
A Bridge to Simplicity Through Diagrams

When you explain something to someone are you inclined to draw a diagram? What about when you want to understand something; do you find that a diagram helps you learn? Whether you want to master a personal interest, such as understanding your cholesterol; better perform a school or work assignment; or simply a desire to get your point across more effectively, diagramming is a natural way to facilitate understanding and to subsequently convey that understanding to others. This book teaches you the tools and techniques you need for creating diagrams that will help you depict any subject at an appropriate level of detail for your intended audience. The techniques presented are based on the industry standard Unified Modeling Language (UML). UML is used by the world’s most sophisticated organizations to build the world’s most complex information systems. Its success lies in its innate ability to break down the most complicated subjects into their simple components. This book shows you how to harness the power of UML in your everyday life and decision-making processes.

Tom Fargnoli is a system engineer for Lockheed Martin, a teacher at a community college, and a professional magician. He has been very successful in using and teaching his simplified visual modeling techniques. His techniques have been proven many times across the country in various domains, including Sears, American Express, the US Navy, Lockheed Martin, Wachovia Bank, and of course, in his full-time position as a system engineer.

Tom’s strength lies in his ability to bridge the gap between various levels of understanding using his simplified diagramming techniques. People who have been frustrated with learning new concepts, or retaining important information, or have not been able to convey information to others effectively will benefit from the concepts Tom delivers in this book.

Author Bio

Tom Fargnoli is a system engineer for Lockheed Martin, a teacher at a community college, and a professional magician. He has been very successful in using and teaching his simplified visual modeling techniques. His techniques have been proven many times across the country in various domains, including Sears, American Express, the US Navy, Lockheed Martin, Wachovia Bank, and of course, in his full-time position as a system engineer.

Adventures in the Big Woods

This book is the story of three boys who lived in the late fifties and how they lived without electronic gadgets of any kind. They came from low income families. Television had just hit the market in black and white form and that was all they had. They built their own toys and made up their own games because money was scarce but they never felt they were poor. Their playground was The Big Woods as they called it along the banks of the Broad River where they found many adventures in the summer of ’53.

About the author:

Barnie Slice was born in Columbia, South Carolina in 1940 and grew up in the state. His true talent is art and he has become very successful in that endeavor over the years. He discovered that he could write in his late sixties and found the thrill of writing stories about things that he had experienced or knew something about. He published a child’s book several years ago and has written a story about his childhood since which he is going to publish. He looks forward to writing new stories in the near future.