
Where Love Has Been

Genelle Warren’s initial reaction to the first sign of conflict is to run away. So, for ten years, she has not been home. She has mastered the art of running away to avoid her past, her family, and the boyfriend she easily left behind. But now she is left with no choice. Extreme circumstances call her back to her hometown. Aside from her sister’s upcoming wedding to an old flame, she has to deal with her aunt Bab’s persistent attempts at matchmaking. Things seem to turn from bad to worse, until Genelle discovers God’s plans for her life. Through her family’s support and the help of a new love interest, she embarks on a journey of love, faith, and hope that will make her realize the power of God’s love. In Him, she has a chance to be changed and restored.

Author Bio

Shenise L. Sampson has earned her bachelor’s degree in English literature and radio-TV-film from the University of Texas at Austin. A prolific writer, she has coauthored and performed a theatrical work called Breaking Boundaries: Hear Our Voices. It was showcased in the Cohen New Works Festival. Currently, Sampson lives in Houston, Texas.

Walking in the Miracles of Prayer (Second Edition)

The book “WALKING IN THE MIRACLES OF PRAYER” affirms that God is our only true friend we can call and He will answer when in time of needs. God has the power to liberate us from any form of trials, and temptations. He prepares and orders our step to walk to success.

This book also supports the fact that there is nothing impossible with God, there is no mountain that God cannot be lower, or valley that He cannot lift up when we call on Him. Prayer is a ladder we can climb to enter God’s presence, and through which our requests are granted. The book reflects on some men and women in the Bible who experienced challenges and called on God, and their requests were granted. Look up and call upon Him; He will answer you.

DR. (MRS.) MARGARET NGOZI IDUMA is an educator with passion. She has a Master degree in Reading, and Educational Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction from Wayne State University. She also earned her PhD in Christian Counseling from Christian Leadership University. She aspires in constructing curriculum that will help both parents and educators to train and teach our children better. She is very passionate in prayers, dancing, and parenting. She is very vibrant and welcoming, and draws from her life experiences to encourage both parents and children to be good citizens. As a wife, mother, grandmother, and an educator, she has raised successful grown up young men, and has a growing desire to raise more respectful, and God fearing children. She has been an educator in different school settings college, public school, and charter school. She is married to Mr. Godwin A. Iduma, and blessed with three great sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. She is a living proof that God answers prayers, and there is nothing too hard for God to do.