
Powers Trace III

Powers Trace is a fictional town located among the farms on a two-lane road in the lower left corner of Georgia. The five person police force struggles to protect and serve the people of their small town with limited funds and cast-off equipment handed down from the county sheriff’s department. Like police in most small towns, they get the job done working long hours for low pay. This is their story.

Author Bio

I escaped from a small Kansas farm town, to serve 20 years as a pilot in the U.S. Air Force, living a life I dreamed of growing up. After the flying was over, I completed the MBA degree, and spent an unexciting career as a cost accountant in various manufacturing companies. Along the way, small sail boat racing became an obsession and we followed many fleets around courses throughout the Southeast. This led to two terms as the Commodore of the local sailing and yacht club. I now live with my wife in a small town in Georgia.

Reflections of Nebulous Eternal: Sporadic Thoughts of a Splintered Soul Vol. 1

The Reflections of Nebulous Eternal is a selection of poems written by a soul that left the spirit realm and entered Earth to gain a deeper insight to itself and as it evolves and awakens, the spirit tries to relay the information to the rest of humanity. This is a daunting task and many awakened souls band together to push the world into a brighter future. The reason Earth is called Nebulous Eternal is because a Nebulous is a fog/haze and this world is exactly that …. a haze and it last for eternity because too many humans would rather use their knowledge, skill, power, and wealth to feed their greed and massage their egos. Those that are awake aim to counter this behavior; if not for today then for tomorrow’s generation. So, these are the sporadic thoughts of a splintered soul dwelling in Nebulous Eternal on a mission to gather with like minded spirits to educate the children and spread LOVE and Compassion to the world.

Author Bio

Poet James J. Cone is the son of James H. Cone and Myrna Jo Cone. He was born in El Dorado, Arkansas and raised in Jacksonville, Arkansas. He has 2 brother’s Cassius Jackson (Rest in Love, Light, and Serenity), Christopher Cone, and a sister Myrneshia Hampton. He currently resides in Germany with his 3 sons Madison, Neven, and Zailen. He has been writing for over 20 years. Ever since he was a child he has been intrigued by spirituality from various perspectives throughout the world and the interactions of people from various social structures and it shows in his writings. This will be the first release from a collection of poetry that he has been working on in the recent years. His writings focus on the flaws of humanity and how we can better ourselves and the world around us through personal accountability.

It’s Time to Pray: A Child’s Guide to Prayer

This is a new and updated edition of a popular and well received guide to prayer for children. The book is an easy reading, whimsical, and lyrical book for elementary age children. The first half consists of rhyming verses describing what prayer is and how to pray. The second half consists of prayers that can be taught to children. Table prayers, bedtime prayers and general prayers are included. The book is intended for children, but also serves as an aid to parents, grandparents and others who wish to introduce children to the concept of Christian prayer. The book could be used as a First Communion gift or in religious education courses.

Author Bio

After teaching Sunday school and language arts to middle schoolers, Georgia Holmes went on to study law, business and theology. She is an emeritus professor who taught courses in the legal and ethical environment of business to master’s level students in the Masters of Business Administration and Masters in Accounting programs at Minnesota State University, Mankato. She has been active in campus ministry.

To Heal a Cold Heart

The mafia life was the only life Darwin had ever known, being the second in command for the East Side mafia he had committed ruthless bloodshed, thievery, and made heartless choices. For many years Darwin searched to figure out why an unknown mafia was fighting so diligently to eliminate his. His search comes to an end when he unexpectedly meets a little boy. It is a story of a way of life, a clever little boy, and a healed heart.

About the author:

Valarie Umar grew up with a love for reading and a passion for writing. She has always dreamed of publishing a book and sharing her stories with millions of readers worldwide. She was once told that “A true author tells the story of someone who wasn’t able to tell it themself” and she believes that the characters in her books and their stories came to her through inspiration. She hopes to make a great name for herself as an author and most of all that her readers enjoy her story as much as she enjoyed writing it for them.

Emily and The Feel-Better Fairy

This book tells the story of child who escaped a hard time through her imagination. She travels with the Feel Better Fairy on imaginary wings to a beautiful places. The fairy tells her, “All you have to do is turn on the imagination that inside your head,
then hold onto my wings and together we will fly to faraway places far far away”.

Author Bio

Ziva Reuben was born in 1940 on a collective farm called the Kibbutz Shfayim. Her parents were pioneers from eastern Europe. Her father was an artist and she followed in his footsteps as an artist and a story teller. She immigrated to United States 1983.

Ziva loves gardening and outdoor activities. She currently lives in Culver City, California.

The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

Your heart will rejoice as you learn the ways the Holy Spirit draws us to Jesus. Jesus was the fulfillment of many Biblical prophecies, but prophecy is more than historical proof of a Messiah. It is a daily revealing of Jesus to us by the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit’s function to glorify God and reveal Jesus to us. Jesus said that when the promised Comforter, the Holy Spirit, would come to the Church, He would testify of Jesus. When we come to truth, it is the Holy Spirit who guides us in our search. We can trust God’s Holy Spirit. After we have come to truth, we are to abide in Christ Jesus. Abiding prepares us to be used by the Holy Spirit to testify of our Savior. To have an effective testimony of Jesus, we must let the Holy Spirit school and lead us, so that through our love and obedience, Christ Jesus will be formed in us. The Holy Spirit opens Scripture to us to show us things that are and things that are to come. He is the only One who can do this. When the testimony of Jesus Christ truly lives in us, then we are prepared to preach Him to the whole world with signs following. This book, The Testimony of Jesus Is the Spirit of Prophecy, opens Scripture and reveals Jesus to us in a new way.

Author Bio

Nannette Dalton, lives in Raleigh, North Carolina. She is a graduate of Miracle Valley Bible College in Bisbee, Arizona. In 2004, she traveled to Zimbabwe, Africa, where she taught in a conference on prayer. ere she had the privilege of seeing the Lord manifest Himself to His people wanting to know Him more intimately and be lead by His Holy Spirit.

Catalog description

The Holy Spirit is the only one who can reveal Jesus to us. This book opens the Scripture to us, and shows us how Jesus is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit, from Genesis to Revelation.

Kingdoms and Empire: Dark Rage

In a universe where magic and science exist, two nations battle for dominance. The Utopian Kingdom ruled by the beautiful and wise Princess Asora, and the Darkcon Empire ruled by the cunning and sensuous Queen Laxur. War has broken out between these two nations. Queen Laxur seeks the ultimate magical power, while her little sister Princess Asora hopes that new technology with magic can defeat her mad sister and her wicked empire.

As Princess Asora battles her enemies outside the Utopian Kingdom, forces within her own kingdom conspire against her and her revolutionary idea’s to change the kingdom and it’s ways. The Utopian Kingdom is degrading, and Asora is trying to initiate change that can save it from stagnation and extinction.

There are also other forces out there that threaten the Utopian Kingdom as well.

Powerful ancient forces will also waken to wreak havoc on both sides.

About the author:

Well I’m a Navy veteran, and I now work in the aerospace manufacturing business. I’m an automation technician and I live near Seattle, WA. I started work on the Kingdoms and Empires series back in 2001 while I was still in high school. I wanted to make a crossover between traditional fairy tale fantasies and contemporary science fiction. I took my two favorite story books from the time (Hans Christian Andersen’s the Little Mermaid, and Tom Clancy’s Hunt for the Red October) and practices merging them. This was the genesis for what would eventually become Kingdoms and Empires.

Through the years, the Author and his wife of sixty years have enjoyed traveling to many parts of the world. They reside in the cattle ranching country of north central Texas. The Briney’s have five adult grandchildren and two great grandchildren.