
Pursuit of a Passion

ā€œAfter being pronounced dead in the hospital, I came back to life…ā€

In this manuscript, the author writes about his drama-filled existence that has taught him many important life lessons. The book begins with Mr. Finkley sharing memories of growing up under the roof of a strict father in Virginia. Enlisting in the United States Army pushed Mr. Finkleyā€™s personality and beliefs to the brink of falling apart. After barely escaping service with his personality intact, the author began to embrace his true self. Writing helped guide Mr. Finkley into following his dreams. The manuscript concludes with ā€œAbraham Jr.ā€™s Corner,ā€ a story about following ā€œone of the few free black families in the southā€ following World War II. This work may appeal to readers who enjoy inspirational books.

His Seven Priorities

Behind the seven symbolic annual festivals, established by God for Israel soon after crossing the Red Sea, were hidden God’s seven strategies for the salvation of all men! This 200-page book is an expose of these divine strategies. God today commands believers everywhere to unite on these grounds. It is the revelation of the moment, a must-read for all Christians, Jews, and Muslims!

In this thought-provoking and highly revealing book, Cyprian Agbazue sets out not to reinvent parroted ideas and knowledge about the Scripture. He reaches for an inner understanding of God’s plan and purpose for mankind…just like the hidden treasures of God, His Seven Priorities lays them bare for the spirit-filled mind.

With this volume, Agbazue indeed arms the believer for life’s many struggles.

(Professor Pat Utomi, Director, Pan-African University, Lagos, Nigeria)

Author Bio

Cyprian Agbazue is the president of the International Foundation for Christian Unity (IFCU), a nongovernmental organization in Nigeria promoting worldwide Christian unity.

A child of non-Christian parents, he was baptized into the Catholic Church at the age of nine. At thirty-five, he dropped out of the Catholic Church. In 1986, he rediscovered his faith in a Pentecostal Church. After two years, he was nominated for pastoral ordination, but hours before his acceptance, the Lord redirected him back to the Catholic Church.

Eventually he became an impactful leader within the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria and later the Vice Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council at Archangels Catholic Church Satellite Town in Lagos, Nigeria.

Cyprian Agbazue is married to Chinyere Agbazue, a medical practitioner, and they are blessed with three adult sons and a daughter.

He is currently a National Director serving in the South-West Region of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International.

The Silent Armageddon

The events about to unfold could have taken place five years ago or could very well happen a week from now. The origin could come from any of many sources, with slight variations in the onset, but each leading to the same inevitable conclusion. These multiple sources could be the results of an economic collapse, pandemic, solar flare or as in this case an electrical magnetic pulse or E.M.P. The fundamental results would have been nearly identical. Banks would suddenly close, the government would shut down, and government checks (all subsidies) would come to an abrupt end. The inner cities would be the first to explode into violence throughout the streets and erupting into total and complete social chaos evolving into anarchy.

Stores would be vandalized and food deliveries to these urban hell holes would stop immediately. This would then lead to escalating violence. Most people would seek shelter in their homes waiting for the local or federal government to intervene, while others would try to fend for their families. Then there would be those that would see this as an opportunity riot, steal, rape and destroy. Hence in the blink of an eye an unsuspecting nation is swept into ā€œThe Silent Armageddon.ā€.ā€

About the author:

Eugene Itnyre resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Received a B.A. in History at Aquinas College. Having worked at the M.G.M. Grand Hotel and Casino for nearly 14 years in the Security Department. I had the opportunity to work many various special details. Often this included the Security of various dignitaries. This allowed me to work alongside and in conjunction with various other security forces. This including: Secret Service, Scotland Yard, Mossad, Department of Homeland Security and Las Vegas Metro Police Department.

Being a licensed Open Water Diver and avid snorkeler it was from these multiple experiences that assisted me in drawing various ideas for the construction of this novel, along with a lot of research. The majority of the book is based on fact with only a few cases of falling back on literary licensing. This is a wake-up call to the people that havenā€™t had the time or opportunity to keep up on events taking place in the world today.

If It’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Well

Ken Wiginton and his sister were raised by their loving and incredible mother in Ballinger, Texas. Because their mother doesnā€™t have the resources to send them both to school, Mr. Wiginton worked hard to find a way to change their lives. After his senior year, he was fortunate enough to receive a full athletic scholarship to play football and basketball at San Angelo Junior College for a year and then transferred to Sam Houston State University.

His four years in college were very significant for him. He enjoyed playing football and basketball. He met new friends and married the best-looking girl on campus. They were blessed with 2 beautiful children, Lee Glyndon Wiginton and Jill Ann Wiginton.

If itā€™s Worth Doing, Itā€™s worth Doing Well is a book about his High School Coaching career which began in 1963 up to 1999, Thirty-Six glorious years of doing something he loved and got paid for. This book will walk you through all his Ups and Downs as a coach, the schools he worked for and the athletes he coached.

Author Bio

Ken Wiginton is an award-winning basketball and football coach and was a health instructor in eight different schools for 36 years. He spends most of his time supporting his son Lee Wiginton who is following his footsteps as a coach. Currently, he lives in Lampasas Texas with his wife and cat.

Words Of Wisdom

In the beginning of this book is things I have pondered about on how to teach our children to think beyond this world and to use their inner man to help them become productive children and adults in this world. Furthermore, it more than just an enlightenment to your soul, it is some life changing experiences and advice that I have given to many and I used this to bring about awareness to oneā€™s situation especially in your lonely hours when you are searching for answers. In this book I am giving you the wisdom that was bestowed upon me to help me overcome and to win the war when I was going through my trials and tribulations.

About the author:

I, Sheila Pettigen, Iā€™m a gentle, loving spirit to all who have crossed my path. Furthermore, I also love to write my thoughts on paper especially when I have some alone time, I can hear what thus said the Lord. Also, when the spirit leads me, I love sharing my life experiences and giving advice to those who need it. I am here to tell you that God is no respecter of person what he has done for me in my darkest hours, he will do the same for you, all you have to do is seek him first.

High Jinks in High Places

A story of murder, espionage, and terrorism comes together when private investigator, Jordan Anderson teams up with Senate oversight committee investigator, George Kilburn to discover how and why a highly classified, early warning security system that was being shipped from the Arlington, Virginia warehouse of the Kingman Corporation to their warehouse in Seattle, Washington for testing, ends up in Afghanistan. The sudden death, thought to be caused by a massive heart attack, of the Arlington warehouse disbursement officer further complicates the puzzle when it is found that the death was actually a highly unusual and well-planned murder that was essential in carrying out the deception. The two investigators also discover that they make quite a team in more ways than one.

About the author:

Ruth Barrett was born in New York and raised in Georgia. As an adult, her work with the federal government brought her to Virginia where she has lived for more than thirty years.

The Legend of D’Woof-ta, The Little White Wolf: How the First Snow Came

In the beginning of time, all the free people roamed the fields, plains, and forests of the new world and grew in numbers until the lands became over crowded. The animals became hungry. Father Time saw the problem and, one moonlit night, brought forth the Great Mother Wolf from the waters of the first spring. He then charged her to take from the free peoples the old,
sick, and injured so that the strongest and fittest would share the gifts of the new world. Soon the Mother Wolf became overwhelmed with the task that Father Time had given her. She went to Father Time and begged for some helpers. That night she was given four new cubs that looked just like her. The animals were very unhappy and went to Mother Nature to complain that they could not rest because of all the new wolves.

About the author:

Dr. Clifton E. Stine is a professional engineer with over forty years of experience in defense programs. He has applied his innovation and creativity to many of the most challenging issues confronting the modern world. When his daughter asked him, ā€œWhere does snow come from?ā€ he collected all his experience and knowledge to create the Legend of the White Wolf and how a mistake by Mother Natureā€™s magic butterflies caused Father Time to make the first snow and create all the seasons now and for all time.

The Communication Gap: Breaking the Cosmic Communication Barrier

Breaking the cosmic communication barrier is breaking the constricted barrier of the dual mind. Have you ever wondered why there are those who have ears that hear not and eyes that see not? It is evident that itā€™s not enough to simply hear or see things, for there is something missing when one simply does that.

By breaking the barrier of the dual mind, we come to see and not see at the same time, and to hear and not hear at the same time. We come to have ears that hear and eyes that see. This is why the deaf are said to hear and the blind are said to see.

Ghost Wolf: A New Adventure Novel

Ethan and Eva Thomas live on a sheep ranch with their father and aunt. As an avid amateur photographer of local wildlife, twelve year old Ethan deplores hunting and guns of any kind. As an animal lover, he maintains a small ā€œtrauma wardā€ in the back of his fatherā€™s barn where he nurses wounded animals back to health, then frees them into their natural habitat.
Eva, his ten year old sister, inherited more of her fatherā€™s genes and as a consequence, loves guns and hunting and aspires to be a big game hunter and explorer in the Alaska wilderness. Although both enjoy ranch life and the great outdoors, their different natures are constantly at odds with each other.

Then, then, is the story of how a gentle-hearted boy and his tomboy kid sister meet the challenge of dealing with a mysterious white wolf and a terrifying grizzly bear aptly named, ā€œOlā€™ Luciferā€ who roams the foothills of the Grizzly Mountain Range.

About the author:


Richard Haesche


Whose stories haveā€¦

a beginning to grab you,
a middle to hold you
and an ending to haunt you!

Richard lives in a small town in Connecticut. He spent most of his life working as an accountant and field auditor specializing in finance and taxes. It wasnā€™t until after he retired from the work force that he found the time to prioritize his creative aspirations by becoming a compulsive writer. After graduating from The Institute For Childrenā€™s Literature in Westport, Connecticut, he began writing Young Adult and Middle-Grade Juvenile novels. His writing environment consists of a small room, a big desk, a computer, a couple of printers and his inventory of paperback novels.

Anxious to begin writing, he wrote his very first young adult novel in thirty days. After revising, editing and formatting phases were complete, his first manuscript was sent to publishing houses all around the United States, only to return each time accompanied by the standard rejection slip.

Undiscouraged, he wrote five more novels, both young adult and mid-grade juvenile plus a large collection of childrenā€™s short stories and poems, all of which he will soon begin to market on his website: www.kreativexpressionsonline.com

They will appear not only in paperback form, but also able to be downloaded as E-Books for people to read on their handheld PDAs. Additionally, he will be marketing his works on CDs and, if things go well, perhaps as audio books.

Another Day Another Step Closer

A 17-year-old girl who became a vampire hunter after the murder of her parents. She is kidnapped by the one who killed her parents. It becomes her goal to find a way to escape the island she is on while also fighting her feelings for her captor. As time goes on, she learns some family secrets that could possibly alter the way she looks at the world. Will it be enough to save her or will she meet the same fate as her parents?

About the author:

Kassandra Tobeck is a wife and a mother of two. She enjoys being a mother and looking out for her family. Though this hasnā€™t always been the case. Growing up, she was always the one being picked on in school. This brought her to diving into her own fictional world where she found a way to get her stress out even if it meant putting her characters through Hell to make the day go a little easier. Writing always gave her a sense of calm whenever she felt lost and could always count on her characters when she needed them most.