favorite once said: ā€˜a true life, life in the end discovered and explained, the only life hence simply lived through, thatā€™s literature.ā€™ Drawing on a massive body of learning that ranges from philosophy to theology, science, and art history, the author creates story that is a conglomerate of human knowledge reflecting the problems western culture faces today.

About the Author:
JACK HABEREK speaks five languages. A building manager in Brooklyn New York. He grew up in Silesia (todayā€™s Poland) and then in Germany (Munich). He attended his first class at Strasbourg, France of whatā€™s called in Europe LycĆ©e. He received his masterā€™s degree from the University of Breslau (Wroclaw) in German literature. He then continued for his doctoral level in Vienna. This is his tenth book.

The Attorney

Jay Barnett returns to the mountain home of his youth, seeking reconciliation with his father, Jay Sr. The old attorney is reluctant to see his newly sober, divorced and bankrupted namesake, but the two meet, and the talk that goes into the night turns into an emotional reconciliation. With a storm front moving in and snow and ice threatening, Jay stays over. The story takes an uncanny and dark twist when Jay wakes up to the startling revelation that his father has disappeared and is nowhere to be found. Panicked at the thought that his eighty-eight-year-old father has somehow vanished during blizzard conditions, Jay calls 911, and turns to Robin, the fatherā€™s legal assistant. The two set out on an emotional, sometimes terrifying journey that pits them against law enforcement authorities, a state senator, a mega trucking conglomerateā€¦and ultimately Jayā€™s old nemesisā€¦ Jeffrey Davis, a deadly foe, who mysteriously turns out to be the mastermind behind the entire conspiracy. A landmark legal decision against the trucking industry, which could mean serious implications for the stateā€™s struggling economy, coupled with a web of deceit involving kidnapping, homicide, and racketeering on a grand scale circles back to the stateā€™s oldest practicing attorney who is at the very heart of the mystery, and the two unlikely heroes that set out against incredible odds to find a missing fatherā€¦and ultimately much more.

The Hungry Brain’s Nutrition Cognition Connection

The brain gets fed first! That is the important idea for the book, The Hungry Brainā€™s Nutrition
Cognition Connection that relates to: mood, mind, memory and behavior. After several
years of teaching children with attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD), learning
disabilities, and severe behavior problems Dr. Augustine decided to look to the brain and to
The theme throughout the book is biochemical individuality and feeding the very hungry
brain. Many students and adults suffer from malnutrition of the brain and other specific
biochemical disorders such as pyrrole disorder and metal metabolism disorder.
Making ā€œsmartā€ choices for the hungry brain is front and center of this cutting edge book.
As the educational community faces the challenges of childhood obesity and food allergies,
people are eager to learn how to guide their students and their own children in the care of
the body and especially feeding their brains. Dr. Augustine provides a simplification of the
food groups: animal foods; plant food and junk foods. She tells why breakfast is still the
most important meal of the day and even more so if a child has problems with learning or
behavior. Highlighted as well is the importance of daily movement, producing nerve growth
factor (NGF). Exercise is a family affair! Additionally, there are brain joggers for parents and
teachers as practical strategies for teaching nutrition as part and parcel of a lifelong learning
strategy and healthful daily habits.
Teachers will appreciate the mini lessons for easy integration into their curricula.

About the Author
“Dr. Susan Augustine has been in the field of education her entire adult life, teaching across
the spectrum of pre-kindergarten through graduate students. Establishing her career as a
special education teacher she soon realized how nutrition and biochemistry are involved
in processes of mood, mind, memory and behavior. Working with children and adults
with depression, learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, anxiety, and other health
impairments she turned her attention to the brain and specifically what we feed our brains.
Dr. Augustine conveys a nutrition and health perspective into all of her work in life and has
done so in the United States and in Singapore.
The author of: Attention Deficit Disorders; What We Know, What it Means, and What We
Can Do, The Hungry Brainā€™s Nutrition/Cognition Connection; Tools for the Cooperative
Classroom, and Thinking About Nutrition the New Nutrition Education. Dr. Augustineā€™s
classes have assisted people in moving toward a more healthful way of thinking and living.
Bringing the viewpoint of mental and physical health, Susan is also a nutrition counselor,
public speaker, trainer of teachers, and has appeared as the nutrition expert on television
programs in Chicago: Health Town and cable televisions, Food for Life.”

People with heart Problems in the BIBLE

“What you are about to read will defiantly speak to your heart.
Proverbs 4:23 says ā€œAbove all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from itā€.
A healthy heart is a step in the right direction in our attempt to live a long life, however
God has designed each and everyone of us to live not only a long live here on earth but also to live a life that
would last forever. The Lord spoke through the prophet Jeremiah and said,
ā€œThe heart is deceitful above all things and it is extremely sick;
Who can understand it fully and know its secret motives?
ā€œI, the Lord, search and examine the mind, I test the heart, to give to each man according to his ways,
According to the results of his deedsā€. Jeremiah 17:9-10.
Your heart is most precious to God and his desire is to give you a new heart in place of the one you may
have at this moment. Itā€™s a spiritual heart and in a nut nutshell as they say, itā€™s the real you that exists
inside of the here and now you at this moment.

About the Author
Lloyd Ortiz is the founder and senior pastor of Living Hope Church in Grants, New Mexico.
Lloyd has been married to his high school sweetheart Lena for 43 years.
Together they have 5 children and 18 grandchildren.
God has graced them with the gift of reaching children of all ages.

A Time Before: Echoes of the Past

A Time Before Echoes of the Past is the second installment in the book series by Anita Windon. In this second installment, we find Princess Harmony continuing her journey. The journey takes her to two separate kingdoms. Many mysterious surrounds her journey, and the darkness still follows her. Her continuing struggle takes a toll that Harmony might not be able to handle. Does the darkness become too much for her, or will she be able to pull out from the dark and continue on her path unscathed? These mysterious will be answered in Echoes of the Past.

About the Author
A Time Before, Echoes of the Past is Anita Windonā€™s second published book. Anita has taken time away from writing to be with her family. Anitaā€™s family comes first and has not had time to put pen to paper. Anita has written books or poems since she was young. She says it is a fun and creative way to forget about the sometimes-stressful world around her. She also says that getting published is something she always wanted to do.
Anita enjoys reading science fiction fantasy novels. She believes it is a good genre to escape into. There is always some great journey that can relate to some real-life situations. Like many authors Anita hopes to keep publishing her stories even if only a handful of people read them.
Anita hopes you enjoy the second installment of A Time Before, and she hopes that she will no take another 7 years to publish the next one. Enjoy the journey.