
The Green Vial

The Green Vial, the crackling new techno-thriller from Nicholas Orsini, is about a dedicated and highly professional government scientist who gets drawn into a terrorist plot. It all starts with a deadly earthquake in the Iranian desert. Dr. Roger Rogers, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey, and his attractive graduate assistant, Teresa Marchetti, team up to lead an on-site investigation to gather scientific data from the region for their research studies. In Iran, the two meet their Iranian counterparts and Bjorn Arnarson, a Norwegian science attaché. All goes well until they are forced to make an emergency landing in a restricted biological-weapons development area and are taken into custody. While in confinement, a disillusioned member of an underground faction tells Rogers about the plot and attempt to extort millions of dollars from the U.S. government under threat of dumping anthrax bacterium into the water supplies of several major cities. With literally millions of lives at stake, Dr. Rogers finds himself confronting unimaginable challenges. What follows a dramatic escape via the Afghani border, a detour to Norway (where additional threads in the case are unraveled), and, ultimately, the involvement of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the U.S. President himself reveals Orsini as a master of suspense a worthy and welcome heir to the tradition that includes Patricia Highsmith, Graham Greene, and John le Carre.

Author Bio

A graduate of Colgate University, NICHOLAS ORSINI grew up in South Glens Falls, New York. He served in the Air Force for twenty-four years, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. His work on the Vela Uniform program, detecting underground nuclear explosions and differentiating them from earthquakes, took him to countries in Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East, the South Pacific, and Antarctica. He was a Chief of the Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory and managed a program to build and install seismic stations in Africa and South America. As a licensed private pilot, he managed to log over 800 hours of flying time; he has also traveled more than 70,000 miles on six different motorcycles.

The Messiah’s Signature

Seeds of “The Messiah’s Signature” were planted in the mid-late nineties The cover’s photograph was captured one Fall mid-afternoon in Seattle. Jeanette attended Shoreline college where the English professor realized her writing potential.

Shortly after relocating to Texas she was invited to a Christian Writers’ group. In the early 2000’s she began a journal of words and phrases from her Pastors’ sermons.

In 2015 her collection of poems and prose, was finally compiled. Supporting images consist of photographs taken during her extensive travels; watercolors, which includes one painted by her Mother, and for readers’ edification, the accompanying bible verses are complete.

To God be the Glory

August 2017

About the author:

Jeanette’s ancestry, can be traced to the Spanish Inquisition era. The De Litra family of Portugal fled their homeland to escape its tyranny. Those, who could afford passage, sought refuge in the Americas; others sailed to the shores of Wales.
(There the family name was changed to Little). She was transplanted from her homeland Wales via Australia to America in the mid-eighties. No doubt, during her global sojourns, unbeknown to her, other descendents and her pathways have intersected.

Her aptitude for writing poetry was encouraged, during the nineties, by her English instructor Nancy of Shoreline Community college in Seattle, and a dear friend and professor Rose, of Seattle Pacific university. Upon relocation to Texas in 2000, she joined San Antonio’s Christian Writers Group. This intimate organization has proved fertile ground for her creative abilities.

In late 2015 Jeanette completed “The Messiah’s Signature” and published it in eBook format.Time has proved readers prefer the tactile, visual, enjoyment, and comfort of absorbing the book’s content via the printed word on paper.

The Jaws of Agnes

The Jaws of Agnes is a historical novel, documentary, and satire about hurricane Agnes. It describes the hurricane that flooded Elmira, New York, and adjacent towns in mid-June, 1972.

Edgar L. Biamonte is an accomplished musician, educator and writer. As a pianist, he has been professionally performing in restaurants and various occasions since he was 18 years old. He joined the 686th Air Force Band as a beginning pianist in 1950. After being honorably discharged, he and his band toured Europe with Frank Sinatra, Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, Rhonda Fleming and Ava Gardner during the Christmas season of 1952. He received his B.A. in English from Queens College, Flushing, New York in 1961 and his M.S. in Education from Elmira College Graduate School, Elmira, New York in 1968. He taught English, including poetry and creative writing at Southside High School in Elmira from 1962 until he retired in 1985. Over 100 of his 325 poems were published in literary magazines and many won or placed in various contests. Among his works are Window of Eternity, a life/death book published by Ashley Books in 1984 and Window to Eternity, a sequel published by Balboa Press in May 2012. He also wrote four novels and a collection of short stories. He eventually became an accomplished jazz pianist and composer and soloed on several Carnival Cruise ships and “Mariner of the Seas,” Royal Caribbean Line. He still plays piano professionally and appears on the Internet under edgarbiamonte.com. Currently, he is a resident of Hemlock Farms since he moved from Miami in 2002. He has three sons, one daughter, two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.


This is all about the Earth, our host planet, our Mother as we often call her. In times of rapid and disruptive change many look to science and religion for answers and direction. Why not ask the Earth itself? We often assume that the Earth is simply a physical planet spinning through space. Wisdom has it that she is a living entity, a consciousness, on a journey all of her own, in harmony with her Solar System relatives in a galaxy of further relatives. I have utilized a method of entering an altered state of consciousness, called astroshamanism, to reach beyond the illusion of this third dimension to ask for her wisdom and guidance. These messages are the result. They will challenge your beliefs, stretch your mind, and touch your heart.

Author Bio

Naval Academy graduate, former Episcopal priest, artist, writer, and currently Chiropractor, Michael has always been interested in healing and expanding consciousness. He lives in Lawrence Kansas.

Escape Artist An Anthology

Escape Artist was first published in November of 1995, and this anniversary edition contains virtually all the same poems.

Let me quote from my description from the original version: “Escape Artist tells of my retreat into my little world, the protective cocoon from which I observe life.” The poems are, in a simple phrase, “life, according to me”. Most of the experiences are personal, but some are borrowed from others. The observations, however, are all mine. Welcome to the “hideout of the visionary”.

One key difference worth noting here: I have added an extra poem – ‘in loco parentis’ – that did not appear in the earlier version because it did not exist at the time.


About the author

Byron Sogie-Thomas was born and raised in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and is a naturalized American. A thirdgeneration public servant, he graduated cum laude from Howard University and earned a Masters degree at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He resides in Maryland with his wife Yewande. His most recent anthology of poems, entitled Razor Bumps and Stretch Marks, also published by LitFire, is available from the publisher, Amazon, and a variety of online booksellers. You may follow Byron on Twitter — @yrubored.

Their Own Anam Cara: A Journey of Destiny

Everything is a differentiation of itself; what has a front has a back, what has a back has a front, and the bigger the front, the bigger the back. is certainly holds true in THEIR OWN ANAM CARA…A JOURNEY OF DESTINY, the first of the Anam Cara Trilogy.

Sir Ailin Drummond and Sarah “Angel” Evangeline Hale, a direct descendent of Boadecia, Queen of the Iceni, in the 1600’s in Scotland and Ireland, are caught up in the turbulence of the times. They’re faced with plantationists, dark and light magyk, pirates, druids and druidesses, clan battles, the whisky trade, and magical creatures. Through it all, they begin to learn what love, hate, loss, vengeance, hope, and faith can do to break or transform their lives.

Author Bio

Laura Veazey Morrison-Roets has a diverse background in traditional naturopathy, allopathic health, therapeutic and outdoor recreation, has earned an EdD in Applied Educational Studies and a PhD in Traditional Naturopathy, an MA in Athletic Administration, and is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Drug Counselor Supervisor, Certified/Licensed therapeutic Recreation Specialist, and a Case Manger III. She is Scottish, Irish, and Cherokee, and a member of Omicron Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, member of the Scottish Society of Northwest Arkansas, as well as a re-enactor for Scots of the Old West, portraying Belle Starr and Calamity Jane. She is a musician and writer and loves camping, kayaking, geocaching, raising Angus and Jake, and spending time with her children, and as much time as she can at her cabin in the Mark Twain National Forest.

Understanding Teens

It is not God’s plan for us to depend on our own efforts and just do our best as parents; He wants us to understand and obey His will.

It seems that there are many options available when it comes to information on parenting teens, in fact, God’s Word is the only reliable source; looking elsewhere will leave you ignorant and confused about how to raise your teen. Following the example of your parents is a common choice that leads to repeating their same mistakes. God provides us with all the information needed to succeed at this awesome task, and this Discipleship Workbook is a tool based on His Word to guide you through the Scriptures where you will find the answers you need. Traditional, blended or single parent families’ will all benefit equally from this information.

This Discipleship Workbook provides the following practical tools:

  • To build a strong spiritual foundation for parenting.
  • To work together (if married) as a team.
  • Important principles that help you maintain a healthy loving relationship with your teen.
  • How to instill mature character in your teen through loving discipline.
  • How to disciple your teen.
  • To understand the emotional and physical changes your teen is going through. This knowledge will help remove the fear and confusion that both teens and parents experience during adolescence.
  • Helping parents get a unified vision in where they are leading their teen toward maturity and how they are going to get there.

Every parent wants to do the right thing, but parenting according to God’s will does not come naturally. Failure comes naturally, so we must choose to rely upon His Word and His grace to accomplish this important undertaking. But we also need guidance from materials such as this workbook, and from other mature believers who can disciple us in these truths. Being a parent is one of the most important tasks God has given us to do for Him here on earth, and we need to prioritize this training within our churches and disciple God’s people in these truths.

The UNDERSTANING TEENS DISCIPLESHIP WORKBOOK can be used for personal study, as a counseling tool, or as a study guide for a men’s or women’s group, Sunday school class, or home group. It will draw you into God’s perspective as you commit to completing the various aspects of study: reading of Scripture; answering questions, studying definitions of biblical words, cross referencing biblical principles, and practicing self-examination leading to action plans. This workbook is very practical and has many illustrations to help you grasp the biblical principles that are being presented. If you commit to learning the material and apply it faithfully, God will not only transform you as a parent, but your entire family will be blessed.

THE AUTHOR, Pastor Craig F. Caster, is the Founder and Director of FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES. With many years of experience as a youth pastor, marriage and family counselor, teacher, speaker and author, he has gained a reputation as a trusted resource for equipping and ministering to families. He has developed Bible-based marriage and parenting tools and touched the lives of countless people through his seminars hosted by churches around the US and internationally. Pastor Craig has been a keynote speaker at conferences, retreats, family camps, and a weekly radio program. Married since 1980, he is enjoying three grown children and grandchildren.

Please visit the FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES website at www.FDM.world or www.DiscipleshipWorkbooks.com where you will find more information as well as resources concerning the family that are free for downloading; videos, audio, workbooks, leader’s guides and articles are available.

FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRIES exists “for the equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,” (Ephesians 4:12), and to carry out The Great Commission by making disciples for Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).

People of God – One and All Saints and Sinners

Her poetry is inspired by the Holy Spirit, many times with an instructional focus. She received and discovered this gift to write poetry in her latter years of teaching. In her newly revised book People of God – One and All: Saints and Sinners, different aspects of being a saint and a sinner are explored. Questions are asked, thoughts are provoked, and concepts are delved into in comprehending the reality of being both a saint and a sinner. In People of God-One and All: Come and Be…, Part 1 she explores the concepts of grace, relationships, and sacred struggles. In Part 2 she explores this through the wonder of God, the production of fruits evolving through faith, and how to be bold in faith. Both books explore and ponder upon the ideas of faith, relationships with God and each other, and what is expected in carrying out one’s faith. In all the books, scripture passages for further study and references are provided with most of the poems to further question and reflect on one’s faith and how to mature oneself in the faith realm and share it with others.
In retirement, she quilts with many being sewn for philanthropy projects locally and around the world. Additionally, she reads, does genealogy, and actively participates in church activities.

About the author:

EDITH CLOSE-VAZIRI was an elementary school teacher for 41 years in her native state of California and achieved National Board Certification in the area of Middle Childhood. Although she grew up in the rural community of Sutter in Northern Calif., she taught her whole teaching career in Los Angeles with
forty years at one small elementary where she taught first through fifth grade over the decades. In her final years as a public-school teacher, she also mentored new teachers and helped the school district in the credential process for beginning teachers.

Graduating from California Lutheran University, she received a B.A. in history; she completed her elementary credential and received her M.A. in elementary education at California State University-Los Angeles.

Silversuit III: Heritage

One hundred years have passed since the dreaded bacteria attacked humanity, causing women to become sterile and shortening men’s lives. Marauding bands kidnapped children, now the most precious commodity on Earth. Only those living in the coldest lands have survived. A strange silver liquid covered the skins of a few chosen ones, giving them extraordinary powers. These Silversuiters became the sworn protectors of the world leaders. Hero teachers saved thousands of children and evolved into the most respected leaders on the planet. As generations passed, they became more powerful and finally absolute dictators. L’ora R’oak and her companion, rogue Silversuiter Fourth, become the heads of the resistance to overpower the Supreme Teacher and the Tenured Council.

About the author:

Beverley Blount lives in El Paso, Texas and Mexico City where she has completed 30 years of training teachers in her Montessori schools. She is now consulting in schools in Mexico and the United States.

Under her pen name, B. Palma, she has written seven bilingual books in the Palo Alto series for young adults. Palma’s books weave her husband’s tales of growing up on his family’s haciendas with her own adventurous teens in the Mexican countryside. Their lifetime love of horses is reflected in these Palo Alto adventure books.

Silversuit III is her first Science Fiction adventure book and Silversuit I and II will soon follow, tying the 100 years back to the last Palo Alto book; Love’s End — And Then. Blount’s most recent book; The Blount Guide to Phonic Reading, is the result of her life’s work in sharing with children and adults her passion for reading.

Peer Among Men, Mistress of None

Emily is a brilliant young scientist who has spent her life in the world’s finest universities and laboratories. After she effectively breaks up with her equally academic boyfriend, she turns to an alternate source for romance: the secular world of modern dating, an alien world that she must decipher. In the process, she meets Derek, a golf pro, who is bold about professing his interest in her, an interest she misconstrues merely as his desire to add her to his long list of conquests. And what reasonable woman would think otherwise, given his reputation? Will he fall in love with Emily and fall out of love with the world of perpetual carnal conquests?