
Hagatha and the Miracle

A city witch decides to visit a country school. Using her shape-shifting skills she manages to join a third-grade classroom without being detected. There she experiences the effect of a school bully in the class.

Hagatha is upset until she witnesses the miracle generated by a good deed.

About the author:

As a teacher, Ruth Amutice has had the opportunity to study classroom dynamics for many years. She is convinced that all of a teacher’s preparation and skill is wasted unless every child feels accepted and fully noticed.

Dragon Scale

Enter an enchanted land where big dogs talk, and fighting horses are fearless, when you journey into the pages of Dragon Scale: The Medallion. In Dorothy L. Smith’s exciting new world, you will meet Donil, a stalwart young knight; Bailee, the little orphan girl who must grow up too quickly; and most of all, Tasara, young, beautiful, lithe and a fierce warrior. Join the three them, along with their telepathic canine Colors, and their fighting steed, as they search for the key that will defeat the growing evil, and hopefully bring them all back once again to a land of happiness and peace. Read fantasy at its most magical and finest in Dragon Scale: The Medallion.

About the author:

Dorothy L. Smith has wanted to write since high school. But somewhere along the line “life and work got in the way.” In due time, however, she returned to the University of Central Oklahoma, got her M.A. in English, taught for a while, then began again to write. Now she resides on her farm in the Sooner State with her family. Her familiarity with and love of the land is evident in her writing. Dorothy is also a member of the Gold Prospectors of America. In fact, Dorothy keeps herself so busy that her husband Richard advises her “to stop, rest and write.”

The Liberal Lexicon: A Socialistic, Spiritualistic Encyclodictionary

The Liberal Lexicon: A Socialistic, Spiritualistic Encyclodictionary is an academic work, popularly written, in a class by itself. It is a hybrid encyclopedia and dictionary from a Socialist, Spiritualist perspective. It is lavishly laded with interesting incidentals, fascinating facts, amusing anecdotes, and profound editorials. This work is designed to fortify one’s vocabulary, while edifying one’s social conscience. This Progressive lexicon can be used as an alternative reference book, or a leisurely read through. It makes a marvelous traveling companion. I am certain that this book will open your eyes, move your mind, and sway your heart.

About the author:

Dr. Gary Joseph Pasieka (b. 1951) is an Educator, Philosopher, Metaphysician. He was born in Highland Park and raised in Hamtramck, two small industrial communities in the heart of Detroit. Dr. Pasieka earned his academic degrees at Detroit’s Wayne State University. He had served as a Teacher, School Administrator, and University Professor in Michigan, Texas, Indiana, Montana, and Venezuela. He presently resides in Trinity, Florida and Montego Bay, Jamaica. Dr. Pasieka has long been and advocate and defender of the poor, exploited, and oppressed. He is a devote Spiritualist and dedicated Socialist, a formidable combination.

New Jump Swing Healthy Aging and Athletic Nutrition Program

If you’ve ever heard of a diet that promised to give you more energy, New Jump Swing is the program that delivers 100% on that promise. Backed by more than 39 years of experience coupled with clinical documentation as well as world record demonstrations, New Jump Swing is a healthy aging program that combines the best in diet, fitness and motivational psychology. This book is the revised and updated version of two of Thomas’ world record speeches. Those speeches were titled “The history of herbs in maintaining physical fitness “and “Vegetarian Athletic Nutrition”. It also includes his record setting jump rope cross training fitness program.

About the author:

The King of New Jump Swing
Pioneering champion and three times Guinness record holder Donald Spiderman Thomas, has overcome great adversity in the development of his healthy aging and athletic nutrition program. From bilateral knee disease and surgery to respiratory illness, he has conquered them with a winning attitude, fitness and nutrition program that is contagious. Born September 21, 1953, he exudes the energy that he promotes his New Jump Swing program will give the reader. In the highly competitive anti-aging, diet and fitness “Game of Thrones”, he is the one with three dragons.

Tumulte en Terre Haute?

Ce roman, au fond, c’est le souffle d’un homme qui respire et transpire Terre Hautedans le moindre recoin de son être. Cet homme, c’est Anglaisien. Il porte en lui-mêmemille et un souvenirs deschoses et des gens qu’il a vus et entendus, et des histoires etexpériences qu’il a vécues. En dépit de sa peur, il est allé seul au cours de la nuit dans lagrotte. Son audace porte ses fruits. Il reçoit un appel de l’autre monde. Dans la grotte, aulieu de Sarasin, il se trouve face à une silhouette : c’est sa mère, Terre Haute. Il apprend deux vérités étonnantes et extraordinaires : d’abord, il est missionné, chargé de publier « la Cause de sa mère » ; celle-ci sera la Mère des Nations.Maintenant, ses chemins et ceux de la ravissante Miss Oloffson se croisent. Si aucommencement, il y avait Adam et Ève, à la veille de l’émergence de la Terre desNations, il y a lui, Anglaisien, et Miss Oloffson. Vu leur passion pour elle, seront-ils roi et reine en Terre Haute ? Celle-ci a une alliance solide et sûre avec Suezza, le pays d’origine de Miss Oloffson et toutes ses autres soeurs. L’émergence de Terre Haute, Terre des Nations, ce nouveau centre de l’univers, aura-t-elle bientôt lieu ? Dans cette oeuvre à l’allure merveilleuse, féerique et prophétique, plusieurs mondes, plusieurs niveaux de symbolisme, de mystères et de connaissances semblent cohabiter, se connecter ou s’entrecroiser. Les lieux, les nombres, les personnages semblent allégoriques et porteurs aussi de messages codés. À tous ceux qui s’intéressent au devenir d’Haïti, aux mystères de son sol, de son sous-sol, à ses eaux, ses grottes, ses ruines indiennes et coloniales, le romancier Roland Rodené, né à Les Anglais, Haïti, Ami de Dieu, auteur de Cynbel et Zothia, détenteur d’une licence en économie et d’une maîtrise en commerce international de l’université de Boston, offer de quoi fouiller, questionner, examiner, réfléchir, comparer pour aller plus loin dans la connaissance des mythes et mystères d’Haïti. Car quand il s’agit d’Haïti, la fiction n’est jamais loin du réel, et vice versa. Luc Remy, Professeur, Auteur de Réflexions Stratégiques sur Haïti.

Turmoil in Highland?

This novel is the story of a man who lives and breathes High Land in the very fiber of his being. This man is Anglaisien. He carries a thousand and one memories of things and people, both seen and heard, as well as life stories and experiences. In spite of his fear, he goes alone at night to the cave. His audacity bears fruit. He receives a call from the other world. In the cave, instead of Sarasin, he finds himself face to face with a silhouette; it is his mother, High Land. He learns two astonishing and extraordinary truths: firstly, that he has been given a mission — to publish “His Mother's Cause” ; and secondly that she will be the Mother of All Nations.

Now, he and the ravishing Miss Oloffson cross paths. If in the beginning there was Adam and Eve, on the eve of the emergence of the Land of Nations, there is Anglaisien and Miss Olofsson. Given their passion for High Land, will they become King and Queen? High Land is in solid alliance with Suezza, Miss Olofsson's native country and all of her sister-nations. The emergence of High Land, Land of All Nations, this new center of the universe — will this soon take place?

In this work of marvelous, magical and prophetic allure, many worlds, many levels of symbolism, mystery, and knowledge seem to exist together, interconnect, or intersect. The places, numbers, and characters seem allegorical and resemble carriers of coded messages.

To all those who are interested in the emergence of Haiti, in its earthly and subterranean mysteries, in its waters, caves, Indian and colonial ruins, the novelist Roland Rodené, born in Les Anglais, Haiti, friend of God, author of “Cynbel and Zothia,” holder of a Bachelor's degree in Economics and a Master's Degree in Administrative Studies (Multinational Commerce) from Boston University, offers much to question, examine, compare, and reflect upon in a quest to delve more deeply into the myths and mysteries of Haiti.

For, when it concerns Haiti, fiction is never very far from reality, and vice versa.

Tina and Rudy

“But Rudy, you cannot give up these things: pasture, riding, planting peas
and prick herbs.”
“Never, Miss. Lucienne! If I don’t do them, I betrayed my farming
country, I betrayed my origins, I betrayed my parents, and I betrayed you
too, the people of the city.”
If chance exists destiny too.
Free people are rich.
Young people are capable! Do not limit them!
Never betray your friends!
A good friend can be of any nationality!
Some men are transnational.
Answer the call of your heart!
e world is for us.
Give and take!
If we need intelligence and courage for life, of course, to die well, we need
faith in God through his Son Jesus Christ.
is is the content of Tina & Rudy.
About the author:

Roland Rodene was born in Les Anglais, Haiti. Friend of God, author of Cynbel & Zothia and Turmoil in High Land? He holds a Bachelor in Economics and a Masters in International Commerce from Boston University.

Moses and Roses: The Story of Texas | Was Grandfather Butch Cassidy

The book titled “Was Grandfather Butch Cassidy” is a saga about my grandfather in his last days in Arizona. The book titled “Moses and Roses” is the story of early Texas.

About the author:

Author, Richard Pickens Cobb, has authored 17 folklore books about heroes of Texas and the Southwest. Pictured at the Texas State History Museum in Austin, Texas.

She is a Pearl of Great Price: Finding Her Worth

Helen Anderson Baffuto’s first book weaves a timeless message of a young woman struggling to find the value of her life. She relates to that place in each of our hearts that questions, “Am I worth loving?”. On her quest she sees a unique pearl in a jewelry store window that would lead her to the answer that she has been searching for so long.

There was someone who knew and understood how valuable she was and just how much she was loved.

Share in the truth that was revealed to her and see that the answer has been there all the time.

About the author:

Helen Anderson Baffuto is an author who has an inspirational gift for storytelling. She resides in New York with her husband. This is her first published book. She is currently working on her next book.

Blood Passion Book III: Child of Malice



The continuance of the Modern Gothic American Horror conflict; between the untainted Passions of Good and the unbridled Horrors of Evil, for which the ingenuous through no fault of their own are compelled to deal with, because of being endowed with the obstinate curse of a life sustaining need, to ingest fresh Blood of living beings on a regular basis.

This astonishing Novel is the telling of Rachael’s coming of age story, and of how she must handle her extraordinary way of life, in which, the iniquitous ravenous desire to consume the fresh Blood of a living organism must ensue to sustain her very own strange dilemma of being born from what was once the tainted Love, between a Normal Human Mother and a Living Vampire Father.


Also included is a three chapter Bonus prequel Novella.